[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

Zzpxpzz เขียน:

I was just wondering whether I was mistaken, or does Hydrosphere effectively double our damage on pure single target (generally our biggest weakness) presuming you have either ancestral call or tribal fury?

Since we can hit it and it counts as a second target, it would allow another set of projectiles to split off of it and hit our primary target

Someone told me that hydrosphere did this the other day, but when I tested it, it didn't work for me. Not sure if I did something wrong though.

If you get it working, then yes, it does help the single target when you have ancestral call up.
However, you won't be doing as much damage on the extra projectile hitting the boss. Our damage with the actual projectiles isn't really that much, and the initial attack that would be gained from the ancestral call, will not be hitting the boss, but the hydrosphere.

I don't think it's worth it, even if you get it working. But I haven't been able to test it, since it didn't seem to work for me at all.

Don't panic.

It is a little difficult for me to test for sure, I play on console and there is a certain degree of auto aiming for the console. As such it places the hydro sphere on top of the enemy always, so it is very difficult to ascertain for sure whether it is properly triggering the extra attacks.

I can absolutely confirm that you can hit the hydro sphere alone and trigger the projectiles. I would suspect since that is the case that it is one of two situations - either it is completely working. Or the ancestral call hit does not target the sphere. In which case, you need to have the primary attack hit the sphere and the secondary attack hit the boss.

It does however look like you are right that it would not be a huge increase however, I am surprised since I was under the impression that other than specifically melee hit scalers, the projectile is otherwise the same as the melee hit. And we do not even use melee damage support. But despite that, at least looking at PoB, the DPS of the frost shard, which is what we would presumably be adding, is only about 20 percent of that of the melee hit.

Still, its a pretty easy damage boost if you are already using ancestral call or anointing Tribal Fury. Is there any reason not to replace Frost bomb with it? Since we permanently apply exposure to all enemies near us now we dont seem to still need frost bomb.
There are a few exposure types. Hydrosphere apply 10% debuff when Frost bomb can do 25%.

@OP It's fine to use Ice bite instead ruthless when I will have 9+ Frenzy charges?
Does circle od gear with Frenzy charge good with this build?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Iselor008#6310 เมื่อ 21 ม.ค. 2021 13:19:39
What path is being used for ascendency? I went Rapid Assault then into Avatar of the Slaughter.

Also I missed out on Harvest league so any tips on crafting for this build? What should I look out for drop wise to allow for good crafts?
Zzpxpzz เขียน:

It is a little difficult for me to test for sure, I play on console and there is a certain degree of auto aiming for the console. As such it places the hydro sphere on top of the enemy always, so it is very difficult to ascertain for sure whether it is properly triggering the extra attacks.

I can absolutely confirm that you can hit the hydro sphere alone and trigger the projectiles. I would suspect since that is the case that it is one of two situations - either it is completely working. Or the ancestral call hit does not target the sphere. In which case, you need to have the primary attack hit the sphere and the secondary attack hit the boss.

It does however look like you are right that it would not be a huge increase however, I am surprised since I was under the impression that other than specifically melee hit scalers, the projectile is otherwise the same as the melee hit. And we do not even use melee damage support. But despite that, at least looking at PoB, the DPS of the frost shard, which is what we would presumably be adding, is only about 20 percent of that of the melee hit.

Still, its a pretty easy damage boost if you are already using ancestral call or anointing Tribal Fury. Is there any reason not to replace Frost bomb with it? Since we permanently apply exposure to all enemies near us now we dont seem to still need frost bomb.

Like Iselor says I don't think you should be replacing Frost Bomb unless you are getting avatar of the veil, which I personally don't recommend. And different sources of exposure can apply different amounts. Frost Bomb is probably the best option still.

Don't panic.
Waffle1209 เขียน:
What path is being used for ascendency? I went Rapid Assault then into Avatar of the Slaughter.

Also I missed out on Harvest league so any tips on crafting for this build? What should I look out for drop wise to allow for good crafts?

I went Rapid Assault > Way of the Poacher > Avatar of Slaughter > Avatar of the Chase

Getting the onslaught while leveling was pretty neat, so it felt good to start with that.

As for crafting, I recommend using an ilvl 78 claw. There are multiple options with the itemlevel but generally I think 78 is the current sweet spot.
Either you use Jagged Fossils, or you spam Alterations to get a base. When you have a decent claw you can play around with Harvest crafting to finish it up.
You should also use the phys harvest recipe if you have a claw to toss it on, ofc.

There's a lot to say about crafting, more than I can take here right now. :p

Don't panic.
Iselor008 เขียน:
There are a few exposure types. Hydrosphere apply 10% debuff when Frost bomb can do 25%.

@OP It's fine to use Ice bite instead ruthless when I will have 9+ Frenzy charges?
Does circle od gear with Frenzy charge good with this build?

You can, but Ruthless has really good synergy with Multistrike, and the damage with Ruthless will be better.
The third hit will hit really hard, and will help freeze tankier targets.

Depending on where you are in the build, Ice Bite can do more damage, but generally the goal should be ruthless.

Don't panic.
Fiver เขียน:
Waffle1209 เขียน:
What path is being used for ascendency? I went Rapid Assault then into Avatar of the Slaughter.

Also I missed out on Harvest league so any tips on crafting for this build? What should I look out for drop wise to allow for good crafts?

I went Rapid Assault > Way of the Poacher > Avatar of Slaughter > Avatar of the Chase

Getting the onslaught while leveling was pretty neat, so it felt good to start with that.

As for crafting, I recommend using an ilvl 78 claw. There are multiple options with the itemlevel but generally I think 78 is the current sweet spot.
Either you use Jagged Fossils, or you spam Alterations to get a base. When you have a decent claw you can play around with Harvest crafting to finish it up.
You should also use the phys harvest recipe if you have a claw to toss it on, ofc.

There's a lot to say about crafting, more than I can take here right now. :p

Thanks. Still sort of new to the game so I am still trying to learn all this crafting, veiled mods, atlas progression, etc.
I'm starting my stream now, so if anyone needs help over the next hours, that's where you will find me. :)


Don't panic.
I'm trying to play with frost blades the moment I reach the Act 1 town after starting a new character and am having a bit of a hard time

I refuse to use anything except Frost Blades as well



