{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

@ everyone
Six pages to catch up on, whew! If I missed you, someone else might have answered, or I in fact just overlooked/forgot your post amidst 60+ new posts. Sorry! For gear checks, the original FAQ talks about this, so give it a look first. For everyone happily showing off their gear, great job! I'm lagging behind many of you, but I'm glad to see your success!

Here's my current T1 Map gear:

You might notice my gear is a bit strange. Well, I'm going for my earlier Triad Grip idea. The above gear is nowhere near final, so try not to copy me just yet if you're interested in this new build approach. It's still very experimental.

The trickiest thing was figuring out how I could make the most out of four green sockets. The obvious sacrifice was our CwC setup. Without it, I don't feel the build is as satisfying, but I'll try to make up for that with sheer power.

Potential 4G links were:
1. Cyclone
2. Additional Accuracy
3. Faster Attacks
4. Withering Touch

The idea here was ensuring Cyclone hit as often as possible to get Frenzy Charges, LGoH, and Wither stacks.

1. Cyclone
2. Cast on Crit
3. Vaal Blade Vortex
4. Nightblade

Accuracy sucks for us, so instead of trying to be melee I tried incorporating a spell that's guaranteed to hit. