[3.7] Face-Cannon Frost blades Assassin. Face Tank everything! (Shaper, Uber elder video added)

ihavea4 เขียน:
You didn't mention anything about the breachlords, so I'm curious if any of them give you any trouble? I'm going to try to kill Chayula in 3.5 for the first time, and my biggest issue with the breachlords is always getting to them. Can this build keep the timer going easily and then kill chayula? Any special concerns?

I have completed all breachlords, very easy and simply facetank.
However for Chayula, probably you could wear a breach ring with chaos resistance to simplify the fight.

xZANZIBARx เขียน:
Hardcore viable version of frost blade non trap shadow build?

I still feel it's not HC viable. Maybe it's viable up to T14s, but you need to be very careful for T15/T16s.
hey man. I"m done with you passive skills i got the Might of the Meek Crimson Jewel.
can u please show me what to add next?
nvm. missed some points!
what socket do u put Might of the Meek Crimson Jewel?
Am I missing something obvious here? How do you sustain mana?

Derp, it's from Soul Raker, I'm new!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Razorlor#1207 เมื่อ 10 ธ.ค. 2018 19:53:59
What level are you at?
If you at low level fast mana drain is normal. It will get much better when you will level up. for now try to use 1 less aura.
Which 6L would u recommend instead of FasterAttack?

Ice Bite? Hypo? Maim?
Astoon: Which 6L would u recommend instead of FasterAttack?

You can check it in guide he says:
"Note: For more DPS, You can use Ruthless or increased critical damage instead of faster attacks. I enjoy a fast attack speed play style so I kept faster attacks here."
Hello, question:

Do you think it's more efficient to run an Onslaught Flask rather than a Quicksilver flask? It provides more attack speed for whirling blades and DPS. Pretty sure with 200+% attack speed, whirling blades will travel faster than Quicksilver running. Thoughts?

GargarGary เขียน:
Hello, question:

Do you think it's more efficient to run an Onslaught Flask rather than a Quicksilver flask? It provides more attack speed for whirling blades and DPS. Pretty sure with 200+% attack speed, whirling blades will travel faster than Quicksilver running. Thoughts?


The quicksilver flask is indeed a switchable flask. Some potential flasks are "Wise Oak" "Lion's Roar", Jade flask, onslaught flask.
I was using quicksilver because I was chaining T16 UGS previously, and the map layout is not always friendly for whirling blades.
I will add the flask options to the build guide, thanks a lot!



