[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Mantikera เขียน:
Is headhunter good for this build ?

I haven't use a headhunter before so can't really comment, perhaps someone else who used a headhunter before can give their comments?

Mantikera เขียน:

Can we keep our resists capped with it ?

We are using a lot of rares so it's easy to cap our non Chaos resistances as long we give them a bit of priority especially on our rings.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Vei เขียน:
DefBeat เขียน:
pls check my build, respec from managuard, сant kill t14 map bos, very low damage, (have 9 ballists) sry for my eng

Hi, these are my suggestions for you

1. Change your Skirmish Quiver to a Rare one with the following

- 35%+ Crit Multiplier
- 37%+ increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
- 80+ Life
- 11%+ Attack Speed or one with Open Suffix(So we can craft 12% Attack Speed to it)

For the Quiver Base, a Penetrating or Spike-Point will be the most ideal.

2. Change your Tombfist Glove to a Rare one with the following

- 14%+ Attack Speed
- 481+ Accuracy
- 70+ Life(Or Open Prefix to craft 56-70 Life on it)

3. "Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you" isn't as important for us as our totems does the damage. We can look for "Of Staunching" Suffix on a flask in those cases we get bleed/Corrupting Blood. With this, you can swap out Blight Ornament Cobalt Jewel to another rare Jewel. An ideal Rare Jewel to look for is as follows

Ideal Rare Jewel for our build

2 Prefix from below

- (14–16)% increased Damage with Bows
- (14–16)% increased Fire Damage
- (15–18)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Fire Skills
- (15–18)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Cold Skills
- (15–18)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Lightning Skills
- (12–16)% increased Totem Damage
- (Defensive option) (5–7)% increased maximum Life

2 Suffix from below

- (3–5)% increased Attack Speed
- (2–4)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
- (12–15)% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Elemental Skills
- (9–12)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
- (10–12)% increased Projectile Damage

A Jewel with 4 Affixes above is as good as a DPS notable on the Passive Tree. Highest DPS will be a mix of Crit Multiplier + Attack Speed.

4. Dying Sun might not be helping as much as you are already using 9 Totems which means 27 projectiles and that probably provides a good enough area coverage. Could consider using a Diamond Flask, maybe with the Stanching Suffix for point 3.

5. If you still want to use Dying Sun, then consider switching your Silver Flask to a Diamond Flask as Diamond Flask gives us more DPS compared to a Silver Flask.

Hope that helps

etofok เขียน:
I got a jewel with Blind on hit. Everything is always blinded my Evade chance goes up from 20% to 60%, which is pretty good and worth it.

I'm also trying out attack leech (I anointed Soul Raker) and swapped ancestral reach for ancestral preservation. I really didn't enjoy paper totems and as soon as they die all the crap retargets me. So far so good. Totem leech is like 25% hp/second which is not amazing but help a bit. I'm still testing this, not sure how valuable that is overall, but recasting totems when you have 0 is the only dangerous thing I'd say.

Those are interesting ideas. Thanks for sharing them. And Congrats on your Simulacrum Completion :)

LordDuckiie เขียน:
What should i anoint on my amulet`?

Hi, you can refer to "05 Recommended Anointment" section at this link


Succage เขียน:
Hi, I'm having some issues for my dps, like something very important is missing for my build


for some odd reason i have only 64k dps in path of building and i noticed in game as well my clear speed and boss dps is highly lacking. When i import the path of building from the 3.10 update and insert my own items and current passive tree, the dps numbers still are reasonably comparative to the example build, but when I'm playing, the dps does not match whatsoever. Please help! thanks

Hi, after loading your Pastebin, I allocated 4 Skill Points into the Cluster Jewel and that only takes 98 out of 123 possible Passive Skill Points. As your character profile is not public, I presume you are at around Level 75 or so.

At level 75, if you are following the Passive Tree Progression Section in my guide, we are still allocating Passives into Life in the Passive Tree and have not invest in much DPS Passives, thus we won't be high in our DPS. That said, our DPS should be good for the content(White Maps) we are doing unless you are like doing the Yellow/Red Maps at this point, then DPS will definitely be seriously lacking.

Our DPS starts to go up when we start to allocate more DPS Passives later so we will get to the point soon when we can handle higher level content :)

For now, here are some of my suggestions that you can consider for your equipment

1. We don't really have Mana Regeneration issues, so you can swap out the mana flasks for another Flask. If you go for DPS Flasks, you consider a Silver Flask with the Acceleration Suffix(8-12% Attack Speed) if you don't need any other suffix

2. Anoint your amulet, you can refer to "05 Recommended Anointment" section at the below link for the recommended ones.


3. Craft "(15–23)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills" on your Apocalypse Twirl Ruby Ring. If you happen to not have the Recipe, you can find it at Labyrinth Trial in The Catacombs in Act 3

4. I see you went for the Right Path for Lethality in your Passive Tree. The Left Path is a better choice and worth the 1 more point spent.

Hope that helps.


Wow. Super in depth! thank you so much!

Also, I've upgraded my items and filled out the passive tree and now my DPS is far better; just cleared my first t16 map. Thanks for all your hard work!
Succage เขียน:
just cleared my first t16 map. Thanks for all your hard work!

Awesome! And your welcome :)
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

What about Hunter mods, should we look one of them for our Quiver ?
Mantikera เขียน:
What about Hunter mods, should we look one of them for our Quiver ?

Hunter's prefix mods(Pierce and Movespeed) are nice to have but are secondary to Crit Multi, Ele Damage with Attack Skills, Attack Speed and Life on the Quiver. Getting high rolls on these should be first priority.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vei#5870 เมื่อ 7 เม.ย. 2020 08:37:23
Got this, it is worth multimodding or it is shit ?

If yes, maybe atk speed and flat damage ?

2 last simulacrum waves, pretty comfortable overall
Mantikera เขียน:
Got this, it is worth multimodding or it is shit ?

If yes, maybe atk speed and flat damage ?

It's a nice quiver but multimodding isn't worth because we lose a suffix and the benefit of the prefix we gain from multimodding is small.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vei#5870 เมื่อ 7 เม.ย. 2020 10:43:15
How do you get pierce in this build?
MisterrStunn เขียน:
How do you get pierce in this build?

Hi, the main way we get pierce in this build is from

- Hunter influenced Boots with "Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets" Affix
- Penetrating Arrow Quiver Base.
- Crafting "Projectiles Pierce an additional Target" Affix on a Rare Glove with Open Prefix

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide




