[3.7] LL RF Scorching Ray Guardian | 19K ES | 52k Armour|1.5 mil dps| Uber Elder & HoGM DEATHLESS

- Worth using a helm with "Socketed gems are supported by lvl 18 burning damage" and any other, like conc. effect?
In taht case, what gems should be linked on the 3rd and 4th slot?
Could anyone explain please what's the point of Storm Brand in this build? It doesn't seem to do any considerable damage? Thanks.
Can someone tell me, what I am missing that I have 80 max fire , cold and 79 max lightning resists?


Thank you
I didn't understand how to get 5k regen, I have the watcher's eye but i'm at 1k5... Can u help me ? (character ZiberArc)
WhosChamp เขียน:
Could anyone explain please what's the point of Storm Brand in this build? It doesn't seem to do any considerable damage? Thanks.

Short answer : Storm Brand is used to proc EE & EO

Detailed answer :
Storm Brand is a source of lightning damage. Like this you will proc Elemental Equilibrium and make the monster have a debuff of -50% to their fire resistance.
While RF and SR are fire skill and does not hit, those skills will not interfer in EE mecanics.

The second use of Storm Brand is for procing Elemental Overload. Each crit with a skill will grant you a +40% more elmem dmg. So here we need a skill that will do a lot of hit/thick, and have a high crit chance.
Storm Brand will do multiple hit/sec. With a high hit/sec rate, we will be more likely to proc EO. There is not so much skill that can achieve this. Orb of Storm and Storm Brand are the best for this task. But OoS have 5% crit chance while SB have 5.5% crit chance. So basicaly, Storm Brand will crit more ofent than OoS.

Lastly, Storm Brand is top tier skill for boss fight by the attached to monster mechanic of brand skills. So even if the boss move all around the arena, Storm Brand will proc EE and EO as long as it is attached to the boss. And so, you will be at max dmg for the whole boss fight (as long as Storm Brand is attached to the boss ofc).

how much the budget version of this build would cost in the league
WhosChamp เขียน:
Could anyone explain please what's the point of Storm Brand in this build? It doesn't seem to do any considerable damage? Thanks.

Short answer : Storm Brand is used to proc EE & EO

Detailed answer :
Storm Brand is a source of lightning damage. Like this you will proc Elemental Equilibrium and make the monster have a debuff of -50% to their fire resistance.
While RF and SR are fire skill and does not hit, those skills will not interfer in EE mecanics.

The second use of Storm Brand is for procing Elemental Overload. Each crit with a skill will grant you a +40% more elmem dmg. So here we need a skill that will do a lot of hit/thick, and have a high crit chance.
Storm Brand will do multiple hit/sec. With a high hit/sec rate, we will be more likely to proc EO. There is not so much skill that can achieve this. Orb of Storm and Storm Brand are the best for this task. But OoS have 5% crit chance while SB have 5.5% crit chance. So basicaly, Storm Brand will crit more ofent than OoS.

Lastly, Storm Brand is top tier skill for boss fight by the attached to monster mechanic of brand skills. So even if the boss move all around the arena, Storm Brand will proc EE and EO as long as it is attached to the boss. And so, you will be at max dmg for the whole boss fight (as long as Storm Brand is attached to the boss ofc).

I used a Shield Charge as a proc for EE. But Storm Brand is definitely cool way for procing EO. Thank you very much for explanation!
WhosChamp เขียน:
I used a Shield Charge as a proc for EE. But Storm Brand is definitely cool way for procing EO. Thank you very much for explanation!

You are right. We use Shield Charge to proc EE, that's why we are puting some flat cold or light damage on one of our ring.

But in order to proc EO, Storm Brand do a better job.
Explainations :
A quick comparaison should explain clearly why Storm Brand is > to Shield Charge when it come to proc EO :

1. Native crit strike chance of each skill are different. Shield Charge native crit chance is based on your Prism Guardian ES (0.1% crit chance per 10 ES). So basicaly, Shield Charge have 3.6% crit chance.
Storm Brand have a native crit chance of 5.5%.

2. Shield Charge is an instant hit skill. If you crit with it, you will have to Shield Charge again 4 sec later, cuting your SR channeling, and so, loosing Infused Channeling buff for a sec.
Storm Brand is a skill that last 10 sec. So you just have to cast it every 10 second.

3. With Shield Charge, you can hit multiple mobs with one use, but each mob can't be hit more than 1 time per use.
Storm Brand when casted will hit each mobs in his AOE range every 0.6 seconde.
Once Storm Brand is attached to a mob, this mob will be hit every 0.6 second until Storm Brand disaper. And it will chain to mobs near the attached mob. So it can do even more hits each use.

3. Considering 2., it is unrelevant to link Shield Charge to Crit Strike support gem. You will not gain so much from this gem with Shield Charge.
Storm Brand on other hand will take a great adventage of a Crit Stike support gem.
So against boss, Storm Brand will provide you an almost perma EO proc, while Shield Charge will hardly proc 1 or 2 time per fight, unless you spam Shield Charge. But spaming Shield Charge will cut your SR channeling.

All those points will leads to a situation where Shield Charge will have at most 6% crit chance while Storm Brand will have something like 15% crit chance.
Personnaly I have 5.14% Crit chance with Shield Charge and 15.39% Crit Chance with Storm Brand. So by any means, Storm Brand > Shield Charge when it comes to proc EO. And it's especialy true in boss fight.

dominatorTA เขียน:
how much the budget version of this build would cost in the league

Based on poe.ninja and considering budget pastebin were done with perfect low roll uniques :

- Memory Vault = 1c
- Astra = 10c
- Doon = 1c
- Prim Guardian = 1c
- Lorica = 1 alch / Shavronne = 7c
- Shaper's Touch = 1c
- Sin Trek = 1c
- Rings = ~20-25c/ring
- Belt = 3c
- Healthy Mind = 1c
- PoF lvl 20 = 10c (or 2c for a Impurity of fire) ;
- Enlighten 2 = ~40c

Rest is math.

Note : Those price are for Legion only at this state of the league.
At week 1-2, some items are way more expensive (Enlighten 2, Shaper's Touch, etc.).
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LAGROSSESIMONE#3551 เมื่อ 28 มิ.ย. 2019 09:13:26
Just finished one of my personal leveling goals with this build by going from 96 to 97 doing Uber Elder on spawn, with Shaper on the side. Died twice while practicing at the beginning but was smooth sailing otherwise. Really happy with the build!
I have something that I can't explain on my own. When I use a Storm Brand on an enemy - it becomes resitent to fire. Do you guys have any ideas why? What am I missing? Thanks.
P.s. In the hint it's written that it deals some fire damage, so definitely it's a EE. But where does this fire damage come from?

P.s.s. Solved. It's coming from my sceptre which adds fire damage to spells :)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย WhosChamp#5372 เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2019 03:53:10



