[3.7] LL RF Scorching Ray Guardian | 19K ES | 52k Armour|1.5 mil dps| Uber Elder & HoGM DEATHLESS
" I am playing an rf jugg with 9k life and 9 end charges. I have been able to clear uber elder and all the content, sans legion, is piss easy. The only problem I have with my build is legion mobs one shotting me in juiced maps. I was wondering if this version can avoid that problem, even with juiced red maps. The high eHP and effective use of molten shell is tempting. |
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" I havent been into life RF before as it lost in every aspect to ES. Do you got me a Chieftain RF PoB to compare life values, damage and regen? For example if we gonna compare Top End ES VS Top End Life here is someone who AFK'ed Uberelder and posted his gear a few pages ago its almost perfect although a bit different variation of the build than presented here (pure RF): " In my opinion he could drop some ES and Regen and go for more damage but its just personal opinion. Anyway is there any Life based RF Chieftain on the Server that can beat 30k ES, 10k Net Regen and 40k Armour? I have big time doubts that there is a life Chieftain that can even come close. And due to internal balance politics of GGG Energy Shield will always be King compared to life. Edit: I think the only thing where life RF does a better job is being more beginner friendly for new players to get into RF builds. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย zzang#1847 เมื่อ 18 มิ.ย. 2019 04:22:19
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First of all, thank you for this build zzang, I love it! It is obvious, I do not have the same rolls on the items as on the PoB, but I would have a question. Can someone look at my gear on PoB? https://pastebin.com/mHX3dGuy I think I have a very low dps, compared to the PoB of the creator, as I said above, I do not have the same rolls, but I do not have a weak stuff. Can someone explain to me? I did tests, adding missing jewels, modifying points on skill tree ... but nothing seems to change. I do not believe that some levels drastically change the dps? Thank you in advance, Hursh แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hurshhh#1204 เมื่อ 18 มิ.ย. 2019 06:03:24
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" You're right, the closest that I could come to a good life RF build with high regen(4k) and high life (10K) is demi's str RF build but in a league, it isn't viable to get such a high amount of ES and regen. | |
ANy tips for leveling (trees or gear)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIvm5napimE something like this is still viable?
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Looking for some more tanky build and found this. How it performs against Legion guys in this League? Some of the yellow ones are really nasty-one-shotters and actually I'm sick and tired about that. May God have mercy upon my enemies; they will need it.
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" The best Life RF build is probably VMVarga (https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/JeNebu/characters) A lvl 100 Juggernaut in std in full mirror tier gear with 15k life, 10k armour and 5.2k netto regen without flasks/buffs. So I'd say you're correct. ES beats life based by a fair margin. And as far as ES goes your strength/mana scaling version beats the traditional ES stacking version such as made by Demi and AHfack. I'm still on the traditional version and I can't touch the numbers posted in that screenshot. I can get the 30k ES, but my regen would only be about 4k. So I struck a middle ground at 24k ES and 7.2k netto regen without flasks/buffs (12.2k with). This is all standard though. For league play your version is also a lot easier to scale and can get far better results. |
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" The build is rather slow more suited for bosses and not dying instead of go fast clear. |
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Hi Guys!
I specced over to this build at level 68 and spent a good 4+ hours tinkering to make righteous fire work. This is SUPER budget and I was able to get it working with zero guardian points. (I hadn't specced out Hierphant yet.) So essentially, it's hard to decipher in his guide/pob what the most important items are. (Apart from regen.) This is a really complex build so its hard to see all the moving parts. For example, with shaper's touch gloves is it better to get strength or intelligence? If you can afford Chayulas, is strength better? should you get ES nodes or +30 strength nodes? There is so many factors. Buy all the cheap low hanging items, shapers gloves, prism guiardian, shavronnes (you dont need a 6 link, im currently on a 2 link.) The most important 'expensive' items are the 20% ES recovery rate on belt. The second most impactful item you can get is ES recovery on Watchers Eye. I picked a really crappy watchers eye, 23% ES recovery for 20C. Absolutely worth it. Before this Watchers Eye I picked up a Shavronnes ring for 3c. That was 3% regen which really helped. I'm also currently using a Shaper's Seed necklace to help my regen. Here is the pastebin to my level 69 guardian with cruel ascendancy. https://pastebin.com/bWarAPtj I'm currently sitting on 4,609 ES, 1,609 life. Almost all of my auras are level 15. So I'm expecting my build to skyrocket as I get some experience and gem levels. But hell, it's working!! |
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Hey man, having a blast with this build. Lvl 91 yesterday and so far it's been a smooth, fun experience. I can still upgrade some stuff, but so far, Im sitting at 14k ES. I don't know how to link my gear so will just let a pastebin for my pob. (https://pastebin.com/7wR0kKkw)
Leveling was probably my worst experience in this game so far, but I only have myself to blame there. Should have planed it better. Switching was smooth, if you follow OP tips. Gearing was cheap. Spent like 1 exa to get it started, and 80c was for Chayula. I got some better rolled uniques so you can do it way cheaper. Been farming t15s with it, on a 5 link most of the time (6l my shav yesterday :D) lvl 19 gems without quality. Everything I will say here it's based on my experience so far in t14s and above. Damage seems low on some ocasions, specially killing some yellows but most of the times it is because of EE procs. Don't know why but I can't proc it reliably with shield charge. It doesn't proc fortify as well it seems. Would love to have another way around this, because most of the times it just seems I'm setting things more dificult to me, by raising enemies fire resistance. Not saying that damage is bad, is really good when it works and it's probably something Im missing. Did all guardians yesterday without much problem, they just melt, and most fun is, they just tickle you. Phoenix was the most problematic. Still trying to understand how you facetanked that bish on damage mods. He just melted me. Will try shaper today :) Another thing is the area of your RF. With conc efffect you have a tiny rf, things melt in less than 1 second but you have to travel more to do the killing. With Inc aoe, you cover more space, but damage is lower, so sometimes you need to wait a bit for things to die. I've been trying a midle term, with efficacy, and it's been working, but would love to cover more space for some more clearing speed. Thinking in getting those 3 witch area nodes. What are your thougts? Doing league mechanics is ok. At high level maps, you will not open all mobs, and while you are searching for the goodies, when you find a good one, most of the times you have not time to burn it all the way (specially with that EE thingie). But when you do, yellows are easy to tank. But honestly, who cares. Just do what everyone is doing, farm those monoliths in t4 and t5s. Go to an open map, spin your SR, and it's money in the bank. Thank you again for this great build. If time allows me will try to push all the way. Hope this helps other players. Cheers |
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