[3.5] The Blinding Blizzard - Whispering Ice CI Elequisitor - Viable For Everything

NoImagination เขียน:
Kelvynn เขียน:
NoImagination เขียน:
I have 60 mana regen per second and 14 cost on Ray at level 20. There are no map mod/boss combinations that I cannot do

No Regen Hydra? No Regen + No Leech?

No regen is not a problem, I have 280 unreserved mana. No regen + no leech is very rare, but even if that happens, it's the same as level 1 Ray. You take a flask.

Rather than flask, i imagine that you just use elreon jewelery, that makes SR no cost.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Med1umentor#6844 เมื่อ 14 พ.ย. 2018 01:43:38
Oh shit! I've just read about a trick that lets you do all Delve boss-specific challenges on just 1 copy of that boss. Which could save me at least 2 weeks of Aul hunting.

Cast on Death + Ball Lightning + Culling Strike

Genius! Do what's needed for the challenge, get Aul to 10% and die. He gets culled, you get the challenge (because he died), but the Delve is not completed (because you died before he did) and you can run it again. Once you are done with all challenges - go ahead and kill him for the loot.

Learn something every day.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Kelvynn#6607 เมื่อ 14 พ.ย. 2018 02:46:25
Kelvynn เขียน:
Ivan_Sorenson เขียน:
Mhm, Winter Orb ... with WI mhm, maybe a thing :D

Need to see the details on that. Since we currently use AoF, any damage it does will be halved. But it may end up being useful even at half damage if it does some other things. Or it may be worth 2 sockets (+CtF) if it's really good damage. Or we may finally be able to drop the fire conversion and do more damage as pure cold. We'll see.

Graiaule เขียน:
Well, Aspect of the Spider will be back, along with Fenumus' Robe, for defense... I really liked that pairing back in Bestiary...

Oh yeah! It was really damn good and even worth using an inferior chest. But one thought about vaaling Aspect-crafted rings makes me cringe!

Video of the new channeling cold skill Winter Orb:

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย lilianmarius#0775 เมื่อ 14 พ.ย. 2018 03:01:04
Kelvynn เขียน:
Seiyashi7184 เขียน:
Thanks for the build, I started playing seriously in 3.4 and this is the first build that has handled up to yellow/red maps for me with no issue. (My league-starter Sunder Jugg started dying miserably halfway through yellows.)

Two quick questions:
1. In terms of Gem setups, I notice that Elemental Overload procs often enough even without Orb of Storms, so I switched it out for Vaal Cold Snap - the 12% more damage from 3x frenzy charges apparently also applies to Icestorm damage. Any subtleties I missed in doing so? (I usually use CS/VCS to turn chokes into absolute morasses - CS has the advantage of not casting directly on top of you like OoS).

2. I'm currently using Kalisa's Grace and Beast Fur Shawl in place of crafted gloves/body slots. I do intend to swap out Beast Fur Shawl even though the stats are quite nice for WI, but I like the faster casting support on Kalisa's too much. Will there be too much loss from using crafted gloves with higher Int and ES?

(with the fire leech corruption on Astramentis, I normally run Fire Pen instead of leech on my trash mob staff. The other lab enchants are also a bit meh, but I haven't been running uber lab much - keep dying to traps because of the WI FX.)

Your Int must be very low with these items. Not sure how far you can get in maps or Delve with this. You need a whole lot more Int on items.

Leveling Scorching Ray is a mistake. You will run out mana in certain map mods and boss fights. Use lv 1.

I'm not convinced that EO procs often enough without Orb of Storms, and it also procs AS, Combustion and/or Blind. I would not replace it.

If you like using Vaal skills, 12% MORE damage from VCS is nothing compared to 39% MORE from Vaal RF. Vaal Discipline is also a decent skill for defense. I would not pick VCS over VRF or VD personally.

I agree my Int is low - I've now swapped out the BFS after getting decent rolls on a T2 6L Vaal Regalia. But short of a good alternative turning up for gloves I'm sticking with the Kalisa's for now.

Noted on the VRF - I tried getting it to work for me earlier on but it always resulted in me dying. I'll give it another shot. Re Combustion and Blind, weren't they shifted to the Ball Lightning CWDT setup? (that's what I have now in the aforementioned VR).

Experimentally, it's not 100% EO uptime, but it comes fairly close to not be noticeable.

