3.3 OBEY THE ORB (Orb of Storms - based build, SSF)
If thats true, i dont think this build will work anymore... sadly, it was so fun :/
IGN: Toxic_Artillery Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย IsodorRodosi#0726 เมื่อ 5 ธ.ค. 2018 07:15:02
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3.5 update: the change to "instant cast" did not come with a cooldown and the skill seems to work the same as before. I'm about half way through the acts right now and it seems to be status quo!
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They wrote it in the patch notes, but didnt implemented it in the final patch at it seems
Still got the 0,25 seconds cast time, so my build is still working :) IGN: Toxic_Artillery
Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 |
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Actually, i believe the "instant cast" factor is that the buff is applied at the beginning of the cast, rather than the end. (so panic casting it actually gives the buff in time to make a difference). For this builds purposes, there is no difference.
EDIT: Note that the newly added 3% spell block IS on the gem, so it WAS updated. Die for the Living Live for the Dying Fight for the Lost Remember the Fallen This is The Hero’s Path แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Thornstromb#3195 เมื่อ 10 ธ.ค. 2018 12:14:36
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Hmm, maybe.
Maybe its because someone of the balancing team saw my guide, and decided to not ruining it. Thats how i explain it to myself xD IGN: Toxic_Artillery
Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 |
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Anyone have an updated tree? Kind of working through this again on my own as trickster this time but after two leagues the trees been busted up and is pretty incomplete.
This is what I've sort of planned out right now https://poeplanner.com/AA8AAPUADyYCAHeU8fiX-_W0OOUZjDZVS2HiJpUWvw-rbWzndOjWIuoyAbIZz3ph63pTNj2dqmyMYqzrYxEvBbWNv9Qj-uuS815FUUc31O0_MHyNfSP2TZJQQlM1kydsCyL0bRkI9GpDvOosnBBYdhGX9JeVTLPQH-_rOw0RD36vjRngEtlf3YwEB4PbVcY6WOvkXyoRLXyD6-6a4EWdU1KFMpctSU-8qjLRRUfAZjwF73yf367_1aaCm6IA8B8Es7WF71DBtC19G8jP3fGKHNyPGr6KoS_DOpu1hMUwcd2oS3g6Qv6zahuLDlq5kUeAs_mkcNQJIN_zAAAQAQAAFAACAAfQAQH0AQEEAAAA Thinking of using diadem to basically have the 40% cast speed permanently but that leaves defenses as pure life/evasion/dodge/MoM nevermind that interaction doesn't work as I thought it would. RIP แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Gheauxst#0336 เมื่อ 16 ม.ค. 2019 00:42:07
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So, not sure anyone is following this build any more but I've really been enjoying it since I read about it a few leagues back and with the patch notes out for 3.6 it got some major buffs. Orb of storms got a large base damage buff and a 30% buff in added damage efficency. Tempest shield meanwhile had its level 1 mana cost reduced by over half from 17-7 which should allow for builds other than trickster to have much smoother mana sustain especially early on (though 110 to 130 mana multiplier on arcane surge takes a little bit out of that) going from 18.7 to 9.1 per cast with arcane surge is still slightly over a 50% reduction in cost.
Other things to consider is that there's more crit on the tree for spells now and a lot more aoe. Aoe is a godsend in that it allows us to smooth gameplay some more while going for a damage enchantment. The crit changes however do remove the use of controlled destruction and EO without picking up a lot of crit first but it's still pretty doable especially if you're running choir of the storm. Doryani's catalyst also offers a minimum 30% increased crit chance so doryanis + choir is the 105 needed to still crit after CD. I'm tempted to fiddle around with crit chance and juicing it instead as lightning bolts level 20 base damage from the amulet is also quite high at 552 to 1657 however its cool down at .5s might already be close to maxed out for us with how often we trigger orb of storms. Also the new shield ES nodes in the witch tree are tempting if we can get a rare shield with an ES base and juice it up with some fossil crafting then give it 100% more ES Also free es leech too is nice. I think this will go a long way towards making this a more serious build and I'm excited to run it as an elementalist again now that mana costs have gone down significantly |
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Oh, i see!
Ill do my build again this league, too. I did him last league, as a elementalist, and didnt had mutch mana problems at all. With the new update and the reduced manacosts of temepest shield, this build should not be more mana intensive than a regular caster. So basicly, you can go for whatever class you can think of, and should be finde :) Ill probably update the guide some weeks into the league! IGN: Toxic_Artillery
Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 |
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Awesome, here's a preliminary tree I got excited and drew up
https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAPkAECMAAHnfsIIQB6UC40myLJwRLXyD6-6a4EWdU1KFMpctSU-8qqcI2CRWSDLRRUfAZjwFn9_vfLzqakMI9G0Zl_SXlRBYdhHk7DI0_rNqGyL0bAuTJ-_rOw0RD36vjRngEtlf3Yy1he9QwbQtfUwtFLCCHn_GEZYOSOOEXfKYUx9BHNy4kyj6gsf56I8aBLOiAPAfvooYPL0nGFYvnRbzJjxBh7c-_grYvTWSoS_yRTrhplfviPk3189JsYVt1YEk2K7_1aY5mcpZ0UUEB4PbVcY6WB8CrJi5AqQF2wv-jwcelS7w1UlRa3rIv0ZS_EwXpBM11AfcjQAAAAB4QAIXARQBAQH9____BQFQAAAAATIAAAABKAAAAAEBAAAAAQoAAAAGHz9rAAEAlAABAK8AAQDRAAEAmQABAJYAAQAAAAAAAAAAKQJqAAABAQEeAAAABgEUAAAAAAEBAAAAATIAAAABFAAAAAEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MoM + EB for es leech multiplier. Could use shroud of the lightless or though considering there's not a lot of good links to fill out the 6th link(either empower or unbound ailments I think, though hypothermia + added cold is still not bad either) my gut instinct is go for lightless since it helps scale life and mana some more, though it doesn't have flat life like inpulsas. |
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Can use TempShield Lightning Tendrils instead? Mana consumption is less and cast time too. https://pastebin.com/z3mM8EUt
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย eugenikus8#4448 เมื่อ 7 มี.ค. 2019 07:15:10
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