[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Hey yall

Im looking forward to leaguestart with this build in heist (despite not playing it even once after lvl 60 kekw).

I've been playtesting and practicing with it a couple of times this week (so far about 5:00 to 5:20 with all passives and 3 trials, decent speed for skilltree with almost 0 dmg) and here are my tips for first 4 acts (imo they are the hardest and messiest):



Lvl 1
kill hillock, loot stuff. Enter town and check vendors
Sockets we need:
damage setup red-red-blue, blue-blue-blue
other links/socket colours: bue-blue(-blue), red, red, blue.

something like that

if you found nothing equip second sceptre from hillock

Pick purifing flame as a reward.

go out

Grab coast tp, enter mudflats, collect 3 quest-thingy, enter submerged passage, tp to coast, enter tidal island, kill glacial-cascade-casting guy, exit to character selection screen.

You should be lvl 3 or 4 here

Check vendors again, hopefully you'll find something usefull.
Sell stuff. Keep in mind that we will need atleast 2 transmutes and 2 alterations for +fire dmg to spells wand recipe, so try to balance how you are selling and id'ing stuff.

Pick flame totem, infused channeling, frostblink as a quest rewards, buy arcane surge (keep low lvl, about 2-4)

link totem+channeling, surge+purifying flame or surge+frostblink

tp submerged passage

find long stairs in submerged passage drop portal, go to the ledge and on to lower prison, waypoint to town, enter portal, seach for flooded depths, kill crab. exit to character selection screen.

You should be lvl 6-8 here

Grab added fire dmg support.

Hopefully you got enough stuff for 2 firedmg wands. (if you are really want to you can do lightning wands, but keep in mind that we will grab avatar of fire at around lvl 20 and if you are not sure that you will be able to make lvl 20 fire wands dont do it).
You'll need 2 ruby rings (you can create them with red gem +iron ring), 2 magic wands, 2 alterations.
If you cant make 2, 1 is more than enough for act1.

if you are rich buy combustion support.

links for now: totem+added fire+infused channeling, purifying flame+combustion+arcane surge, frostblink.

tp lower prison

Trial in lower prison.
Kill brutus. exit to character selection screen.

You should be lvl 8-9 here

grab flame dash, if you are rich buy clarity (keep as low as needed).

tp next zone (i forgot it's name)

find ship graveyard, grab waypoint, find graveyard cave, find afflame (something like that), go out, find caverns, waypoint to graveyard again, find fairgraves kick his butt, exit to character selection screen.

you should be lvl 10-11 here

You can grab any red gem for later
If you are rich buy 2 sapphire rings from neesa
if you are not, you will suffer

tp merveil caverns

Find and kill merveil, transition to act 2


Go right, clear beast den if you want to (i usualy skip it), grab waypoint in crossroads, go up, trial at chamberofsins 2, kill some lightning-scorpio-dude-hybryd-w/e-that-thing-is, grab quest item, exit to character selection screen.

you should be lvl 13-14 here

Grab wave of convicion in town, if you are rich buy herald of ass(mhm)

tp crossroads

go right, find sword-dude-bandit and slap him good. exit to character selection screen.

you should be lvl 15 here

tp crossroads, go down, trial in crypt lvl 1. You can complete quest here also, exit to character selection screen.

you should be lvl 15-16 here

ditch purifying flame, socket in wave of cockwiction. socket in herald of ash.
Links: purifying flame-combustion-arcane surge. totem-added fire-channeling, flame dash, herald of ash, clarity.

Go out left.

Grab waypoint, go forward to western forrest, find waypoint. on the side of waypoint is allira (slap her good), kill blackguards all the way to the left of the zone, complete quest, find arachnid nest, find big-spooder, kill him, exit to character selection screen.

you should be lvl 16-18 here

Grab contdestruct, buy elefocus if you can.

Links - wave of conviction->combustion->controlled destruction, totem-added fire-channeling, ash, clarity, flamedash-arcane surge.

Hope you are prepping for lvl 20 wand upgrades.
You'll need 2 rare ruby rings, 2 alts, 2 magic wands. Easiest way to get rare rings is essences.

Tp riverways, go top, kill oak in wetlands, enter vaal ruins, enter northern forrest, enter the caverns, grab waypoint, tp to act1 town, grab skillpoint, tp to act2 town, grab 2 skillpoints, do lvl 20 wand upgrade. go kill vaal construct.

you should be lvl 20-21 here

You should have avatar of fire at around lvl 20, skip ancestral bond for now (you can path up to it, just dont take it yet.)


