[3.1] vitto's Thunder Striker / League STARTER to MASTER in 1 / AC SS 2 Curse Inquisitor
After a quick fix-I'd grabbed the wrong ascendancy from Cruel, as I hadn't realized how important Consecrated Ground was to our sustain-I'm steadily pushing through early maps, starting tier 3 later today after doing all the t1 and t2 I have. Mjolnir with Ball Lightning COH Conductivity, and then Wrath to use up the mana freed up that way (I also don't have a Vaal Grace yet, so I'm using increased AOE attached to Rallying Cry.)
One thing I'd recommend is if you want a big power oomph in the mid-game, buying up all-damage abyssals. At some point I'll want to tweak mine to more offensive options, but stuff like 12-27 fire, 4-55 lightining, 15-32 cold on mace, and 6-8 phys on mace I managed to pick up for just 2c. |
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" Noice! I'm taking a break for work but I should be back to playing soon, meanwhile it's nice having feedback like this, I'll have to try out running Mjolnir. |
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I was lucky enough to get an ex early, so I figured testing out some stuff was worth doing.
I even just picked up the unique stygian vise, it was a huge boost too. Expensive as hell, but with how powerful they are the way I see it I'm spending 13c on the belt for every character I play this league. |
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I used this as a template for my current build. Completing the campaign was a breeze for the most part, just grabbing an upgrade off the market for an alch once things slowed down, which wasn't often. I ended up using a total of 3 clubs till the end. Started dying a lot due to low life setup, but starting to rectify the gear rush. Currently level 78, just completed the 3rd ascendancy and am moving fairly easily through low tier maps.
Leveling Tip: Pick up Wake of Destruction boots 4-link, cheap 1 alch, the damage add is fantastic and I still am having a hard time letting them go. Geofri's Crest is also recommended for it's early resists. Keep multistrike in the weapon swap to tag in on boss fights, build does seem to have harder time with single target damage Now I'm rounding out the build with some more health. I deviated a fair amount from the suggested passive tree, a little lighter on the life opting for more damage & armor, some minor route efficiency changes, and though there are some things I'll probably redo later for survivability purposes. I lucked out on an exalt drop and picked up an item that fits excellently with the build: Impresence Oynx Amulet = free conductivity aura I run both Enfeeble and Conductivity as auras and moved the golem to be part of the Immortal Call chain. Another change is adding in Tempest Shield, chained with Hearld of Thunder for duration and blind. Culling strike seemed unnecessary as most things die so quickly from all the AoE the build outputs. Having the additional block % and blind procs seems worth it. I also opt to run both Leap Slam & Shield Charge I enjoy the extra mobility that having both offer, may have to give that up as I finalize, but it's fantastic for running through the acts & trials. I've held onto the Wake boots (so much dps!) and Geofri's helm for too long and am planning to switch them out, though currently getting by. I figure I'll get the boots & helm sorted out once I decide on which chest piece to go for. Hoping to get a 5-link prophecy and pick up one of the unique armor/energy chests. Meanwhile working off of a 5-link rare with okay stats. I'm considering going for the Doryani's scepter once I can afford it! I opted to not go Inevitable Judgement. 10% elemental penetration vs 50% attack speed, mana regen + energy sheild regen, and ailment immunity seemed too good to pass up! Probably will try to compare with regrets later, but I couldn't get over missing out on all the crit bonuses. Planner link That's been my experience! Thanks for providing the framework, I'm interested in seeing where the build goes from here! I'd enjoy feedback, so please let me know your thoughts! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย cadamire#0848 เมื่อ 16 ธ.ค. 2017 07:22:31
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I used this as a baseline for my starter in abyss sc. A few notes from my personal experience-
-There are no "required" uniques, but I have to say as I approached end game, taking away RT and adding Augyre seemed to improve my enjoyment of this build immensely. The extra passives I put into skull cracking. Also Atziri's promise is cheap but makes such a difference, face tank those abyss rares! -Also regarding flasks, wise oak obviously is nice but isn't easy to maximize the benefits of as a starter build since you need to be precise with your resistance numbers. I feel having a good basalt and/or granite is way more useful in a rubber meets the road kind of way. -I'm still only in white maps but I fail to see the point of putting passives into the endurance charge/duration nodes so early while leveling. My opinion is that into white maps its better spent on solidity or life nodes. -Lavianga's war hammer and storm charger boots were helpful leveling uniques. -Despite the PoB link having GG expensive gear, this is definitely possible as a league starter. Thanks Vitto, fun build and appreciate the detailed leveling trees! |
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This author's build is complete trash in terms of dps. You won't be able to run maps higher than tier 11 with all his "high end" gear in pob. Try to search for a better one.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย PoliteElk#3120 เมื่อ 14 ม.ค. 2018 08:35:33
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" Feel free to enlighten everyone with some tips on making the dps less "trash". Or did you just stop by to make an asshole comment? Ironic considering your name. |
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This hasn't been updated in a while but thought I'd weigh in. I've used the build since the start and I'm currently running T8 maps fairly regularly. Clearing is quick and enjoyable, the only issue is single target. Killing bosses is so slow with SS and the gear I'm using doesn't afford me the chance to just stand and blast bosses forever. What would be a good alternative? It would have to be a red gem due to linking and stuff so storm call/lightning tendrils aren't possible.. any ideas?
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