[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything
I think with this resonators to craft looks like the same bullshit as essences. I usede essences since beginning and tried to get a good pair of boots since thats the most frustrating craft since there are so much useless mods and you need 2 of them really high. Movement speed and int.
with essences i had not one with chance orb (to get skyforth over 4000 chance orbs since skyforth come out and not one pair chanced) but also only 2 medicore pair of rare boots come out. the same with normal crafting. Since its a pain to get this 2 mods on a pair of high lvl boots then the regal mostly destroy this. Only with anulment i had this time after 6 tries the boots i now have. so i dont think the new crafting system will be a good option. The best idea was the eternal orb, since you had a good chance to get a really good item for a medicore amount. the blue eternal thing in bestiary was also really nice in the theorie but as rare as a mirror (in statistic there where only a few 100 of recipes done) so if the currency is availible like a chaos, so its a good thing (i dont think so) if its rare as a ex its not really interesting. And as ggg has taken out the eternal orb as they dont want to many to good items i dont think they change there behavior in this new league. |
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Resonators are much more specific versions of essences. But they are also a 'sidegrade': essences give you one guaranteed mod and a specific tier, resonators will roll multiple specific mod types with random tiers.
T1 Spite essence gives you 53-58 Int, but you have to get lucky with ES, resistances, etc. A resonator with N sockets will give you Int, ES, resist (maybe even specific one), movespeed (boots) etc - but the values will be random. I'm pretty sure I heard in one of the streamer videos that the tiers will be weighted based on the item level, so ilvl 84 items will be more likely to get T1 rolls. So that sounds very promising. I think Delve crafting will be good. " I don't. Never got into steaming. My play times are too irregular anyway. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Kelvynn#6607 เมื่อ 17 ส.ค. 2018 21:10:19
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Hey the new light effects seems to be one of the best change for sr.
now it works not even as fire res destroyer also at candle. Looks nice. :-) |
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I just found a Whispering Ice playing SSF, so I think this is the next build for me!
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![]() I don't think this is something we can roll (perhaps with special currency?) but this'd be a pretty good upgrade for us if we can get a couple of those mods into our gear... |
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" I'm sure that this mod will be unique for a helmet. There is no way devs will approve several instances of "damage reduction" mods to stack, they are much more cautious about it now. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Med1umentor#6844 เมื่อ 21 ส.ค. 2018 08:25:51
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Even if they are limited to specific slots, I wouldn't mind 10% phys as chaos (i.e. a flat 10% phys dmg reduction) on a helmet, 10% lightning as chaos on gloves, etc. Even one of those mods will be great.
But we can't craft them ourselves, the GGG post mentions that they will be dropping from specific Delve biomes, I guess in the boss encounter. It's similar to how you could find unique mods in specific lv 3 rooms in Incursion. Still, if you find one of these mods together with a couple of other useful mods, then you may be able to craft the rest yourself. Good new mods so far in 3.4: - X% of Y damage from hits taken as chaos - nearby enemies have -X% to fire res |
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As i mentioned.
Nice to have more and more mods. but with every new mod the chance to get a good combination of them will be smaller and smaller. I needet over 2000 alt and hundreds of chaos to get the equipment i have now. its nice but not really op. there is room for much more optimising. So its like lab enchants. You need hundreds of lab runs to get special mods if rng dosend like you. |
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I did 5,500 alts on my successful gear, plus 5,800 in a failed attempt at an amulet, so I think that's par for the course. I imagine we'll be able to spend similar amounts this time round, but we'll get better gear for our currency.
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Did you guys miss the "NO XXX MODS" on the Delve resonators? Blocking useless mod types will be super helpful.
As for alt crafting, nothing is changing. Delve-specific mods cannot be rolled with alts. I think resonator crafting will be the way to go, not alt crafting. |
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