Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!

georgepine เขียน:
Cluster Traps Support with Undying Incinerators.
Concentrated Area Effect Support would probably be a lot of fun; not currently using it at the moment...

Hm. The last time I tried them with UE was a wipe because of the way they throw down the traps. I should revisit them, but they don't work with the PoH build (traps don't work with echo).
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
allanw เขียน:
allanw เขียน:
FanaticFrog เขียน:
anyone with HC experience using this build? im thinking of trying HC first time and idk if this build can be good enough (using PoHv2 on SC right now)? would love any type of help (message me if you prefer)

ty :)

Yes, I just started my first HC char with this build since it's very tanky. I'm basically playing SSF due to not many people trading. At level 70 now in Act 9. It's very very easy, the only times I've gone below 50% hp was during labyrinth. Pretty sure I can get to 90 with garbage gear if I don't rush. The only thing I bought was a Tabula, but I think even 4-link Spectre does enough damage to get through early mapping. I saw a lot of 90+ necros still using a Tabula on HC.

For some reason I saw 80% of necros on HC use Flesh Offering which is strange since Bone/Spirit Offering gives a lot of survivability. There's more % of Necros using Bone Offering in SC than HC.

Whelp my HC char just ripped at 88 to a room full of porcupines in a T9 map. 6700 hp and wasn't using Rumi's or Bone Offering. Got greedy and was still using Flesh Offering. I still don't understand why most builds aren't using Bone Offering in HC

Bad luck. Porcs are one of the worst things in the game.

Maybe the Bone Offering necros are following this build exactly as is? A lot of people new to necros.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
HouseMD เขียน:
I plan to use Zealotry, Haste, and wrath auras. The guide recommends Aul's Uprising with no haste mana reserve. Would an Aul's uprising with no Zealotry mana reserve work just as well? It's cheaper and also I think the +maximum energy shield is better than evasion isn't it?

It'll work fine. Just move Vaal Haste to the helmet and don't link it to Generosity (it is needed as a self buff).

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Haewk เขียน:
Great build, thanks!

I just made it to uber elder but minions keep dying. I am using wand and shield version and slave drivers never die running maps, Zombies only on phys reflect. Spectre gem is level 21.

I am using the extra dps version, will switching to the bone barrier and mistress of sacrifice setup be enough to keep the slave drivers alive or am I missing something else?

I can try switching Deathmark out for minion life maybe...?

I have about 2ex 250c if gear changes are needed.

Easiest fix is Bone Barrier because it gives minions 20% more life (not 'increased').

Mistress is for your necro. Plaguebringer will help minions as well because of the 10% enemy damage debuff.

Make sure you are keeping your minions out of danger in the fight. See my old UE videos on my youtube channel, not the latest ones. The old videos are played to keep them alive, the newer videos are played for short kill times (and you will see spectres die).
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Hey guys, just about to create my first char of this season. Is this build expensive at the moment due to how popular necro is? or is it still a decent league starter?
I have a newbie qustion. How do you use wrath, precision and summon skitterbots without draining all mana reserves?
aziziman เขียน:
I have a newbie qustion. How do you use wrath, precision and summon skitterbots without draining all mana reserves?

With mana reserve reduction in passives and items
aziziman เขียน:
I have a newbie qustion. How do you use wrath, precision and summon skitterbots without draining all mana reserves?

You can do much more even. Currently doing Wrath, Skitterbots, Flesh and Stone, and Aspect of the Spider.
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Hotek86 เขียน:
Hey guys, just about to create my first char of this season. Is this build expensive at the moment due to how popular necro is? or is it still a decent league starter?

