[3.7] LL RF Scorching Ray Guardian | 19K ES | 52k Armour|1.5 mil dps| Uber Elder & HoGM DEATHLESS
So, I want to start off by saying this build is amazing! Crazy tanky. Thank you for making this guide. I’ve had so much fun w this build this season. Currently lvl 96 & climbing.
A few suggestions I wanted to add, some might have already been addressed and if so I apologize, but I’ve made a few changes that have greatly improved my build, for me personally. Let me know your thoughts/feedback. 1. Using healthy mind jewels in a few of the jewel slots has raised my ES significantly. 2. Using an unnatural instinct in the jewel slot beside the melding/dreamer nodes has allowed me to free up 7 passives to use elsewhere. Huge benefit. 3. Using moonstone rings with the “guatelitzi” modifier (10% increased maximum ES) has also raised my ES a lot and I believe is better than any ring option, from what I can tell. Thoughts on this? 4. I know this has been addressed but I just wanted to reiterate that a lethal pride divined right is crazy OP. I have divined one to have 60% burning dmg/1% regen/+50 strength. Used in the gem slot to the right of Instability. Kind of costly to divine it right, but well worth it, imo. 5. Cyclopean Coil belt, imo, is the best belt option here. Granted, it doesn’t have the 20% ES recovery rate, but it offers more ES with the 15% to all attributes. And if you have enough recovery rate elsewhere, it’s not a necessary to have on your belt. This is all I can think of at the moment. Hope it helps discover some unforeseen avenues for someone. And if anyone sees any adverse effects my suggestions might have on the build, or a reason other options are better, please let me know. Great job, zzang! Keep it up! Sincerely, PSN: Bilbo_laggins แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Justboose#7998 เมื่อ 1 ส.ค. 2019 05:34:02
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hey zzang, really like your build. never tried rf/sr before and decided to try this for the 1st time. managed to get 17.8k es at lvl 95 w/o boon(with boon its 18039). need to be lvl 100 to get 19.2k es, i dont have the patience to do that, hehe.
try it out guys! you wont be dissapointed. |
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Planning to try out this build but im not sure if my extra currency can sustain the build.. so how much exaltsis expected to be spent to take this build to a decent level?
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my goal is to kill uber elder. here is my pastepin: https://pastebin.com/gyM70P0H (i dont know how to link my items here.) cany you check my build and give suggestions? whats the next move for me? i can do all maps, guardians, without a problem. but my dps and es is low atm for uber elder fight, i cant even complete the 5legion map, i can only kill 3 bosses. whats the suggested passive points 90-95? i read the posts and now i am planning to 6l rf for that fight. all suggestions are welcomed on my build for uber elder fight. gem setup, passives, jewels, items vs... and since i have shaper mod %20 belt i dont need my watcher's eye (2discipline mods) i am trying to sell it to buy clarity mode one.) my char name: IBURNYOUBABY nice and funny build. thank you. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย shâku#7665 เมื่อ 5 ส.ค. 2019 13:39:28
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Hi man, with 3 Ex i can this build ?
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Thanks for sharing your build zzang.
I have a few questions. Currently, I am level 90 and have 12.3k ES at the moment, not using watcher's eye or any other jewels that adds STR/INT. My question is whether this build is viable for me to kill uber elder/ uber atziri or shaper given the limitations of my gears. Thank you. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย YoursTruly86#4027 เมื่อ 5 ส.ค. 2019 10:46:48
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You should change you scepter. The flat fire fucks up your damage.EE.