Re Vaal Discipline - d'oh! Completely overlooked that Discipline had a Vaal equivalent.

It does decent in point defense on delve - but feels extremely clunky getting between points, compared to a couple other builds I'm testing at the moment.
Hi Kel

thanks for the awesome trick to get aul challenges. Now i need himself to find. I have no idea what to do. I did since the beginning of league nothing as farming sulfite and did delve. mostly 300 to 310. i found 6 bosses since now.
A i would like to get 36 challenges and i dont like to grind i need aul to find. 2 questions. If i buy a aul challenge count this also as kill for the challenge or must i kill him in my one delve.

is there a trick to get the delve encounters. I found only 3 of them and NO fossil in my delve. and a lot of the encounters are fossil based.

any help would make me happy.
for the anouncment for the new league.

I am not hyped from this. Sure its nice to see the bestiary and incursion coming back.
sure its really nice to see new craft options.


its for a normal player nearly unplayable. its now a big time award to make maps to delve. Making atlas, doing all the contend.

in new expansion i must choose between capturing beasts (perhaps is that in maps or in normal gameplay) delving, incursing, doing lab (what i really didnt do much in delve as i had not enought time to play) learning and playing the new mini games.

For a normal time player (2 to 3 hours a day and perhaps at weekend a little more) is really annoying to cant do the content.

this league i would try uber elder and uber atziri to farm. But as i would do the challenges i had no time for that.
I loosed much time to craft. the boots and amulett was really good but all rings helmets and gloves where really shitty so i gave up at a point as it costs a lot of time.

I hope the new crafting recipes are not to time intensive to get. But really good ones will not be easy to get.

I play mostly poe after work to relaxe from work and did funny things. In this league it was stress to get sulfite enought to delve and delve to get the bosses.

In next league i should do a university degree to understand the mechanics and learn to play.

For me its to much. perhaps its much easier as it looks at the moment.
But i dont like so much complexity in a arpg.
You have to remember that the old Masters system is getting completely removed as well. Instead of grinding hours to level up your relationships with Masters; you play the Bestiary, Incursion, Delve, and maybe Atlas content instead. Will that take more time or less compared to the older method will have to be seen next month.

I'm interested in seeing how all of this 3.5 content will mesh with this and other builds, how having all of the crafting options will effect gear crafting and how the new spells might interact with socketing as well.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Solaxus#5191 เมื่อ 14 พ.ย. 2018 12:45:52
@ichbinwerichbi - I think the idea is you don't have to do all the content. The only thing you sort of have to do is Uber Lab, to max your char. After that? Pick what you like / want most.

Going for endgame maps / Elder / Shaper - do the Atlas.
Crafter? Do the [whatever crafters do, probably involves Bestiary]
Wanna Delve deep? Do that.
Wanna run Incursions? Please do.
Wanna be rich? You know what to do. Gotta go fast.
Going for level 100? Chain those maps.

Or like me, a bit of everything but never really top-tier at anything and then get bored and roll another char because you love leveling? You can do that.

For me it's like a buffet - there is so much to chose from and looking at it I'm sure I'm going to find something I like.
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Jadran#7994 เมื่อ 14 พ.ย. 2018 13:09:28
Jadran เขียน:
@ichbinwerichbi - I think the idea is you don't have to do all the content. The only thing you sort of have to do is Uber Lab, to max your char. After that? Pick what you like / want most.

Going for endgame maps / Elder / Shaper - do the Atlas.
Crafter? Do the [whatever crafters do, probably involves Bestiary]
Wanna Delve deep? Do that.
Wanna run Incursions? Please do.
Wanna be rich? You know what to do. Gotta go fast.
Going for level 100? Chain those maps.

Or like me, a bit of everything but never really top-tier at anything and then get bored and roll another char because you love leveling? You can do that.

For me it's like a buffet - there is so much to chose from and looking at it I'm sure I'm going to find something I like.

Verry nice sight of the new things. Perhaps i can do that. Normaly i am to bad to do the really heavy contend. But i want it all :-)
lilianmarius เขียน:

Wait... Is it actually a Channelling skill? Hard to say from that video. If it's channelling then it could be the skill we've been waiting for. Pure cold damage, Herald of Ice explosions for clearspeed and a use for more that 2L in the staff.

Sounds exciting! But I want to see the actual numbers on it.