Town->slums->crematorium. Do trial, slap piety (first time). exit to character selection screen.

Grab keys, grab flammability.

go out.

You should be lvl 21-22 here

Sewers->market (another trial in side area near wp)-> battlefront, grab quest item->docks, grab quest item. exit to character selection screen.

Vendor can sell 4links from lvl 24, check him everytime you are in town (you can even check every time you lvl up). You will need 2 items with red-red-blue-blue, blue-blue-blue-blue for now.

Links to work up to:
Wave of conviction-controlled destruction-combustion-arcane surge
totem-added fire-infused channeling-ele focus
flame dash
Flammability (-spell cascade if you want to)
clarity, herald of ash

Waypoint battlefront -> temple of solaris, find crazy lady, grab +int amulet, exit to character selection screen.

You should be lvl 25-26 here

Waypoint sewers -> ebony barracks -> kill angry general -> lunaris temple -> kill piety (second time), exit to character selection screen.

You should be lvl 27 here

If you want to/need to you can create/buy topaz rings to make dominus ezpz

Waypoint -> barracks -> imperial garden, do trial, you can complete siosa quest in the library if you have blue-green link and a chance orb, or if you have green and red socket in weaponswap for elehit+ballista totem. -> go kill dominus in his tower.

You should be about lvl 30 here


Get to act4 town, go to act3 town, do normal lab. Grab Pursuit of Faith

Start doing a4, everything is pretty straight forward for the most part here. Optimal strat is to clear one of the dreams first, get to next zone wp and tp to the other dream to catchup with xp

You should be about lvl 36-37 when you are killing 3 souls before big-scary-dude fight. (also third piety kill here..)

Kill the dude, exit to character selection screen.

Grab multiple totem support, as a reward.

go to act5

You should hit lvl 38 at control blocks or so,

time for the last major gem shuffle untill 60+
if you have red-red-blue-blue socket in spell totem, multiple totems, wave of conviction, combustion. Grab ancestral bond node on the three.

From now on everything should be pretty simple. Sometimes later you can swap out clarity for anger to boost your dmg a bit if you are comfortable with mana issues.

setup live trade searches for heatshiver, upgrade prophecy, combat focuses, rain of splinters and quil rain to snipe them early if possible. I think to buy everything we will need to farm blood aqueducts for a bit. But you can skip it and just go do chaos recipe in t1 maps with totems, just focus on caping your resists. Also be on a lookout for socket colours needed for a swap.
Keep in mind that heatshiver/frostferno is dex based and we need red-red-blue-green sockets there, so be on a lookout for chromes or try to snipe already colored helm

Wish you all luck! and ty Vei for such a nice build
ps. english is not my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย lolshie#0438 เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2020 15:39:11
As was mentioned in a few posts up regarding the alternate POSSIBLE totem range. I am sure I will be much further behind others in progression, so would be very interested in hearing from whomever finds the answer to the question of if that means the ballista attack things further away. Please let us know :)

Thanks in advance.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Apostolos#0405 เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2020 10:09:51
Vei เขียน:

Hi, so the "Single Curse Option(Default Choice for this Build)" is the default choice and I actually meant the Pastebin to just reflect this "default" Option.

But I think you bring up a good point, I think what I can do is create an additional Pastebin Link for the Double Curse Option and label both so viewers can view whichever they want.

Thanks for highlighting! :)

But even the "Single Curse Option" is not the same as what's in the Pastebin.
This pastebin by the way: https://pastebin.com/cS3Dz3Be
I might have a different one?

For example, in the guide, Sniper's Mark is used in the CwDT setup, for the "Single Curse Option" I assume. But in the Pastebin, the setup is Flammability w/ Curse on Hit.

I might've missed something or I have a different Pastebin.
_mrkvn เขียน:
Vei เขียน:

Hi, so the "Single Curse Option(Default Choice for this Build)" is the default choice and I actually meant the Pastebin to just reflect this "default" Option.

But I think you bring up a good point, I think what I can do is create an additional Pastebin Link for the Double Curse Option and label both so viewers can view whichever they want.

Thanks for highlighting! :)

But even the "Single Curse Option" is not the same as what's in the Pastebin.
This pastebin by the way: https://pastebin.com/cS3Dz3Be
I might have a different one?

For example, in the guide, Sniper's Mark is used in the CwDT setup, for the "Single Curse Option" I assume. But in the Pastebin, the setup is Flammability w/ Curse on Hit.

