[3.6] Ele Spectral Throw Slayer/Pathfinder (7.5k+ HP, 1.5M+ Shaper DPS, All Content down- VIDS)
Could this skilltree be used as a shell for simply making a molten strike character, using phys dmg foil? Maybe just pick up some more life?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย har101#2760 เมื่อ 2 ก.พ. 2019 17:05:57
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" The 15% pen on the weapon might and should yield you better dps on those foils. Also, how r u getting one shot with 7.8k life? if ur resists r overcapped for ele weakness/use warding flask, you should rarely be getting one shot. I do not recommend CoE and running duel wield. You can make up a lot of the dmg lost with a good dps shield and the leech is wasted. I can sustain overleech through any map during the entire duration even with blood rage running. Not only this but you can get valuable resists and 100+ flat life and with the right tree, thats around 400 life difference. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย KiwiPumkin#6031 เมื่อ 3 ก.พ. 2019 02:07:40
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Thanks for this build. I started playing again recently after a 5 year or so hiatus, and wanted to run a ST build (I previously ran a ST CoC Discharge build). I didn't find leveling with the build terrible as others have mentioned, but I haven't leveled other characters so I can't make any comparisons.
I've seen Paradoxica mentioned a few times on the thread, but I just wanted to point out that ANY attack speed/quality & elemental penetration Paradoxica rivals mirror-quality weapons with this build. A 16% attack speed/18% quality (quality isn't important but might as well take it over level 1 blood rage that can be coupled to AS) and 16% elemental penetration weapon with Lycosidae appears to be best in slot for my current gear setup, the gear setup I'm aiming for, and the gear setup on every single person on this thread that has linked POB information. Considering you can pick up a bottom tier Paradoxica for a handful of chaos, and I snagged one with Perfect 16as/18qu/16el pen for 8 ex, I think people should aim for that instead of buying a mirrored weapon. The thing to note is that Paradoxica's unique modifier of dealing double damage is neither reflected in tooltip dps in game, or in Path of building unless you replace that specific line with "Attacks with this weapon have 100% chance to deal double damage" |
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Current Gear
I've been crafting and minmaxing the build a bit more and I've reached 7.1k life and 1.42mil shaper dps. Considering this is with no mirrored gear, I think ive done pretty well. " Regarding Paradoxica, I actually have that exact mod paradoxica just for testing purposes. I do go up to 1.6mil dps with that weapon+lycosidae but I go down to 6.9k life and I need to juggle resists and int which probably means after further adjustments, it would put me about the same as that 1.42 mil mark. Not to mention the much slower attack speed so the whirl is gonna feel kinda bad. |
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" Is 6.9k health not enough? I feel like that's enough. I can see having to juggle resists but there are 2 +30 int nodes right along the carved path for this build. With these 160 int is achievable with 0 int on gear. In my case I decided to do just that instead of picking up point blank since you basically have to be inside the mob to actually have a range of 1. You'd be surprised how close even 10 units is. Not to mention you lose damage on returning hits since the distance counter keeps going up (even with slower projectiles, my ST travels over 30 units each direction and I have close to no projectile speed and no decel enchant). I feel like Point Blank is more of a PoB dps inflating tool than an actual dps increase, although it can add some actual dps when you're able to facetank. You could easily drop 2 points from elsewhere without losing 180k dps or significant other stats though. As for the slow attack speed, meh. For ST it doesn't matter, and unless you actually whirl for movement speed, it will hardly make a difference. I personally use Rotgut for movement because trololol. |
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" Personally not a fan of taking any stat nodes unless the build specifically revolves around it. I rather regear to get the int needed because imo those nodes are wasted. Point blank gives you 50% more dmg up to 10 units not 1. For it to be SAME dmg as without needs around 35-37 units. After that, it goes down. Yes distance meter continues to tick but it caps at -50 less dmg. Not only this but to actually get to the -50 less dmg mark, you need around 150 projectile distance. Spectral throw does not travel anywhere close to that with slower projectiles. This means the way back isnt actually that big of a dmg loss since we travel 60 distance as you mentioned above (lets be conservative and say the way back travels 80 units then hits->only 17% less dmg whereas outward projectile is at 50% more dmg = averages out to more dmg). If you clip the boss with the end of your ST, it can hit up to 3-5(depending on enchant) times and all 3-5 times will be more dmg than without pointblank if your oneway is less than 35-37. Yes 10 unit mark off for 50% more dmg is still pretty close but thats why I now have 7.4k life to facetank most things. |
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" Your'e saying 2 nodes is a waste, however having int on a gear would also a waste because it could have a different stat in the int's place. O.o To each their own though. And yes, it will do 50% more damage up to 10 units away, that's why I mentioned the 10 units thing. Buuuuuut you're saying you're going to be less than 10 units away, but also say you can hit the boss 3-5 times at the max range of the throw. That's the problem. To maximize damage per hit with PB, you need to be on top of the boss. For max hits per second, you need the boss to be at the (near) furthest point of the throw. I'm not denying it adds more dps. It does. I'm denying it adds anywhere near the amount of dps PoB says it will, especially when people are putting a distance of 1, 10, or anything less than the max range of their st with slower projectiles. Without determining projectile travel distance on a character and computing some hardcore calculations, it's difficult to put an actual % increase on Point Blank. Therefore I feel like PB on PoB is just kind of a more discreet "target is shocked" checkbox. Does it add dps? Yes. Does it add 50% dps? That's literally impossible even under perfect conditions. The reason I personally don't spec PB is while it does add Shaper dps, I would do less dps in 99.99% of the content I do because I just use GMP for everything else. I also specced out of the 7 points connecting the tree to the ranger startpoint and connected the two branches of the tree elsewhere. That way I can easily spec into other ascendencies should I choose to do so. So I'm arguably just a noob with strange worldviews. lol |
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" Only possible places are shield rings boots and belt. My belt is fully crafted so no there. Boots are filled with resists so no. Only place that leaves is rings and shield and the only good suffixes are resists or small attack speed. Realistically it wont be resists because you can just get better gear to free it up. 3-5% attack speed vs 2 passive points. I rather get 2 passive points. The point blank stuff, I was just trying to say that if you are using slower projectiles with ST, its a dps increase in any situation. How much dps increase will depend on your positioning. But if your dps isnt high enough, point blank might feel bad during general gameplay. I oneshot most packs anyways with or without point blank so for me its just a dps increase in certain situations. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย KiwiPumkin#6031 เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2019 15:32:38
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" Are you joking? xD You got 2 mirror pieces and maybe 150-200 exalt of gear on the rest.. I would say the items you showcase are atleast 600+ ex, especially cause of the cost of a mirror service.. (2 mirrors + 50-100 ex pr. mirror gear service is already above 400ex worth total) Don't lie to these guys man .. |
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"Maybe he means 200ex for the level of his gear. Not 200ex for his gear total. He DID say in his post that all the videos were made before having mirror tier gear... แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LegendaryKryzz#7545 เมื่อ 14 ก.พ. 2019 13:32:58
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