[On Hold] Elemental Hit Ascendant [All Content]

As mentioned above, I tried using the 4 fossils mentioned too and got really garbage bows...
Zoxjib เขียน:
As mentioned above, I tried using the 4 fossils mentioned too and got really garbage bows...

Welcome to crafting in PoE. You're not guaranteed anything with fossil crafting.

First bow was crafted on day 2 of the character using only a 3-socket resonator with corroded, metallic, and serrated in 2 tries (less than 1 ex of material)

Second took like 5-6ish exalts of materials before the bow was even usable over Chin Sol.

I'm currently trying to craft another bow to replace either of my current ones and I've sunk in like 10ex so far in materials. You're going to see a lot of crap bows that dont even have any +level prefixes before you get even a usable one if you're trying to craft on a shaper base.

If you're not interested in going for a crazy-high tier bow and want to opt for a usable / better-than-Chin-Sol, I'd suggest going for either an elder base or a non-shaper / non-elder base as it can more reliably hit +3 and 20% more atk damage.

Edit: Honestly it might actually be easier to get a better bow with an elder bow base. You eliminate 2 shaper prefixes so the ONLY possible prefixes u can hit are +1, +2 bow gems, and / or 20% more atk damage. if you hit regular attack speed (maybe even hybrid attack speed) and have open suffix, you can just craft on "%chance to deal double damage"
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย redragonblack#4395 เมื่อ 29 ธ.ค. 2018 03:44:32
I'm crafting on a normal non-elder/shaper ilvl 82 base and so far I didn't get even +1 in 2ex of attempts...

I'll try another couple ex before I go search the rope...

-EDIT: As I said that and hit my first Resonator, I got this:

I asked UberDan about this roll and he suggested I remove the +Fire, mastercraft cannot roll attack mods, slam +1 gems and then mastercraft attack speed. Not sure if it's going to be better, but if I use Empower level 4 instead of damage on full life then he might be right... Right?

Right now, according to PoB, my Shaper DPS with the new bow is lower than with my old bow and I have no idea why. :|

-EDIT2: I did it. It is stronger. :)

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zoxjib#5083 เมื่อ 29 ธ.ค. 2018 05:12:59
Zoxjib เขียน:
I'm crafting on a normal non-elder/shaper ilvl 82 base and so far I didn't get even +1 in 2ex of attempts...

I'll try another couple ex before I go search the rope...

That's pretty unlucky. I was also looking for rope when i was trying to craft my helmet lol. Could never hit high life roll and -elemental resistance together even though it shouldn't have been that hard.
Maybe im an idiot. Where am i putting the Combat focus jewels?
Hi All,

I'd like to ask for some help improving my ele setup.

Do you usually max out the res by the items, or max with the flask usage only?

It this bow worth going for the 6 link or should get a better one?

Also, for mapping is +1 pierce enogh for mapping or should go for more?

Thanks for you help in advance. :)
I prefer and recommend overcapping (109% all res) without flasks.

That bow is not worth 6-linking because you can make a better one for 25c: The Porcupine div set + a Shrieking Essence of Rage
got this after ~50 fossil crafts with Serrated Fossil, Corroded Fossil and Metallic Fossil

and wasting all my currency on
at 30ex with prefixes cannot be changed and 2 free ex from Leo, never Double damage :/
Personally has done me QUITE well on this build. But I've also gotten lucky and self crafted all my current gear. I'm exceptionally happy with this:

3rd try with fossils :)



