[3.3] Crit Fire/Flamethrower Trapper! - League Starter
" Siphon trap is a big help |
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Cannot stress enough how much better the build feels after you have born in the shadows and pyromaniac. You go from running for your life to running to the next pack of things to set on fire. I'm also taking acrobatics and phase acrobatics to be even more defensive. Offense is not an issue with the build so far.
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" I'm level 70 atm, barely 3000 hp. All I have is 40% dodge from Acrobatics. Died 4 times, and that's it, and all of those deaths are due to my own mistake. There are no issues aside of me going zoom zoom fast and faster. I don't use Mind over Matter either. Just HP and Acrobatics. Clarity and mana regen on gear is enough for me to sustain my traps at the moment. Fire trap one shots packs, Flamethrower for bosses. Melts everything. Planned skill tree that I'm using: http://poeurl.com/bWUT Open it in PoB. Will be hybrid, Life/ES with life/evasion/es/resistances gear later on. No, before you ask, I don't use Chain Reaction from Sabo ascendancy, I have more than enough Trap Trigger AoE just from skill tree for all of them to trigger when needed. So I'm more than happy to take Explosives Expert over Chain Reaction. As for the stats, you want to prioritize life and resistances on all your gear, plus mana and mana regen if you're using Mind over Matter. Also, I would advise on shaper mod on helmet, socketed gems supported by level XX Trap and Mine Damage and use Fire Trap setup there as a pseudo 5 link, which is more than enough for trash, and use your actual 6 link for Flamethrower trap. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Songweaver#4672 เมื่อ 3 มิ.ย. 2018 12:14:20
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Loving this build so far, my only question is why don't we go for Heart of Flame since most of our damage is fire and it is not so far from our pathing in the skill tree. It give 82% increased fire damage and 6% penetration to fire resistance.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ryunedo#2894 เมื่อ 3 มิ.ย. 2018 12:42:20
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" You have no spare points. You will sacrifice your survivability. Even with the build I'm using, I would much rather spend remaining points to spec into more life instead of more damage. The damage is enough. You need to have balance between offense and defense. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Songweaver#4672 เมื่อ 3 มิ.ย. 2018 13:25:19
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Im considering using Slavedriver's Hand along with Tinkerskin with this build once i get the currency. Slavedriver's seems like an insanely good addition to this build. Add faster casting to the sixth link and grab some cast speed jewels. With chain reaction, we should almost always have max frenzy, endurance, and power charges when map clearing. This would also allow us to run a quicksilver for faster trap throwing. Also blood magic on our main skill would solve a lot of the mana issues associated with MoM, perhaps freeing us up to swap clarity for another damage aura.
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Speaking of defense - as an alternative to MoM I'm thinking of Acrobatics/evasion. Master Sapper is right next to it - being a poor mans Explosives Expert (ascendancy) going for Born in the shadows instead evens out.
Going through the witch-tree into the HP node cluster/Constitutionn is a long way....alot of basic nodes with some crit along the way is OK at best? I'm thinking straight left from shadow picking up life, evasion and crit multiplier along the scion tree. www.poeurl.com/bWWc แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Eihort#2996 เมื่อ 3 มิ.ย. 2018 15:26:57
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I need some help with items.
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" Tried them, wasn't impressed. They're not that good, they should fall in price fairly quickly. Just be patient for couple days. Personally, I would much rather use gloves with trap throwing speed and trap damage mods. Building up charges is not an issue for trappers, and the only reason why you would use it is Blood Magic. Which is negligible if you invest into mana regen. Proper shaped gloves could more valuable, but better. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Songweaver#4672 เมื่อ 3 มิ.ย. 2018 16:14:14
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I am confused about the gear. Can someone post or tell me the items he is using or going to use? Would be nice, thx.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Afura#6483 เมื่อ 3 มิ.ย. 2018 17:59:40
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