I'd say this is the cheapest build for poe atm as there are no core items needed and you can cap your resistances easily on rings etc while the damage is good enough without +minion rolls (I started to buy cheap upgrades after my first T13 clear this league).
Just wanted to jump in and say a HUGE thank you for Kay and the other guys keeping this thread alive.
I'm myself a big fan of casual PoE and usually try every league, but until now I was playing alone as my wife is more into D3, but this build made her try the game and now we're doing T14+ maps together! :D
So once again thanks Kay and the others.
Subbed to your YT channel to see other builds in upcoming leagues :)
(Sorry for the long post)

Annihilat0r เขียน:
Can someone who switched to PoH version tell me how much exa it costed him? Im saving up and would appreciate to know... Also if someone is selling Poh gear in bulk let me know ingame.

PoH isn't that expensive to get started, but can run super expensive when min-maxing (what build doesn't though).

The main items you'll want is

6link PoH: (3ex, can recolor to 6blue easily)
Devouring Diadem: (cheap, under 50chaos, unless enchanted, can run from 10ex for cast speed to 18-20ex for damage)

Rest is similar to Wand&Shield, which means:

Stygian Belt with Life/Resist (some ES on top of it is a good options), can range anywhere from 15chaos to a couple exalt depending on the stats you get.

Boots with +1 to spectre level, as much life as you can afford, and movement speed/resist if you can afford it. Can range anywhere from 50chaos without resist to multiple exalts with resists.

Gloves with Blind on Hit, and again, as much life as you can afford, resist if you need/can, and Minion damage craft if possible. Can range from couple chaos without resist, to a couple exalt with.

Chest with +1 Spectre, as much life as you can afford, resist if you need them, and 9-10% Life as ES craft (different from Wand's %life/%mana craft). Does not need to be 6linked, can be 5linked. This range froms a couple ex without resist to multiple with. Do not go with non-int base unless it's already the colors you want.
(missing gems are Animated Guardian and Flame Dash)

Rings are used to fill out your missing resists/dex. Getting life on them is always a plus, shouldnt be too expensive but can get expensive from min-maxing.

Amulet is a touchy topic. Aul Haste is the best choice, but expensive. You can do the PoH build with literally any amulet, just means you wont be using Haste aura (only Vaal Haste, similar to Wand and shield). Good rolls to get if not Aul: Life, resists, dex, ES. Otherwise, Jinxed Juju is a decent alternative. Can cost anywhere from few chaos to 12ex (Haste aul).

For jewels, you'll want the same Anatomical Knowledge and Unending hunger, along with Murderous Eye Jewels with damage mods. Anatomical/Unending (~30chaos total for perfect), murderous eyes can range from a few chaos to a couple exalt if you go for very good ones.

IMO the best mods to get are % Increased damage if used a minion skill and % Increased attack/cast speed if minions have killed recently or normal attack/cast speed, along with some life.
Example: The one I have in Stygian Vise or

A watcher's eye is very recommended, but not needed. It will boost your ES pool by a lot. You want a Clarity "% Mana as ES". If you can afford, get a Haste "Phasing" (granting you have Haste Aul), or personally I went with a Clarity "% damage taken as mana" to enhance my MoM (have 6.3k hp 2.9k ES, 40% MoM effect). Price ranges from 8ex (Mana as ES only) to 20+ ex (Mana as ES + Phasing).

Finally, your gems. As every build, try to get 20/20 on everything that quality has value. Try to get 21/20 spectre, 21/20 AG if you can, lvl 4 Enhance for gloves.

All in all, an "okay" PoH build can cost you maybe 8ex I'd say, but you'll be very squishy. A decent one could cost around 40ex, more if you go for more GG pieces.

I'd say in term of priority, you should go with this

Core (PoH, Diadem, change passives, making sure you have proper resists/attributes from all your gear) > Chest > Watchers > Boots > Aul > Ring/Gloves/Belt/Jewels.

Hotek86 เขียน:
Hey guys, just about to create my first char of this season. Is this build expensive at the moment due to how popular necro is? or is it still a decent league starter?

The wand and shield variant is cheap to start with, you dont really need expensive items, it'll work very well with basic rares as minions are kinda overpowered. The upgrades are easy to get and scales very well into end game.



