* double post
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Dellith#0374 เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 07:41:22
โพสต์โดยDellith#0374เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 07:40:55
Hello , anyone checked the new belt leash of oblation. Since our offering is always beeing swapped with spirit offering at 540 damage which is always. Can we eun this belt to keep them both at 50 reduced time and 25% reduced effecr? Will that destroy our surv?
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
โพสต์โดยVendetta#0327เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 08:20:19
aerial เขียน:
ZROGST เขียน:
I swapped out the 6th gem (Multistrike, Melee Splash, Ruthless) for Impale to try it out. The obvious issue is the Dex requirements for the gem. Almost all your gear has ancillary +dex mods. I can't even level it above 1. Ran it anyway with a Dread Banner/Generosity. Still felt pretty good at level 1.
level 20 impale requires only 70 dex, that isn't that bad, you can get away with pretty much 1 good dex roll on one piece of gear.
I swapped a few items around to get the dex for a chest I bought without checking stat requirements (whoops!) and as a consequence was able to fully level impale support. It is amazing. And I haven't even begun to gather 'end league' gear yet. Thanks for championing impale!
Readers feel free to check my build (a few points different then OPs on skills - dropped mana nodes as I was never not 100% mp and picked up a few more sockets for To Dusts. I'm having no trouble with juiced T16s at Awakened 4.
โพสต์โดยZROGST#4793เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 10:02:45
Thejazzmann เขียน:
apeksmainman เขียน:
what should my upgrade priorities be from here? i have 11 ex to spend
Need to set your characters to public, my dude.
oh sorry. I didn't realize it reset to hide for some reason.
Also, how do i stop shaper from killing all my minions? sometimes they just stand in the beam, or when hes doing the orb explosion they run out of the bubble and die
โพสต์โดยapeksmainman#1371เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 11:50:41
aerial เขียน:
Surprised so few ppl goes impale, probably because standard pob doesn't support it. It provides by far most damage if you go pure physical. Difference is very big.
Also if you want really good dps chest, skin of the loyal with +2 duration provides total of +3 to skeletons - massive. You don't really need resists, so only real penalty is loss of hp roll. Still can get to 6k hp at level ~95, its plenty.
If you really minmax this, get few awakened gems, good wands, you can break 2mil shaper dps PER skeleton.
With 1.4mil all T16 conquerors (highest i tried so far was with awaken level 5) die before they perform any of their mechanics, dead in 2-3s.
Same goes for metamorphs in t16 maps. Having huge dps really trivializes the content.
It is pretty funny to watch some ppl who dumped insane money on baron zombie gear, and it takes them 15-20s to kill some bosses, where fraction of this budget skeletons shred same boss in literally 2s.
Can you share your POB for 1.4M or 2M dps? I am using the fork, and with the simulations I was doing, Awakened Multistrike still edged out Impale.
โพสต์โดยKoldPT#5769เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 12:35:31
Guys its better to have lvl 21 Summon Skeleton gem or lvl 20 Vaal version? Not really sure which gems level in swap weapons for a lvl 21 chance.
โพสต์โดยAsag#1815เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 13:47:26
this is whith impale
this is with ruthless
i think impale does more dps then ruthless
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Dellith#0374 เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 13:53:30
โพสต์โดยDellith#0374เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 13:50:56
Asag เขียน:
Guys its better to have lvl 21 Summon Skeleton gem or lvl 20 Vaal version? Not really sure which gems level in swap weapons for a lvl 21 chance.
vaal summon skeletons for sure the vaal spawns 40 more skeletons when charged
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Dellith#0374 เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 13:54:46
โพสต์โดยDellith#0374เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 13:54:24
I see in last pages people are switching to impale. If I use impale support its better to go for generosity and dread banner instead some CWDT setup?
โพสต์โดยAsag#1815เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 14:14:09
Vendetta เขียน:
KbearForLife เขียน:
Okay this build is insane. Are you here as a new player looking for something reliable in the mix? This is absolutely 100% the build for you. Big shout out to the creator and to the work you put in.
Couple things.
Get Vaal Skeles asap. Vaal Skeles (you can use both normal Skeletons and Vaal skeletons, look in your hotbar) feels entirely satisfying, raising an army of 30 minions with the click of a button is nuts.
Get shield charge + Faster Attacks. I don't know if it is because I am used to Flame Dash and Leap Slam, but Shield Charge makes me skim across maps faster than I thought possible with a movement skill. I think it is because we get % of Minion buffs applied to our character? At least that's what I think.
Lastly, if you look at my gear my gear is absolute trash. I haven't spent more than 1c this entire league and just hit A10.
There is so much room for improvement, I can see why some folks are reluctant to clear top maps. PoE got huge boss buffs recently. I encourage you to tweak this build to your liking. Looking forward to maps today.
Thanks Exile!
You used to invest a lot of chaos orbs to progress through the story ? I think you are playing the game wrong.
Lol this is a horrid attempt to troll - "no more than 1c" means alc gear - which currently runs what a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio?
These trolls are getting super butt hurt - must be the Holiday season or something. Merry Xmas :)
โพสต์โดยKbearForLife#1803เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2019 14:14:55