[3.9] Cyclone Summoner - Heralds of Agony and Purity, Summon Holy Relic - League starter
" The multistrike mod also gives a lot of atkspeed (21% in the claw posted above), which is the second most important thing you want to have on a claw. Multistrike itself could also slightly benefit the animation speed of shield charge. |
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" Which is better? Claw with 1.98 aps without multistrike or claw with 1.94 aps with multistrike? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย macabreix#1031 เมื่อ 18 ม.ค. 2020 11:20:38
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" If all other mods are the same, I would go for the 1.98 aps one. (If I would go for a claw at all, I still prefer 2x Cold Iron Point for any budget) |
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Extreme Budget / Early League Start Gear
Required Unique: The Coming Calamity allows us to use both heralds with as many links as we want and gives +2 to HoAg level. Price: ~3c at league start (league start price estimations are based on the price in Metamorph league on day 2/3) (1c in Metamorph 1 month into the league) Additional Cost: Jeweller's Touch to 5L ~15c (8c later in league), average 80 chromatic orbs using 1G bench recipe Important Unique: Thief's Torments takes care of our Mana for cyclone, gives a lot of life gain on hit, a good chunk of resistances and some quant on top. Price: ~10c at league start (2c later in league) Important Unique: Cold Iron Point daggers increase the level of both HoAg and HoP by a lot while also being usable with cyclone and having decent atkspeed. Price: ~10c each (3c) Useful Unique: Starkonja's Head (without useful enchantment) gives a lot of life, which is a crucial stat for our defense, dex needed for the HoAg gem and some atkspeed and defense while low on top. Any other helmet with a high life roll and resistances / dex as required would also be possible. Later in league, a decent rare helmet with +2 projectiles enchantment for HoAg costs 1c and is a clearly better budget option. Price: ~5c (1c) Cheap Rares: On amulet, gloves and belt you want as much life as you can get, ideally with some resistances or dex. These are just random rares that cost 1c one month into the league fulfilling these criteria. Even a few days after league start you should be able to get decent ones for 1c or less. Price: 1c (1c) Cheap Rare: Boots are just like amulet, gloves and belt, with the exception that you want 25-30% movement speed as well. Price: ~5c (1c) Jewels: You always want life on any jewel you are using. These also have poison chance, which helps significantly against bosses. Other desirable mods on jewels are resistances, atkspeed (for daggers, while dual wielding), minion atkspeed and later mana gain on hit to be able to replace Thief's Torment. Price: ??? (1-2c each) |
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Close to Optimal Gear Pt. 1
CIPs with 7% atkspeed corruption. As this is local atkspeed, having this corruption on both daggers gives 7% more atkspeed, so slightly faster virulence buildup and slightly more life gain from lgoh. Price / How to obtain? One month into the league, the market price is 1 ex for 5% corruption and 3 ex for 7% corruption. Notably, CIPs with an "increased damage over time" corruption are even more expensive. This leads to a good supply of CIPs with atkspeed corruption and can make vaaling CIPs quite profitable. A 6L +1 corrupted The Coming Calamity. If you already have an amulet with +2 levels to HoAg, the +1 corruption "only" gives 4% more dps from pushing the HoAg level from 31 to 32 and a few more percent from support gem levels. Price / How to obtain? Thanks to deathmark support we "only" need 4 off-colors. And getting 4 off colors is literally an order of magnitude easier than 5 off-colors. This combined with the historically low price of vaal orbs makes 6Ling a +1 corrupted calamity somewhat affordable. One month into Metamorph league the cost to make one (any +1 corrupted calamity, 1850 vaal, 1500 fuses, 350 jewellers + on average 400 vaal/chrome to color using 1G recipe) is around 15 ex, provided you get the +1 corruption yourself or find a cheap one. Earlier in the league when vaal orbs were even cheaper, it was only about 10 ex, only twice the cost of a regular 6L calamity. Alternative gems: While Vile Toxins is the best single target option, Awakened Chain (10 ex) is the best general clear option (maps, blighted maps, delve <600). When sheer DPS really matters (deep delve), Pierce is still recommended. Crafted Helmet with +2 projectiles for crawler. Compared to Starkonja's Head, this Helmet triples the DPS of HoP and gives a ~10% dps increase to HoAg. The reduced Mana reservation mod has no effect. "Nearby enemies take 9% increased physical damage" is more desirable than the alternative "Nearby enemies have -9% chaos resistance". Under ideal conditions with spirit offering triggered and 10 wither stacks on an enemy, HoAg deals slightly more chaos damage than physical damage. Without spirit offering but with wither stacks, which is the standard scenario vs bosses if you do NOT get hit, HoAg physical damage is about twice as high as chaos damage. Price / How to obtain? An ilvl 86+ elder bone helmet base with +2 projectiles enchantment is minimum 15 ex. Hitting all three desired prefixes and the nearby enemies suffix using pristine/bound/jagged is very rare. I got lucky after about 60 attempts (~8 ex) with t1 life, +2 levels, lvl 16 minion damage and nearby enemies inc phys. For an earlier comparable craft, I needed about 200 attempts (25 ex) to hit t3 life, +1 level, lvl 20 minion dmg and nearby enemies red chaos res. Amulet with +2 to HoAg levels and life. This amulet also gives a nice amount of regen (good vs bosses), some nice dex (you need it somewhere) and nice minion movement speed (good for clear). Price / How to obtain? In short: You craft a guaranteed +1 dex / +1 phys amulet with an awakener's orb and hope for an open prefix to be able to craft life on it.
