[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)
Will double check later, when I come home. But somehow I'm pretty sure that it capped my lack of fire resistance to 78, and I lost quite a lot of other with removing my rare chest piece,even managed to face tank tier 11 factory boss.
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So far I've done up to T14 Maps using my current gear and I was wondering what should my next upgrades be other than using more "increased elemental damage with attacks" and the frostblades enchant. I want to push to Guardians next, do you think my current gear is enough to do so? Also how much evasion is ideal? I'm not sure if I should upgrade my body to a base with better evasion.
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Sorry for the long post everyone. I just didn't feel like spamming the thread with 10 different posts just to answer you all. :)
"It's a good chest. There are many options though. Check the guide, it is updated with a couple of suggestions for chestpieces. "Yes, if you have a taste of hate, replace overflowing. "I would start looking for a rare claw, try getting a frost blades enchant on the helm, and start looking for rings with EDAS on them. How does it feel to play now btw? Working better than earlier? "The max resist mod sounds incredibly strong. Honestly that chest is so good, it's insane. The damage boost we could get from that is just stupid. The only downside I see with it is the lack of resists and evasion, as you mention. But idk.. Holy shit it's so good... It is definitely worth trying. "Yeah, I have to use vaal pact if I don't have bloodseeker. It may also be a decent idea to grab vitality void if the leech feels slow. I must've missed it in the PoB link. "Immortal call still works, even if you don't have endurance charges. Endurance charges just increase the duration. The base duration is very low though, so that's why increased duration comes in handy. When it comes to boss damage, unfortunately that is something that improves with gear and levels. There are people that play with molten strike as a boss setup (not sure what links they use), but I've never really felt that I need it. I know there is a templar inquisitor build that uses it. You could check that out for inspiration. Not sure what it's called though. The CWDT set-up is pretty much up to you. The advantage of having a low lvl CWDT is as you say that it proccs more often. But I find that when you play high-tier content it doesn't really matter much, since everything does so much damage anyway, so it will basically procc all the time anyway. One way is to adjust it to fit your stat requirements. Find some middle-ground. "When it comes to claws, it can be really tricky. I've said earlier that you should look for 330+ pdps, but that's a truth with modification. If a claw has increased elemental damage with attack skills on it, a lower dps claw may still do more damage. Same with a hybrid claw of course. There are many options for good claws with this build. That's a good thing of course, but it makes it harder to find the best option. My tip is to try out claws in PoB whenever you find one on poe.trade, and see how much difference it does. "When it comes to pantheons I pretty much have the philosophy that a lot of it is just preference. If you think soul of shakari is better, go for it. Personally I think the reflect reducion is better. You don't have to have culling strike in ancestral protector. It's just something that I do sometimes. "I think you misunderstand the wording on the armour. It doesn't give you any resists, it only raises your maximum possible resists. This is still incredibly strong. I think the chest is insanely good. The damage we could gain from using it is enormous, but the lack of evasion and resists is bad. I am very tempted to try it out though. It may be worth swapping out another item slot in order to use it. Other gloves perhaps. I don't know. "I think ideally we want around 1.8k+ evasion from the chest piece. The higher the better of course. But I would get a lion's roar to begin with, and a better claw is always a goal. Those gloves are very good so I'm not sure I'd bother getting tombfist atm. Your gear is alright though. There's not really any item you have that is bad, but they all have a lot of room for improvements. I think you're at a point where you pretty much just have to look for small improvements here and there. Don't panic. |
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I have 4.3k life atm, do you think I should prioritize more dps or more life/evasion? I feel so squishy with 4.3k. Is this low or average? My last 2 characters were slayer/gladiator so I had a lot of life on those. I did a T6 elder and kept getting one shot on his last phase, although I'm not familiar with the mechanics. My chest could use an upgrade, but a good one is quite expensive. I could also look for jewels with life on them. I think those are my only options for more life besides more passive points?
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" 4.3k is low, but with this build, it is hard to get very high hp. I did all content with 4.7k hp last league and had no problems though. But you should definitely try to get a few hundred more in hp at least. I really would like to be above 5k. That feels like a sweet spot. I am very surprised you have that low hp though. I have more, and I don't even have max life on my amulet. When you get written in blood, you'll end up at around 4.7k. It may be worth sacrificing some damage from the passive tree for now, in order to get that, if you feel that survival is a problem. Don't panic. |
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Did all atlas with more likely budget gear I could say. :D 157/157
And there is ton of upgrades left and improving this build. Claws was self found, Lyco bought early in the league and boots were very cheap during 3-5th day of the league. Now need to find good MF build or really strong build to play with like 5M+ DPS and huge clear meta. :D Looking for 15-30ex build.
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" Nice! I hope you had fun doing it! :p Don't panic. |
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Thanks for this build, its very fun to play, even without top equipment. Clearing speed is incredible.
I've found that The Wasp Nest is very good alternative to BloodSeeker, especially against the bosses. It not takes long to apply 5x poison, and get 80-120 chaos dmg extra. Quite a buff for dps. |
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" No problem! I'm glad you enjoy it! Don't panic. |
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Just kiled Yellow Elder for the first time of my life (i think bloodseeker helped me a lot) thanks to this build even though it's my 2nd league played. I'm having a ton of fun, great guide and insane build.
Thanks a lot ! |
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