3.3 OBEY THE ORB (Orb of Storms - based build, SSF)
@ IsodorRodosi -
I can tell from the videos that you're primarily using lightning warp, tempest shield, orb of storms, and vaal stormcall. What other skills are you using (auras etc) and what links / supports gems for the other skills? I assume: Lightning warp - less duration - swift affliction Tempest Shield - i have no idea what links you're using here Orb of Storms - Chain - Controlled Destruction - Lightning Pen - Elemental Focus - Added Lightning I could be wrong, so any information would help. |
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Cant you see the socket gems in the equipment i posted? Or only i can see?
Tempest shield: TS + Faster casting + 20% culling strike + Arcane surge Auras: Grace( essence wurm), arctic armor IGN: Toxic_Artillery
Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 |
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For some reason i didn't even think of that -facepalm- Complete brainfart. Sorry mate.
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How do you get frenzy/power charges? I don't see anything on either gear or tree that gives them, on kill or otherwise (ECs are from warlord, that one I understand).
Also, what's your 4th ascension perk? ...wait. It's Swift Killer, isn't it? That's where you're getting those sweet charges, right? |
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Yes it is, and thats why i wearing this armor. To carry the charges into Bossfights and dont have them expire between phase xhanges, if its a multi phase boss.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery
Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 |
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Hey there, Tree seems to be broken, and your account set to private, so I cant grab tree from your toon.
Would you mind updating the tree? Really want to try the build, gonna mess around with an Indigon |
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IGN: Toxic_Artillery
Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 |
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http://poeurl.com/b0rY is just a copy of the tree.
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IsodorRodosi - i'm curious how you managed to maintain the insane mana consumption early on (act 2 etc) other than chugging mana potions like a mad man. I'm using 2 elreon rings, a healthy amount of mana, and at 9sp per cast tempest shield + OoS combo sucks me dry in no time. Once i get high enough level, obviously a blasphemy - warlord's curse will help with that. Also, for those like me that may need to help conserve mana. Dropping an Orb of storms then unleashing with a quill rain + lightning arrow will also proc the OoS at an insane rate for some helpful dps while transitioning (i would assume bright beak + lightning strike or an all lightning ele hit would do the same thing)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย mltryman#3036 เมื่อ 10 ก.ค. 2018 08:46:57
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Brightbeak: not nearly as fast, only attacks with half of the cast speed of tempest shield and also lacks any caster stats.
Quillrain: Still around a third slower than tempest shield, and you need to wear a bow with zero damageincrease vs a shield and a caster weapon. In other words, both are worse in terms of damage, speed and survivability and thats by a lot! How to maintain the mana: Honestly, i dont know for sure anymore. I was wearing an Azoatle amulet with +6 manaregen and +77 maximum mana, and had one decend manapotion. And i also didnt level up tempest shield, until i finished normal lab, after that, it was a piece of cake to maintain the mana. IGN: Toxic_Artillery Obey the Orb: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2161077/page/1 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย IsodorRodosi#0726 เมื่อ 10 ก.ค. 2018 09:21:45
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