I might've missed something or I have a different Pastebin.

Oops My bad, that is the wrong one. Its very late here already and have been working on the guide, testing stuffs, etc for the whole day so mistakes happened XD

Here is the correct one!

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for pointing it out!

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Vei เขียน:

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for pointing it out!


Yow. You don't have to be sorry for that. You've done more than enough for the community by sharing this guide and answering people's questions. Don't be sorry. Thanks to you I have something to league start tomorrow. Lol

I'll accept the "thanks for pointing it out!" part but not the sorry part.

Mistakes happen. Thanks again. Cheers!
How effective is a flat -10% to resist? I ask because of the new flame wall skill's alternate quality 3 "Inflicts Fire Exposure for 4 seconds when Enemies enter the wall, applying -10% to their Fire Resistance" If it is worth it, could that even be a 1 gem damage buff (or more if the skill is worth including in the build)

Apostolos เขียน:
How effective is a flat -10% to resist? I ask because of the new flame wall skill's alternate quality 3 "Inflicts Fire Exposure for 4 seconds when Enemies enter the wall, applying -10% to their Fire Resistance" If it is worth it, could that even be a 1 gem damage buff (or more if the skill is worth including in the build)

-10% to resist is very strong versus Bosses/Shaper and totally worth using the gem. However the wordings on it, "when Enemies enter the wall", make me thought about the actual implementation.

If we can make it work by placing the Flame Wall directly below the enemy, that will be super but it doesn't seem it work this way base on the wordings?

Another consideration is adding 1 more button to the build. The change from 3.11 to 3.12 for us added 2 more buttons, Sniper's Mark and Vaal Haste(Can swap back to Precision for those who prefer 1 less button), I am not sure if its feasible to have another additional button to press also.

I think for people who don't mind the extra button and don't mind making the enemy enter the wall every 4+ seconds, it definitely is a great addition.

Will definitely keep a look out for any mentions of giving the enemy Fire Exposure by placing the Flame Wall under them.

lolshie เขียน:
Hey yall

Im looking forward to leaguestart with this build in heist (despite not playing it even once after lvl 60 kekw).

I've been playtesting and practicing with it a couple of times this week (so far about 5:00 to 5:20 with all passives and 3 trials, decent speed for skilltree with almost 0 dmg) and here are my tips for first 4 acts (imo they are the hardest and messiest):

Wish you all luck! and ty Vei for such a nice build
ps. english is not my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes.

Thanks for taking the time to share those very detailed tips!

I am more of a reach maps in Day 4/5 person, so when you say that you reach maps in 5:00 to 5:20 with trials, like wow that's really fast! I wish you all the best to your speed run(Sure it will be amazing with all those practices!) and hope you get some good drops! :)

_mrkvn เขียน:
Thanks to you I have something to league start tomorrow. Lol

That's great! I hope the build serve you well :)

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

lolshie เขียน:

Im looking forward to leaguestart with this build in heist (despite not playing it even once after lvl 60 kekw).

We're on the same boat. Lol. Haven't played the actual skill. Just played the leveling part. I used the leveling mentioned in the guide and it was ok. I tried using the one you mentioned and it's more damage, thus faster.

Did you follow the tree progression as mentioned in the guide, except of course for the Ancestral Bond you mentioned? Specifically the straight to Acrobatics part, or did you get the Panopticon along the way?

Going to league start this build today. After taking a league off this is my favorite build to date.
_mrkvn เขียน:
lolshie เขียน:

Im looking forward to leaguestart with this build in heist (despite not playing it even once after lvl 60 kekw).

We're on the same boat. Lol. Haven't played the actual skill. Just played the leveling part. I used the leveling mentioned in the guide and it was ok. I tried using the one you mentioned and it's more damage, thus faster.

Did you follow the tree progression as mentioned in the guide, except of course for the Ancestral Bond you mentioned? Specifically the straight to Acrobatics part, or did you get the Panopticon along the way?


Yea, i pretty much go straight for phase acro after avatar of fire, only detour for ancestral bond at around lvl 38 if i have second red-red-blue-blue item.

I think dodge chance helps a lot since we skip almost al +%life before lvl 48 or so.

Looks like we can also incorporate flamewall from lvl 4 to boost our boss dps a lot while leveling, since flame totem is a projectile and we already apply combustion and fire exposure also, just need a blue unlinked socket (if we are richy-boys we can even link it with EF or CD)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย lolshie#0438 เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2020 10:37:07



