3.4 Frost blades TRICKSTER ///FULL dodge and evade

UPDATE gear + skill tree:



-new watchers eye gem gives us capped evasion + damage penetration
-new gem links setup
-new flasks
-new amulet

-main skill gems change-frost blades/added cold/ancestral call/ele damage with attack skills/hypothermia/ swap damage on full life for anc call if single target damage
-use flasks Taste of hate / lions roar for more damage (we loose 14% evade but gain a lot of damage)

If any question ask me

So i made this build back in incursion league and made it to final state tested all scenarios and its realy good

CURRENT GEAR which is not squishy and great balance of evasion and damage ill uplad skill tree versions too

-Swift killer
-Harnes the void
-Weave the arcane
-Ghost dance



IMPORTANT: you dont have to use Cowards chain belt it will make you squishy against bosses higher than T12 if you dont have ressist caped above 100% if you do then you can use it ...another thing Stibine flask gives you smoke screen that make enemy blind which mean they are 50% chance to hit you BUT it only affect enemies in smoke screen so its not always good to have it while farming its good for bosses but for farming i woul use this one
ALSO you can use ENFEEBLE curse instead of frostbite so enemy will have a 47% less accuracy rating which means less chance to hit you

it gives you more than 20% chance to evade

and lastly you dont have to use combinations of theese rings

which is DPS setup you can use great normal coral ring for 60-70 life total and Lori's Lantern also you can sacrifice power charge node to use socket down near life node called Golems blood to have another 7% life and resists

Basicaly build is playing around to delete screen and evade 75-80% (only if you use -create smoke screen flask-) of all attacks and spells AND YOUR ENEMIES ARE UNLUCKY TO HIT YOU ALL THE TIME its Low life build i made aroud 4k life with Exalted worthy items so you should manage to do 3.7 etc with cheaper ones.Its a good league starter and aslo leveling skill too it have realy great aoe and damage

With all buffs on meaning flask curse warcief frostbomb golems and herals you will get around 2.2 milion damage per hit with 8.67 attack rate and 437% crit multiplier so its a boss kiling setup

Farming setup is around 1.3 milion with same buffes ON


RARE- increse maximum life is a must other can be / crit mutli,cold damage,phys damage,proj damage,mele damage,inc damage,attack speed

Unique (requiared 2x) -Fight for Survival Viridian jewel

IF i would add to perfect this build i would get helm enchant that increases Frost blades damage boots enchant that increases attack speed when u killed recently and coruptet Touch of anguish with CULLING STRIKE

FACTORY T11- https://youtu.be/8GK0p7xFnRw


so when leveling till level 18 you can use

or cominations of them as a dual wield ofc

some leveling claws:

-Last Resort lvl 3
-Al Dhih lvl 26
-Ornament of the East lvl 46
-The Wasp Nest 60
-Bloodseeker 62

/// btw bloodseker i was thinking of using it in main had you het insta life leech (legasy Vaal pact) its great if you having problems with survibllity from this level you will eventualy get to our main claw

-Touch of Anguish lvl 68 in this level you should be at act 10 beating kitava

yes ofc you can use swords and sceptres BUT as soon as you start to her a claw phys damage tree on the right it wont scale the damage with swords and sceptres so afther that keep only using claws

For the chest use tabula if possible if not some 4-link chcest would be nice
after level 38 you can use any gem in game so you can do 6l tabula setup as with all original gems that are in end game of this build
Before that use Ancestral call-damage on full life-ele damage with attack skills-added cold damage or cirt chance

Abyssus helmet gives you huge daamge boost but it also gives you a 40-50% increased phys damage taken so find abyssus that have the lowest % which is 40% using immortal call and CWDT would help not get oneshoted but it eats your endurance charges

when leveling to 18 or to 38 use rare gear with life on it some ressits it doesnt matter until you are at level 38 or somewhere near it i can recomed useing Asenath's Mark helmet and Lochtonial Caress gloves for leveling

IF you have any other questions feel free to ask me :)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Daff370#6101 เมื่อ 3 ม.ค. 2019 07:51:51
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 5 ธ.ค. 2018 19:27:08
post how to leveling please
sagaz00 เขียน:
post how to leveling please

SURE check back in half hour
I really like this build so please excuse my newbie question. Saw on the video that you are gaining random multiple buff, how did it happen? what are you using?