Detailed explanation with current (1 month into Metamorph) prices
For one attempt, you need any hunter amulet with +1 to dex skill gems as the only hunter mod (~ 50c, either buy or alt craft yourself) and an ilvl 82+ (ideally 85+) warlord marble amulet with +1 to phys skill gems as the only warlord mod (~2.5 ex, currently cheapest to buy a normal ilvl 85+ marble amulet, use warlord's ex and alts to get +1 to phys skill gems). In addition, you need an awakener's orb (230c). In total, this is around 5 ex on average.
Very likely (If my assumption of how awakener's orbs work is correct), the chance to get an open prefix after using an awakener's orb with two fixed prefixes is 25% (1/6 to get an open prefix and an open suffix, 1/12 to get only an open prefix). Of course there is also the very small chance to hit a high tier life mod. Each failed attempt without an open prefix can either be sold at a small loss (currently the cheapest amulet with +1 dex and +1 phys is 3.5 ex) or annulled. By using annuls until either the bad prefix or a +1 gem mod is removed, you would have a 33% chance to still get the open prefix (and a 67% chance to destroy it) At the current prices (5 ex for an attempt, 3.5 ex back for no open prefix) annulling could be a good option. Provided there is an open prefix, there are several options how to proceed: - 1. 3 good suffixes: craft life (done) - 2. 2 good suffixes + either bad or open suffix: craft life (done) - 3. 1 good suffix, 1 bad suffix, 1 open suffix: craft "prefixes cannot be changed" (2ex) and try to annul the bad one. If you hit the bad one, remove craft, add multimod, craft life + good suffix (done). If you hit the good one, scour suffixes. If you hit "prefixes cannot be changed", recraft it and try again. - 4. 1 good suffix, 2 bad suffixes: either live with it and craft life (done) or risky annul and proceed as in 3. if successful, restart if bricked or 6. if you hit the good one - 5. 3 bad suffixes: risky annul, restart if bricked or 6. if you annul a suffix - 6. 2 bad suffixes, 1 open suffix: craft prefixes can't be changed and scour. If suffixes were scoured: craft any cheap prefix mod, slam a random suffix. If it is good, multimod, craft life + good suffix (done). If it is bad, either live with it, multimod, craft life + good suffix (done) or, IF you are rich: craft prefixes can't be changed, scour, slam again, repeat until you get a good suffix, multimod, craft life + good suffix (done). Once you are (done), use 20 fertile catalysts for more life and regen and annoint. In conclusion, to obtain a comparable amulet you need anywhere between 7 ex and 50 ex depending on your luck. Personally, I got open prefix+suffix from my first awakener orb (lucky), crafted prefixes can't be changed and annulled an epic suffix (6% less phys dmg taken), scoured the bad suffix, used 16 ex to get a decent suffix and then multimodded etc. Ring with a lot of life, maximum lgoh and two great craft only mods. -3 channeling cost is one part of my strategy to sustain cyclone, together with +4 mana gain on hit from jewels. Reducing the mna cost of cyclone is more desirable than solely relying on mana gain on hit, because it allows for more freedom to use cyclone without necessarily hitting enemies. The shock craft is a huge dps boost. On using focus, you apply a shock debuff to enemies around you for 4s that increases damage taken by 20% (default for "other" sources of shock) and lasts 2s (default). Focus has a 12s cooldown, so you deal 20% more dmg for 6s and then have 10s downtime. For many bosses with phases or not enough life to live very long this is de facto constant 20% more dps. Price / How to obtain? Get an elder vermillion (hunter is also possibly, but likely more expensive) ring ilvl 80+, scour it, use 4 fertile catalysts for 20% life quality, use pristine fossils until you hit t1 life and t1 lgoh. Thanks to the higher chance for these mods from both fossil and quality, this should take maybe 25 rolls on average. IF you necessarily want both crafted mods, you can continue as explained for the amulet (get open prefix and 2 open suffixes). However, it might be a good idea consider other options before starting to annul something, especially if there is no open prefix. Vermillion rings with t1 life + t1 lgoh are very good for other builds as well, so it might be better to just sell and start again if you don't get both open prefix and open suffix to safely annul one suffix and then multimod. Circle of Nostalgia with life implicit and dmg / chaos res mods. Without the %life implicit, I would not even consider using a Circle of Nostalgia. And even then, I dont like losing 24 lgoh and t1 life which i could get from a second crafted ring. However, it has its perks. 