[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth
In case you're wondering when are new videos coming, i've died once again at lvl 89 to a DC right in front of 3 packs of monsters (including EK ghosts). Was leaving closed area into open one in Factory, couldn't kill monsters from range. Didn't lose much outside of level and quality CA gems. Almost back on track (again).
Btw. it's Dankaw, the "W" is important >:( " I didn't answer to this sooner because Zarynthian already said everything. Overall, progression section already has everything you need to know. " The problem with Quill Rain is that it changes the playstyle drastically. There's no upside over +3 bow if you're using normal setup. All it does is consumsing your mana faster and the only reason to use it is Mirage Archer which is another hit to damage output. Using Witchfire brew helps to fix damage issues until you hit 60% less curse effectiveness / hexproof map, then damage suffers greatly again. Damage against bosses becomes very low, forcing you to use another damage setup (prolly Toxic Rain)... i could continue that chain reaction for a little while. At the end it becomes a completely different build. About rolling shaped quivers, you can use fossils (damn i should finish the guide) to massively increase chances of hitting +1. Corroded + Metallic Fossils takes out all prefixes but life, +1 arrow and movement speed. You should hit it in no time. Rigwald's is a good candidate to compete with shaped quiver, but that's super expensive item. I'll take +1 arrow quiver with life over Rigwald's but that's up to you. " The same way it looks in progression section, 6-linked bow. Buy it or gamble linking your current one (i always recommend the safer path). Shroud does NOTHING to this build. Every chest that's worth looking at is inside equipment section. Technically there are 2 more options (Kaom's and Lightning Coil) but they aren't optimal choices for all scenarios. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DankawSL#2030 เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2018 16:39:35
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Great build, thanks for making it. You mean have Pierce support gem until you take the "Piercing shot", or you meant something else?
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Do you have a recommended setup for HoGM? I know you said brass dome, which I'm working with. But should I change up my gear to go max life? Any other uniques to consider? Any tips to get through it? Pantheons?
Great build btw, been rocking it from league start! |
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" Yep, that's correct. " Brass Dome, Balefire and Ming's Heart last time i've been in HoGM 2 leagues ago. GGG changed their DoT scaling a little bit so i don't know how awful chaos DoT exiles are currently. Being elemental weakness capped is very much recommended as well against Elemental Equilibrium exiles. Brass Dome is purely for Danzig. You could potentially use Kintsugi with 50% reduced crit damage instead, but that might be hard to get this league (Kintsugi is ~20c in DHC). Overall, the most scary exiles in 3.2 were Danzig, CA/Blight exiles and RippyStarforgeLake (or sth like that). The last one is RT Lacerate and he hits like god damn truck while also being decently tanky (Leech or regen, don't remember). Blight exiles could delete you almost instantly if you got in their range without chaos res. I've used Lunaris and Ryslatha. You could potentially use Solaris for reduced crit damage and Shakari for CA exiles if they're still an issue. I have like 10 successful HoGM runs recorded in video section if you want to look at it. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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this can farm uberlab ?
How deep have you went in the mine? what do you mean when you say onslaught path? thx แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย venoxrs#1853 เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2018 07:14:04
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" yeah I didn't really get that part either. so I just put the first 4 points into frenzy. please work on that section to make it more clear op. why do I need phasing path when the 30% elemental damage don't even apply to the char 79 now, early map clearance is pretty fast esp since I found tabula and put lesser multiple and conc effect into it. I got one-shot a few times cause I only have 17% fire res and it's never been harder to improve my gear by crafting ever (I play since beta). ggg fucked with the numbers too much clearly. high level delves are risky esp when I try to sidestep to explore and get stuck (or rubberbanded) behind enemies (I guess phasing would indeed be handy in those situations). yet, I still can't see how this build is supposed to kill anything endgame. when you get hit hard and the hit gets through, you just die since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LMTR14#6725 เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2018 07:49:40
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Thanks for the build. In crap gear 5L +2bow it breezes trough uberlab and so far t11-12 maps.
