3.8 New Queens Escape + Baron - super fast physical skeletons + zombies
" As of patch 3.3, when you equip a vaal skeleton gem, you will have the option of casting normal skeletons and vaal skeletons (after it's charged up). So the one gem gives you two casting options. Cast normal skeletons until you reach a boss of a large pack, then cast vaal skeletons when you want extra dps. |
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" The first violent dead gives much better stats than the second, and both give less DPS than 'to dust' |
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" Gepmah, you are my hero. I actually copied your passive tree all the time. I loved Zombeltonfirst. Gepmah, why do we take fleshbinder over puppet master? is fleshbinder better for defense while puppet master is better for offense? |
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" Well I'll be damned. I didn't even realize. Lol. Thanks! |
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" grim can you look at the geofri sanc build and also explain the reasoning of fleshbinder over puppet? |
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" HP = Hit points = Life. It is the stat that leads to death when it drops to zero EHP = Effective Hit points = "equivalent of flat life if we account for defences and other factors" For example, if you have 0% cold resists and a monster hits you for 5000 damage, your HP and 'EHP vs cold damage' are both the same, and would need to be above 5000 for you to stay alive. if, however, you have 50% cold resistance, then your HP remains the same, but your EHP vs cold damage doubles (since a cold hit would be reduced by half). So now you need your HP to be only above 2500 to survive the 5000 cold damage hit. EHP gets really complicated when trying to factor in curses, because bosses take 60 or 80% reduced effect from curses. EHP is easy to come up with a number when using Mind over Matter or energy shield. 5K life and 5K ES = 10K EHP. But, is 5K ES better than 3K health, considering Health can be recoverd much quicker using life regen and potions? .... it seems 10K EHP is better vs a single hit, but 8K life is better vs many small hits. So if we take Sighlights question: " We can see that fleshbinder gives us a 10% extra reduction vs physical damage with 10 zombies. If we are sitting at 8K life without any protection, we would die to an 8001 damage physical hit If we get fleshbinder, and have our zombies up, we'd still be alive, even after an 8888 damage physical hit. So our EHP vs physical damage goes up by a bit more than 11%, or 888 in this case. So with fleshbinder, we get an 11% total increase to EHP vs physical damage. Since most of us will sit close to 8K HP at full build, fleshbinder can be described as adding about 800 EHP.. in my opinion, better than the damage increase from puppet master. |
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For all those going after 1K strength + geoffrey's + shapers touch, You really should check out Clooney_is_best_batman's build guide here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2017232
He's one of the best theory crafters going around, and has a build tree that synergises better with the ES from those items, plus if you are using an offering, you might find it better to change the ascendency tree, drop brutality, etc. Here's an example of a 13.7K EHP build using energy shield and MoM, while still fitting the queen's escape in: https://pastebin.com/FYLFLJ4b But it'd be expensive, which is why I shy away from geoffrey's/shapers altogether. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย grimlock9999#6212 เมื่อ 10 มิ.ย. 2018 22:10:28
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" yeah I'm going to stick with your build. Not because it's cheaper but I love Seven Step too much. And I'm not having any trouble with 6.5k hp at level 86 so far. I rarely die and my DPS is great. Not having trouble clearing. |
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Guess what?! I one shot atziri for the first time. I've never even faced her before but I killed her on my first try without dying. I nearly did die though to the flameblast. MY zombies melted too. but I still won! All thanks to this awesome build!!!
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got a question on the chief specters. how do i keep them alive? every time they chest pound for buffs they damage themselves. am i missing something?
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