Dejuvenate's Quillrain Toxic Rain. Beastly AOE and single target. WIP.

This is not true,it may can calculate the molten strike damage because each projectile can overlap each others,but with Toxic rain the pods cannot get on top of each others and you have to wait atleast 1 second for the pods to burst out so i think the DPS much lower than you thought.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hyred#1902 เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2018 11:33:50
How do you feel about a Hierophant using Toxic Rain with RAT? Obviously the DPS will be worse per totem, but you can get five totems with basically zero investment so it would possibly have much higher DPS.

Hyred เขียน:
This is not true,it may can calculate the molten strike damage because each projectile can overlap each others,but with Toxic rain the pods cannot get on top of each others and you have to wait atleast 1 second for the pods to burst out so i think the DPS much lower than you thought.

Quoting what you're claiming isn't true would help people understand what you're trying to say. As is, it seems like you're just blanket disagreeing with every aspect of the entire thread so far, which is patently ridiculous because plenty of things are not arguable.
Additionally, you might want to read the description of Toxic Rain again:
Fire a number of arrows into the air that rain down around the targeted area, dealing damage to enemies they hit and creating spore pods where they land. Each spore pod deals chaos damage over time to nearby enemies and lessens their movement speed. After a short duration, the pods burst, dealing area damage.

Emphasis added by me. The point of this build is that the spores damage enemies before they explode. The explosion is just a little bit of damage done to enemies, and is effectively irrelevant when considering the DPS of this build.
Haha yeah I got quillrain as soon as I hit level 5 ;)

I am going to keep experimenting with which way around is smoother for leveling. For just getting through areas I find that one CA with pierce is enough to kill each pack, especially while mirage archer is launching off TRs at the same time.

QOL request: can we make TR/Mirage archer quieter?! It's so insanely loud!
Nuraihyon เขียน:
How do you feel about a Hierophant using Toxic Rain with RAT? Obviously the DPS will be worse per totem, but you can get five totems with basically zero investment so it would possibly have much higher DPS.

It will be way stronger but a fair bit slower since you wont be zooming around as fast. Perfect for delving.
vaishakh เขียน:
It will be way stronger but a fair bit slower since you wont be zooming around as fast. Perfect for delving.

In theorycrafting one, I'm finding that I'm losing out on a ton of attack speed, thus making me have much worse DPS in total even with the five totem attacking simultaneously.
Though I entirely accept the possibility that this is only a problem because I'm an idiot.
How are you sustaining mana? I legit have to use a mana pot constantly.. Even with the 2 main mana nodes.
Looks like AngryRolePlayer is also making one, but focused on poison and pathfinder.

MY reply and also running some more checks.

For us (tricksters) and basically in general, building based on the DOT seems to be the way to go, IMO.

I will be testing quillrain vs. +2/3 skill bow and see how they match up.

@NeggyK - once you reach a certain lvl of mana, your trickster ascendancy weave the arcane will basically refund more mana than it costs. Also, Patient Reaver helps with mana and sustain while delving/mapping.

discord id: dejuvenate#5828
[3.13 Ritual] Flameslinger -
[3.5 Betrayal] Brutus AW Chieftain -
[3.4 Delve] Toxic Rain -
Hey dude, I'm trying this out. Quill Rain is about 3-4 chaos atm on hc. I'm following the general path of your tree but plan on subbing in more life nodes, probably in place of Master Fletcher/Avatar of the Hunter wheel and maybe Heavy Draw. I'm not sure yet though. Level 45 atm.
Lucas_am เขียน:
Hey dude, I'm trying this out. Quill Rain is about 3-4 chaos atm on hc. I'm following the general path of your tree but plan on subbing in more life nodes, probably in place of Master Fletcher/Avatar of the Hunter wheel and maybe Heavy Draw. I'm not sure yet though. Level 45 atm.

Cool beans.. I am a filthy SC casual so what worked for me might not work for you. I prioritize Patient Reaper, then Weaving the Arcane.

The last 2 points are prolonged pain, then swift killer.

I would really recommend getting quill rain over anything else, even tabula, as the faster attack and faster projectiles help a lot, both for clearing and safety (blink arrow is almost instant with quillrain).

If anything you can probably drop the 6 points nodes leading to dirty techniques, as we do a shitload of damage as it is. But I am at that point where I am hunting for life nodes myself...
discord id: dejuvenate#5828
[3.13 Ritual] Flameslinger -
[3.5 Betrayal] Brutus AW Chieftain -
[3.4 Delve] Toxic Rain -
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย dejuvenate#4744 เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2018 04:04:27
I already have a toxic rain/quill rain champion since league start.

I chossed champion, because with both shadow and ranger, i always had trouble to get the defense done, and their classes dont increase the damage that mutch, that it is worth the squishyness.

What i found out about toxic rain is, that it has kind of a pattern to its randomness.

If you aim on any given point of the ground, and if you have no obstacles or walls there, 3 arrow seems always land, so that there aoes overlap atleast a minimal amount in the midle. All other arrows land in a random, spreding from middle to outwards pattern, and dont overlap with the middle.

Also, extra projectiles greatly increase the aoe in what the arrows fall, if you link a gmp and lmp to it, it covers the whole screen. This is probably due to that each arrow after the third lands more outwards than the last arrow, and never closer to the middle than the last arrow, so the more projectiles you add, the more outwards the last one will fall.
More projectiles dont increase the single target damage(unless you get a crazy, maybe unoptainable ammount of AOE)

Increased and reduction to the AOE defently dont affect how far the projectiels spread (it NOT works like Firestorm! Tested it in standart with a 130% aoe, and than with a 0% Aoe with lvl 1 concentrated effect, arrows in both cases cover the same area) but on how great the explosions are, and how big the poison dot aoe is. So DONT link concentrated aoe on it, it greatly reduces the damage becasue lowering the aoe leads to less overlap, but not to a tighter arrow spread! Inc aoe is way better in this case, becasue it leads to bigger clouds without increasing the stpead, so more clouds will overlap at any given point!

Iam lvl 75 so far, no deaths, damage is way to mutch for what ive invested yet, an iam not even using quillrain yet, because i play self found,have garbage gear and no luck with a quillrain drop so far. I usualy play in SSF, but somehow, people wanna play with me since my succesfull Orb of Storm build last league....

Here my crappy gear:

And even with that it melts everything, and makes this poor caustic arrow users weep tears....

I expect a shift in meta as soon as the majority realizes that the dot stacs.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย IsodorRodosi#0726 เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2018 04:49:33



