[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything
" 1. Flammability (see Play Style and Clear Speed). 2. Boot enchant 0.6% leech is the only one that's both very useful and realistic to get. Other enchants are way too rare and not really needed (see Gear - Enchantment). |
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10% move speed on boots is also good, I'd say it's better later on when we deal a lot of damage.
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" Possibly. With Delve in mind, I assume we'll be constantly in the 'you have killed recently' mode, but not sure about not getting hit. Leech is always good, and it may allow you to use FP instead of LL for trash clearing. |
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" Is there a reason to use 6 link for trash clearing though? Trash is called trash for a reason, and will die without additional "damage support gem" anyway. And if in a pile of trash there are something that actually need that 6th link, then those 4 sec ("recently" mechanic) can expire before you get rid of it, and become much more dangerous factor than if we would leave LL in the first place. Incursion is a exception here, cause really tight timelimit, but i really don't think that it can be applied to delve. P.S. I'm still agree with you with mod selection, but "FP instead of LL for trash clearing" kinda knocked me off. Aren't you overestimate trash too much here? :) And on boss it certainly isn't safe enough to rely on "boots mod leech". |
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" I'm thinking about very deep Delve content. So far all boss encounters in the preview videos look like there are no map-type bosses, but rather Abyss/Harbinger type encounters: you reach the final room of the current Delve and get attacked by a ton of mobs, including some that are more like Bestiary rares, they have special abilities and tons more hp than trash. But adds keep spawning. I'm not really worried about the 'killed recently' condition expiring, and I'm going to carry 2 staves anyway. It remains to be seen how much value a 6L chest can add there. Probably still good. And don't forget that you can't just do Delves and nothing else - you still have to do maps to get the fuel (unless it's easily buyable I suppose). But 6L is hard to get, and with a new possibility of abyssal socket crafting it may make more sense to stay at 5L + jewel. We'll see. |
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It looks like this is the only balance change that affects us, another small buff:
" แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย NoImagination#6952 เมื่อ 28 ส.ค. 2018 00:06:47
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Balance changes for 3.4 have been posted.
Nothing that really affects this build. Flame Dash getting un-nerfed is nice though. Leveling Guide has simplified: don't bother getting Firestorm at the very start, Freezing Pulse is fine until lv 39. Switched the leveling trees to PoePlanner in case GGG breaks them. The build is ready to go for 3.4. |
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" Ooh, that'll make a fresh league start a bit smoother - was that a result of Freezing Pulse's 3.3 buffs? FWIW, there's still two Firestorm references to be replaced by Freezing Pulse - one at the top in the second paragraph down, and one under the "If you still don't have the staff by the time you hit lv 39" spoiler tag. Also, I've added a few links to earlier Bestiary/Incursion SSF discussions in this thread to my post on page 136, for anyone else that's thinking of giving it a go in Delve. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Haasts#5457 เมื่อ 28 ส.ค. 2018 01:43:45
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Has anyone used frost bomb as well as freezepulse? It seems pretty decent for levelling faster as we can leave it behind in the middle of a pack while we keep running forwards. I hate the levelling process so haven't tested it outside the league start.
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Looks really nice. the only thing what can affect us is, that they change icestorm in patchnotes.
I never belive that all is good, as long as i see the staff is unaffectet from patchnotes :-) As the frostbomb. I hate the firestorm thing in the lvl process, so i dont use it last leagues. I usede frostbomb and fp. It was not really a big advantage, what result in my inability to left loot on the ground. so i feel bad if i kill mobs and dont see if they have valuable items left on the ground. But if you run and dont mind obout this its a bit faster. But i dont like lvl with this build anyway. It feels a bit better as most other builds i played but still slow. the only league i played 2 builds to 85 i lvl a poets pen build. And THIS was really really fast if you have the money to buy 2 poets pen. I think it was half the time i needed for this build. And at kel. Thanks for the constant support for this build and the fast change of the buildguide wich is one of the best i ever saw. |
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