Uberelder is doable but tricky. It is quite a long fight. Good luck แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Grafdelver#4033 เมื่อ 6 ส.ค. 2019 01:44:53
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" In your tree : - You didn't took Elemental Equilibrium, you miss ~66% more dmg ; - You didn't took Elemental Overload, you miss ~40% more dmg ; In your stuff : - Your ring shoul have the following stats : 40str / 40intel / 40ES / 40 mana. One of them should have some flat elem dmg (cold or light) the second one should have ~40dex ; - Cyclopean Coil is a good belt only if you play a solide watcher eye that have a regen mod in addition to the clarity mods. Otherwise you should play a shaper belt with "16-20% ES recovery rate" ; - Grand spectrum isn't worth to be played unless you take at least 3 grand spectrum. - Cinderswallow flask : get a 3% life regen ; - Watcher's eye : The first mods you should aim is mana add extra ES on Clarity. in your gems : Your setup Storm Brand/CoH have a low crit chance (base crit chance of the skill), so with EO, you will proc EO less offent than with a crit chance support gem. With a leveled gem, you should be around 15% crit chance with storm brand. So on boss fight, you may not be under EO all the fight, and so lose a lot of dps. " 1. The point of the build is to found a balance between increasing max ES, and having a solide dps. Healthy Mind does not provide direct dps buff. And the only dps buff we get from HM is on RF. With a rare jewel with %ES and some generic dps buff (burning, dmg, fire dmg, DOT) will provide a realy ballanced buff for the build. Personnaly I found it balanced to play 2 HM in my tree. 2. Unnatural Instinct save 7 skills points in this spot, but only provide the buff of 5 of them. Unnatural instinct only provide unallocated small nodes. Dreamer and Melding aren't concerned because they are notbales. It helps because you save some points, so it will depend on which node you can take with the free skill you saved. On my RF, it looks like Healthy Mind in this spot provide me a lot more ES. But I didn't theory crafted a lot on where should I spent the 6-7 free skill I might save with this jewel. 3. Be carefull. All upgrade should be looked on PoB. On paper, this incursion mod is BiS. In practice, we are looking for extremly specifics rings, that provide 40str/40intel/40+mana and some other mods. Havin those stats on rings, will be extremly difficult. It's already extremly hard to find those stats on Opal Rings. And Opal Rings provide a significant dps buff that shouldn't looked down. Keep in mind this build wasn't significantly buffed by all the power creep we had since 3.0-3.2. The only significant dps buff we had was the add of Malevolance, and this aura does not alow us to play Determination unless we use Aul. 4. zzang does not play in league, so right now, he should not be able to see how those jewels works. So this may be updated later. Could you give us the number of your lethal pride for having those buff ? 5. There is a discussion on this point for a long time. Elder belt provide an extremly strong buff to our max ES, but the tankiness of this build is mostly based on a ratio "net life regen"/max ES (for net life regen check out on PoB). The build start to be playable when our "net life regen" represent at least, 5% of our max ES (for example : 10k ES = +500 Net life regen or more / 15k ES = +750 Net life regen or more and so on). The build start to be realy confortable and extremly tanky when your net life regen represent at least 10% of your max ES. You can start to do Uber Elder afk with a net life regen representing 25-30% of your max ES. Missing the ES recovery rate from the belt suppose 2 possibility : - You have an extremly solide Watcher Eye (clarity buff + ES recovery rate on discipline + recovery rate on malevolance) which is multiple mirror tier watcher eye. - You miss some precious net life regen. I tried the elder belt solution. This provided me like 800 max ES, with over 700 str and 800 str. But the net life regen I sacrify for the +800 max ES does not looks worth it in my eyes. More than anything, here it's more or less a personnal situation. You have to look your stats, test and see where goes your preference. " Try this tree : https://pastebin.com/MaDhZGgw Lower your Arcane Surge gem support to a lvl 6. Get a Clarity watcher eye. Get some extra levels, and try to upgrade your stuff for better stats. You are on the right path ! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LAGROSSESIMONE#3551 เมื่อ 6 ส.ค. 2019 09:04:05
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" " Thanks for the reply, LAGROSSE! Some very good points you made. Thanks for reminding me that UI only affects small passives. Might have to rethink that option, Bc I know that a HM in that slot is very beneficial. And you’re right, I haven’t really been focused on buffing SR. I look at it as too much of a secondary skill that I kind of ignore it, maybe too much. I figure RF is our main skill and since ES scales with RF, I tend to ignore the extra benefits that SR can bring me. I might need to reevaluate that decision. Far as the moonstone rings go, they ARE hard to find w T1 str & int, fortunately I have done this on one of them, though. So the stats are 55 to str/int, 47 max ES + 10% ES and multimod: rank 3 max life and rank 3 max mana. Granted it’s not an easy find and also lacks the 25% ele dmg that opals offer. So it might not be ideal for the balance we’re going for as far as DPS/ES goes. But it’s an ES boost, IF you can find one. I might try and find some opals though, Bc I’m sure my dps is not where it could be without them. As far as AFKing Uber Elder, I’ve never attempted it. It sounds like you’re taking full advantage of the build if you’re able to do that. Very interested in trying that. And indeed using the Cyclopean Coil might be preventing me from doing that. My Watchers isn’t mirror worthy, but it’s not bad. Double discipline: 30% ES recovery rate & 2.42% regen per second. Wish I could get the clarity + discipline one, but it doesn’t exist in market on PS yet, unfortunately. My math isn’t the best so I’m not sure if my ES/regen ratio is where it needs to be, but let me tell you what it is so you can let me know if I need to get it higher. ES 16K, regen 3382 (fluctuating to 8171.9) this is in hideout with all buffs active. Not sure if this is good or bad, but my survivability isn’t terrible. I can FT Shapers beam and do all content so I’m happy with it. But it would be cool be even tankier if possible. And last but not least, my Lethal Pride # is 11572. Hope this helps. Thanks for the reply. It’s nice to get another perspective on where I might have been going wrong. Glhf |
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The regen you are talking about are number coming from your character ingame sheet.
I am talking about the "Net life regen" information that can be found in PoB. It's simply the substraction of RF degen to your total regen (Time of need buff isn't showed in this situation). |
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