Just another Arc trapper (UBER ELDER DEATHLESS). Facetank minotaur + crazy damage (millions of dps)
" Thank you for the reply. If you are using wands, do you whirling blades for your movement skill? I switched over to shield charge the other day and liked it a lot. I'm not sure if I want to go 2 shimmeron or 1 and shield. Basically my defenses are pretty solid right now as is, even with the tabula. It's my killing that's slowed down a lot recently. I'm wondering if switching to a shimmeron now and delaying the loreweave is going to deal too much damage to me w/o the max resistances. Also, how vital is 80 to max resistances on the lore weave vs say 78 or 79? Also, what other stat lines on the loreweave should we be looking at when purchasing one? Thank you very much for that quick reply. |
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" If it were me, I'd go for Loreweave first, because people can kill Uber Elders with rare scepter and rare shield, which means: the damage is enough, even without Shimmeron (google "arc trap uber elder") For Loreweave I'd pay attention to: 80-max-res > Life > Ele damage > Crit Defensive stats are priority, because damage is enough for end game. You can then use a temple helm to further enhance your defense (phys damage from hit taken as ele damage) I took a look at your character, you can buy a new 1h-weapon and a pair of shaped +1 trap throw gloves to improve clear speed. Tabula will still be good until Uber Elders. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย koros#0896 เมื่อ 9 มิ.ย. 2018 11:03:21
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" arc+trap support+added lightning+lightning penetration+cluster trap |
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Hey, nice Guide... a stupid question, why you using Loreweave instead of Tinkerskin? just for res and crit?
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" There's no "real" benefit from Tinkerskin for this build: - main damange skill is Arc Trap which has no cooldown - frenzy charge gain: not very helpful - Phasing: we're not running into or through pack, so ... not helpful - 100 life / es gain: per trap, but if 1 trap is triggered, the others will be trigger by Chain Reaction ascendancy. Those triggered by CR don't count, which means only 100life/es per throw -> nearly useless And you can gain benefit from most of the features on Loreweave: -Life + Mana : for EHP and MoM -Ele damage + crit: we want crit and crit multi, yay! -80 max res: increases EHP by alot! In short, because Loreweave is good and Tinkerskin is bad, playing a trap build doesnt mean you need all gears with "trap mods" on it :p p/s: I've watched videos of people kill Uber Elders with Loreweave and Tinkerskin, so I'd say any chests will take you there, just matter of better or worse :) |
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I'm thinking of giving this a shot, how much worse is a 79% max res loreweave? I just 6linked one, wondering if I should flip it or if the degen isn't that much worse?
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" Gratz on the 6link ;-) 79 all res is still very good. Should be good enough for uber elder. If the other stats are top notch, you might as well keep it. Otherwise... You could always reroll the stats once you have a few divine orbs set aside. |
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I would like to know why did u use added lightning damage support as 6L for arc instead of elemental focus for example? Elemental focus would give us much more dps right? Sorry for being noob...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Shetzki#7474 เมื่อ 9 มิ.ย. 2018 19:11:42
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Another question: how important is vaal arc? I had a level 21 arc already, is it worth flipping this one and getting a 21 vaal arc? I'm planning on only running one life flask, would diamond flask be a good alternative to vaal arc?
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why does a trap need a trap glove?
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