Btw after several days of playing - i switched to pathfinder path w/o toxic rain|HoA just for flask uptime and aliment immunity. Also with so much free soc - Instead grace aura - using Herald of purity linked with minion health + res + duration bring ALOT of QoL, they stop huge amount of incoming damage and helps with positioning. |
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" Yes, i recommend at least lvl 85, 5,5k life +2 6-link bow and skill effect duration nodes picked up. Of course the higher level the safer. Depth 164 and i deleted everything on my path until i got oneshot by nothing (there's a screenshot somewhere in the thread). Raider has 3 ascendancy paths: Frenzy, Phasing and Onslaught. You use Frenzy + Phasing by default and respec later to Onslaught + Phasing for additional defence and speed. Check details in progression section. " Necessary info is there, phasing gives huge boost of defence and QoL. I don't think it should be necessary for me to explain what each node does when can read it yourself. This guide is already long enough. If mapping is fast now, why should you be worried about late game? You will get more damage as you level up and gear. Right now you deal barely ~1/3rd of the damage you will in the end game. If you have resistances below 75% at this point, it's kind of a red flag. Common sense says you should cap it. Another common practice is picking up life over damage... maybe you should both of them? Picking up rares to replace your current ones (like your rings/amulet) over going as fast as possible is also a good idea. And let's be honest, i should not be saying any of those tips to a long time player. For as long as i use this build, i did not have issues gearing up to maps. " Raider has elemental ailment immunity since ascendancy got introduced, just saying. I never had issues with flask uptime in the end game, you become fast enough for that to be possible on Raider. To be honest, bodyguards should not be necessary. Later on you will kill everything almost instantly (except in delves i guess), stepping to the side to dodge almost every projectile is a thing. I don't really see that setup bringing any real value. Oh well, if it works for you, i guess it's good enough. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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September 12th, 2018
* Guide was polished after a major update * Added minor stuff here and there that i don't really remember Other Ascendancies: * Added note to indicate that 3 following ascendancies don't generate frenzy charges passively. Gem Setups: * NEW SETUP: Purity of Ice (Delve league) * Additional defence against the weta's, their ice spikes and cold degen ground. * Grace / Vaal Grace isn't linked with CWDT Immortal Call anymore. It can still be linked if you want to. * Stone Golem is now optional. He died too often in high tier maps and i using him like 2 leagues ago. Still great for league start and against lab traps. CA Levelling: * Received many small updates over last 2 weeks. * Gem rewards are fixed now * I'll look at the guide again when i'll be adding Toxic Rain levelling. Crafting Section: * Added Fossil Crafting to +3 Bow / +3 Elder Bow. * The Fossil Crafting is NOT finished, as i don't have enough experience yet. It's still there as an option. * +3 Elder Bow received major revamp shortly after 7-link +3 bow crafting was confirmed. Focuses on 7-link and +1 arrow crafting, not both at once tho. What's next? Fossil crafting once i finally succeed at something. My methods should be correct, but i'm either getting very unlucky or the methods have too low probability. I've created a fossil cheat sheet for myself, you can take a look at it if you want. Might help you before the guide is finished. First videos should be here in few days, assuming i don't die again to forces outside of my influence. Toxic Rain levelling should be here soon. It won't be long, the text portion is still going to be inside CA levelling. As a side note, levelling with Toxic Rain and Quill Rain is ridiculously fast. Took me 3:40h to reach BA, and i didn't even have movement speed boots (~65% ms from flasks tho) Oh, and the last thing. Toxic Rain secondary setup is impossible to use with this build. Too much mana consumption and too little damage inside +3 bow. Quill rain would deplete whole mana pool in few seconds i believe. ED inside classic build is still the best option. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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Thanks for the guide. I came to find a witchbrew flask. So I don't need to apply despair via Frenzy. I thought about using Frenzy with withering touch. Does that make Sense? I really dont like the totem :( แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Void_xy#2904 เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2018 16:41:58
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