Please also post ascendancy and pantheon node choices. :)
ST0NE22 เขียน:
I really like this build so please excuse my newbie question. Saw on the video that you are gaining random multiple buff, how did it happen? what are you using?

Please also post ascendancy and pantheon node choices. :)

Oh ye sure newbie questions are welcome here im no pro myslef but i explain ..

So mostly all the buff seen above the ones that appear are flasks buffs or temporaly buffs like for example endurance or frenzy charges + passive buffs like herals or golems or blasmhepmy linked curses and there are also debuffs caused by monsters like bleed chill freeze poison slow or curses that monster cast on you btw in skill htere there you can click on small arrow on beggining there youll see ascendacy tree :)
is this hardcore friendly?
xZANZIBARx เขียน:
is this hardcore friendly?

nope since the calculation of dodge and evade chance even when cappen are not something you can rely one so theres a chance you gona get oneshoted since our hp pool is not 6k if it was that high then yes maybe but you would have to have your flask managment perfecltly and never stay stationary if boss is doing some oneshot damage phase like izaro for example so it requires a high skillplay but ofcorse theres more tankier version where you dont rely much on evasion ist like 50/50 evasion phys damage reduction if you use enfeeble curse if you can get +1 curse amulet or in betrayal +1 curse on chest as a veil mod then you can have frostbite + enfeeble curse which nerfes enemis to the ground they will be unlucky to hit you and deal overall less damage if you could somehow manage to have a -Chance to blind on hit it would be -50% chance to ememies to hit you so you would be tanky and evade almost everyting
Daff370 เขียน:
xZANZIBARx เขียน:
is this hardcore friendly?

nope since the calculation of dodge and evade chance even when cappen are not something you can rely one so theres a chance you gona get oneshoted since our hp pool is not 6k if it was that high then yes maybe but you would have to have your flask managment perfecltly and never stay stationary if boss is doing some oneshot damage phase like izaro for example so it requires a high skillplay but ofcorse theres more tankier version where you dont rely much on evasion ist like 50/50 evasion phys damage reduction if you use enfeeble curse if you can get +1 curse amulet or in betrayal +1 curse on chest as a veil mod then you can have frostbite + enfeeble curse which nerfes enemis to the ground they will be unlucky to hit you and deal overall less damage if you could somehow manage to have a -Chance to blind on hit it would be -50% chance to ememies to hit you so you would be tanky and evade almost everyting

Do you have a recommended build name or website for Shadow melee Hardcore viable (either claw/dagger/shield) any SHADOW HxC build that IS NOT a TRAP BASED build?

I know frost blades...anything else?
xZANZIBARx เขียน:
Daff370 เขียน:
xZANZIBARx เขียน:
is this hardcore friendly?

nope since the calculation of dodge and evade chance even when cappen are not something you can rely one so theres a chance you gona get oneshoted since our hp pool is not 6k if it was that high then yes maybe but you would have to have your flask managment perfecltly and never stay stationary if boss is doing some oneshot damage phase like izaro for example so it requires a high skillplay but ofcorse theres more tankier version where you dont rely much on evasion ist like 50/50 evasion phys damage reduction if you use enfeeble curse if you can get +1 curse amulet or in betrayal +1 curse on chest as a veil mod then you can have frostbite + enfeeble curse which nerfes enemis to the ground they will be unlucky to hit you and deal overall less damage if you could somehow manage to have a -Chance to blind on hit it would be -50% chance to ememies to hit you so you would be tanky and evade almost everyting

Do you have a recommended build name or website for Shadow melee Hardcore viable (either claw/dagger/shield) any SHADOW HxC build that IS NOT a TRAP BASED build?

I know frost blades...anything else?

Ye great one is Shadow poison viper strike its insanely good try to search for it



