[3.6] Ele Spectral Throw Slayer/Pathfinder (7.5k+ HP, 1.5M+ Shaper DPS, All Content down- VIDS)

alevil1234 เขียน:
Akalamiammiam เขียน:
Frostblade is your friend (and Molten Strike for single target) !

Dual Last Resort at level 1 until level 26 where you use dual Ewar's Mirage, which should carry you with other twink gear.
Daresso's Passion (level 43) can be good too if you lack a bit of damageand don't mind clearing slightly slower (but it's leveling so, not really important).
Then getting a decent 350+ eDps foil should not cost a lot.

Twink gear I can think of are :
- Amulet : Karui Ward (lvl 5) and Sacrificial Heart (lvl 32)

- Rings : Blackheart (lvl 1), Tasalio's Sign (lvl 20) and Thief's Torment (lvl 30)

- Belt : Meginord's Girdle (lvl 8) and Prismweave (lvl 25). An all res String of Servitude (lvl 1) can also be really gkood to help capping resistances early

- Boots : Wake of Destruction (lvl 28), or basically anything with high MS (I like WoD because of the bonus damage). There are also the obvious Seven League Step (lvl 1) (expensive) and Abberath's Hooves (lvl 12) (less but still expensive for twink gear)

- Gloves : Lochtonial Caress (lvl 1) and Hrimsorrow (lvl 9)

- Helm : Obviously Goldrim (lvl 1)

- Body : Obviously Tabula (be careful with the mana cost)

Note that most of these don't have (if any) a lot of life on hit, depending on how well you know the game, you might die a bit if you wear all of those, so feel free to get some other pieces with life !

Edit : As for when to go ST, that's up to you. I think I went for it when I got two Daresso's Passion, but only because I like to play my "endgame" skill as soon as possible (as long as it's not crap). You can wait a bit more, FB+MS can carry you to A10 without issues.
Try to sometimes swap gems to a ST setup, use it a bit and see if you're okay with it

Thats very detailed thanks mate. Gonna start on thursday until then im gonna be a burial chambers slave.

Excellent info lol, saving this :D
SnowBerry1984 เขียน:
thanks for the build is very strong)

Glad you enjoy it
Hey, wich stats should I focus on the Watcher's Eye ? Both stats on Wrath is too expensive for my budget, which one should I take ?
JordanBosle เขียน:
Hey, wich stats should I focus on the Watcher's Eye ? Both stats on Wrath is too expensive for my budget, which one should I take ?

Depends on your gear and stuff. Make an item in POB with pen and make another with crit and see how much you get per percent, that's what I did to figure it out.
Possible to MF with this build using 2x ventors+mby a shaped amulet?

Also your guide seems to be missing a leveling guide or am I just blind?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย honerpro#4434 เมื่อ 24 มิ.ย. 2018 04:14:35
I'm looking for an upgrade, but i have no idea what to chang.
honerpro เขียน:
Possible to MF with this build using 2x ventors+mby a shaped amulet?

Also your guide seems to be missing a leveling guide or am I just blind?

Prolly possible if ya wanna run lower maps, won't be able to do guards or shaper very well... Leveling guide just use the trees and level with molten strike or frost blades.
Uber Elder Down, kinda undergeared I guess, it was hard.
Hey, managed to get a ring with sassin mark on hit, What do you think i should replace the curse on hit setup with? think it would be worth going enlighten 4 with an extra herald or something else?

ty in advance.
Well done