75% chaos resistance is a lot, and 100% increased dmg for HoAg, resulting in about 10% more damage, is also really nice. Importantly, at medium virulence stacks, which often occurs while mapping when no enemies are near you, the damage buff is much more significant. Still, neither the chaos res not the increased damage is "necessary". Even at -40% chaos res this build is doing just fine. It may be a valid option to go for increased HoAg buff effect just for the 20% increased poison chance. This way you would not need any jewels with poison chance to reach 100%. Instead of poison chance on jewels, you could get more res or atkspeed or use more abyss jewels with minion atkspeed and life regen while moving. Price / How to obtain? Currently 3 ex for chaos res / crawler damage with 8% increased life implicit + a lot of divines. |
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Feels like i must leave comment.
Played only this build this league. Fairly cheap for start. Easy to learn. Have a lil issues with DPS before 6l on HoA. Overall DPS and survivability is good. With my gear i able to defeat all content. But keep in mind that u not so tanky as some other builds, so not try to facetank shaper beams, etc. Delve depth 300 meantime, going deeper (slowly, too much sweets in sides )) Shaper and elder guards - easy. Conquerors - easy any level. Only acid one is harder bcoz he moves and sometimes u cant hit him to get life up. Killed shaper, elder, Atziri in temple (suppose uber Atziri is good too, just avoid double explosion). Killed all 3 Delve bosses (crystal king was my 1st time, never met him before). Killed Sirius up to A7, now spawning influence to get A8. Killed uber elder first time. Uelder and sirius fight are hard tho. Bcoz LGOH. U dont hit - u die. And sometimes u just can hit, bcoz of AOE or other shit. And stupid cravler sometimes didn`t want to attack if u runaway or dodge skills. PS: i still have a big room to upgrades - i dont use daggers, only topictarter gear. I don`t have lab enchant. I dont have 21 lvl gems hoa, hop, and supports. I don`t have awakened supports gems. I don`t have watchers eye, and 2 jewels with (life, aspd, minion damage - bcoz they like 2ex ea, lol) and other. |
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First of all, thx for this build. I really enjoyed it.
Here is my pob Link : https://pastebin.com/0WUhs2EC I used flame dash for mobility together with curse on hit, projectile weakness. I have to say that Vaal cyclone is also very nice. I used it at metamorphs at the low HP phase, because of the ground effects. Sometimes u cant escape then. Here my gear: |
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KäptnSharky really good summary of top gear!
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Tried this build. It is faster in maps than the original build but i felt more squishy with 6.5k life at level 93. I want to ask if bottled faith and rumi flasks are necessary for your build and why desecrate is at level 1 when cwdt,IC and offering is already at level 20(from poe ninja build)?
It is a good alternative build to the op's build. Thank you very much. " |
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6.5k life is certainly not a lot. It should not be very hard to get 8k+ without too much of an investment though. Rumi's is a flask I always use and it's very cheap with a non-perfect roll. Bottled faith is as far from necessary as it can possibly be (nice regen though and 10% more dps is always great). The level of desecrate is 100% irrelevant, as it will always just create 5 corpses and that's all we care about. Spirit offering chaos dmg buff scales with gem level.
Again on claw/shield vs CIPs: You trade some life and a lot of lgoh for a huge amount of dps (like double damage approximately, even more in situation when you were not yet able to generate frenzy charges for the crawler with victario's charity). Of course you then have to focus even more on life and lgoh elsewhere on your equipment. But considering that even the ultra-budget 40c version of the build at lvl 85 already has 6.3k hp and 100 lgoh, I do not consider this very difficult. |
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