[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

I've got a question. I noticed that when I disable all three unique gems in PoB, I get a massive DPS increase. Is it being calculated wrong? Or do I need to change something in PoB? Thanks for the help.

And thank you to Miffy for the previous response.
Thinking of running this as my next betrayal character can someone who is running it let me know how it is holding up? Also in the guide it says 5 totems is that still achievable with the removal of one from hiero and with the removal of hiero is it better to go scion and get the plus one totem node from templar an then something else?
Does this build work well without the uniques suggested? Looking for a build for SSF.
All hail the timer!
Love this build, want a bit more life.

Your alt boots, nice Totem damage but it turns your curse into a totem taking away half of your offensive totems.

Is there anyway around that?

So I have a question about Elemental Overload. I know that in your preamble you mention that totems themselves do not proc elemental overload, but we still crit even with Ancestral Bond. I would like to know if the node is worth it, as it is a 40% more multiplier but we do not get the crit multiplier. With frenzy and GMP we should be able to crit every so often every 8 seconds, but not all the time, so Elemental Overload seems like a damage increase to me.

Am I missing something about the mechanics of Elemental Overload?
StormAegis เขียน:
So I have a question about Elemental Overload. I know that in your preamble you mention that totems themselves do not proc elemental overload, but we still crit even with Ancestral Bond. I would like to know if the node is worth it, as it is a 40% more multiplier but we do not get the crit multiplier. With frenzy and GMP we should be able to crit every so often every 8 seconds, but not all the time, so Elemental Overload seems like a damage increase to me.

Am I missing something about the mechanics of Elemental Overload?

Hi buddy,

if you use the "curse on hit" version (according to the gem linking chapter - find further information on the mechanic there) you can proc "elemental overload" with your frenzy + curse on hit + GMP attack, this is right. But in my opinion it is not worth investing the skill points to get there.

And the most important = in late endgame you really need to go for "blasphemy curse aura", trust me on that - it feels much better.

FluffyLuver เขียน:
Love this build, want a bit more life.

Your alt boots, nice Totem damage but it turns your curse into a totem taking away half of your offensive totems.

Is there anyway around that?


Hi buddy,

this is not correct. You don´t lose a totem...
The important roll on the boots is the "increased totem damage" -> this is a global roll and will boost the totem gem in the frostferno.

If you run your curses in the boots (as you see in the gear section) you can simply use the blasphemy aura.
The "socketed totem gem roll" doesn´t effect the blasphemy curse aura.

It is just a hybrid roll:
"gain lvl X totem + increased totem damage"

Since you don't shock very well for bosses, is a xoph's blood better than the yoke for shaper/elder?
Beverice เขียน:
Since you don't shock very well for bosses, is a xoph's blood better than the yoke for shaper/elder?

Hello buddy,

read the following comment on the yoke of suffering from earlier in this thread. Hope it helps you and trust me on that. Yoke is king...


Lunasicc187 เขียน:
Vallenhael เขียน:
Vallenhael เขียน:
Hey, can someone explain to me how exactly yoke of suffering works? As far as I understand, we oneshot evrth except shaper and guardians, and uber elder/atziri. Can we shock those with yoke of suffering?

Cause shocking regular mobs kinda seems complete overkill? As far as I understodd it is still just the regular shock effect giving us maybe a few % dmg buff on big bosses, unlike the elementalist or scion elemtalist passive shock buff.

Still looking for an answer to this. Read a bit up on the internet and supposedly we do not benefit at all from the dmg bonus of ailments since YOU don't inflict those ailments, your totems do. And since our dmg is from amultitude of small quick hits we should barely be able to shock big bosses :(

Would need a 600k crit to inflict a meaningful 15% shock on shaper, and if you are throwing out 600k crits on a regular basis with 5 totems you might as well get biscos since a shaper phase will maybe take like 3 seconds tops, and evrth else will be fine red mist before your flasks and vaal grace run off

Hi buddy,

I did some research on the "increased 5% damage taken per ailment on enemies" too, I found no satisfying answer to that.

It also says on the amulet -> "Your elemental damage can shock" and to be specific, it is the damage of the totems, since we deal no damage -> our totems do. We know that inflicting shocks on enemies with our totem fire damage works fine.

So in case of the stat: "Enemies take 5% increased Damage for each type of Ailment you have inflicted on them" it will be inflicted by totems too (the same way that totems inclict shocks) -> in my understanding

The shock debuff on enemies will last 2 seconds. The maximum amount of applied shock debuff is 50% increase damage taken of shocked enemies. According to poe wiki and the manifest of version 3.0 (rework on shock & chill mechanic) bosses have a threshold of getting shocked.

"As an example, The Shaper has approximately 20 000 000 life. Minimally shocking The Shaper requires a single hit of 40 000 lightning damage." (poe wiki)

The ways it seems to work:
In our case we shock with fire damage (due to the yoke of suffering).
It is very likely to shock the bosses for a fair amout AND it lasts 2 seconds.
Every additional projectile within that time (3-6 per totem times 5 totems) can apply an additional shock to refresh the 2 seconds. Shocks within the 2 seconds stack additively up to the cap of 50%. After a few hits, the 50% cap on every boss in the game is reached and it is like a "perma buff".
Since the totems never run out of hitting, the 50% maximum shock effect can be hold up over the whole fight.

I tried several other amulets (rare damage amulets).
T1 crit multi, T1 crit chance, T1 gain phy as an extra ele dmg -> and it felt not as strong as the yoke of suffering during uberelder fight or deep delve mines (425+).

To be honest, in every other situation, you can probaply wear any amulet you want, because the damage output is that high. My guide is just a "guideline", feel free to customize to your need / ideas and try new variations.

I hope I could help with this.



Im agree with you that Yoke is great, but to shock Shaper you need a 400k hit not 40k(2% of 20M). It was pretty consistent at 3.3 and 3.4 , now with the nerf to Chin Sol it still happens but not that consistent.
Great guide btw , I might try this version of the build since I should have most of the items from my Chieftain.

I was wrong, it 0,2% of Shaper health not 2%.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kikeuy#7591 เมื่อ 14 ธ.ค. 2018 01:07:00



