[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly
" Hi, I personaly like the Acro notes. For me it feels more solid in case of defence like for example MoM (in this build). I like to maximize my plain dodge chance. The plain chance is the very first defence layer. Everything that comes through is calculated with all the other stuff like armour and evasion. I´m at delve depth 359 at the moment and I feel pretty compfy with Acro and a solid plain dodge chance. In case of need I use the vaal grace effect for 10 seconds too. With a good densety hearly half the time vaal grace buff is up. In my case I don´t need extra damage. The overall output is more than enough, I think. Cheers. |
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" Hello buddy, I provided a "more life" skill tree (screenshots in guide). And you always can wear a pair of "Kaom´s Roots" boots for more plain life (but fewer movement speed). With this you get around 6.6k life. On top you can always replace the jewel "splinter of rain" with another +50 life / +7% life jewel, but I only recommend that, if your bow has the +1 corruption and you run a "dying sun" in your flask setup. With the setup above, you have around 6.8k life (for the costs of losing damage of course). You can say, you gain as much percentage total life pool as you lose percentage total damage output. It is pretty much a balance... I personally run delve depth at 361 right now and I have nothing to complain about in case of toughness... Had a abyssal boss at 352 and a abyssal city and it was quite easy... I run the following setup in deep delve: 1) enfeeble aura with blasphemy 2) grace aura 3) phase run flasks: 4) quicksilver 5) blood of the kauri 6) quarz flask 7) the wise oak 8) silver flask Even without Flammability (I have no Yoke of Suffering with +1 curse yet) the damage is more than pleasant. There is a quite important hint with phase run and totems: Normally when you deal damage, you lose the "phase run" effect ("harder to detect = you get fewer hits & you gain fewer attention from monsters). The result is, that you cast your totems -> then cast phase run -> during phase run effect you can´t deal damage, but your totems can, without you losing the "harder to detect" effect. This results in an indirect defence buff, because you get hit more less. So everytime I can cast phase run I do it (in 3.4 it is now a instant cast with no cast time). With increased duration linked to phase run, there is only a short gap were I havent the buff. With vaal grace linked to increased duration, I have 10 seconds of additional 34% plain dodge chance (with passives and quartz flask it is +80% total). And I have half the time the vaal grace effect up with good densety in the delve mine. But there is one thing that deal nearly deadly damage => the fire/ice explosions from mobs (but you see them coming and can walk around them) Another useful hint for the vaal or abyssal instances: At the end of the hallways (were the loot chests are) I don´t stand on the "spot" which turn on the lights. I always stand right in the corner (getting there with phasing -> walk through all enemies) and cast all 5 totems right in front of me. Then I throw a flair to my feet. The Totems in front of me will tank all enemies and I allways cast phase run & vaal grace as soon as possible to stay most of the time invisible & with higher dodge. Normally after the flair has burned out, there won´t spawn any new monsters and I go to the "spot" and turn on the lights and loot the chests. All in all there is nothing to complain about toughness in my view. I haven´t tried a evasion flask setup yet (+3000 evasion flask & +double evasion flask) -> but I´m sure this will add more survivability if you demand it. If you want it more tanky, use the "more life" skill tree, put on some Kaom´s Roots and use the evasion flask setup. If currency doesn´t matter, get yourself some corrupted Tombfists with "X% increased life" as implicit. Optimize your use of Vaal Grace and Phase Run casts. I´ve not the most time to play right now, but I´m sure this build will get to depth 600 at the end of the season. In the ladder I´m at place 318 solo (filter: Templar) at the momment and I try to climb into top 50 through the season. Hope this post was enlightend Cheers |
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thx for the build. This is my POB ---> https://pastebin.com/dYDdY0w5
Currently uber elder down and all end game contents down but problem i have here is my 'mouse over dps' is only 64k which is so less compared to yours what cause this problem? if you have time, please kindly take a look at pob and give me some tips. ty |
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" So i've experimented a bit with the tree and changed the whole thing defensive wise to mom+life regen+armor (The Ascendancy points remained as they were so no changes there), while the damage seemed to stay the same overall i feel now much more robust at least trash mobs don't pose a threat after all, of course it's not a tank build but i feel like my EHP skyrocketed through the roof in comparison with the dodge version since the change. 650 life regen 520 mana regen (40% Damage from Mana) which translates into ~1200 regeneration, plus 14k armor on top (at level 92), i'd say these are great stats for a ranged char. Especially the armor and endurance changes combination scales much better with each other than endurance charges with dodge since you'll extend your already existing physical reduction "on top" with the phys reduction. The problem i had with the dodge version is that you'll get regularly into cooldown locks where neither flasks nor defensive skills are available and if your existing and static dodge fails then you're dead if you're not able to kite which is additionally way more often the case in the delve than in maps. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย KohlrabiKind#7367 เมื่อ 2 ต.ค. 2018 22:49:34
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" Hi, can you post a Pob Link from your MoM tree? Your Chars are not visible. Thanks |
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Beast build gz mate !
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Perfect guide, good job mate, Thank you.
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Does headhunter work within this build? I know its based on hits but does it count for totems?
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" I think that the +2 Aoe on frostferno will effect the Elemental Hit Damage because the Skill has an AoE Tag. In PoB you can see the Damage increase. But it is a buff for EH only. Thanks for this detailed Guide and Build. Happy Weekend :) |
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" Check Section 06 EXAMPLE GEAR & OUTLOOK |
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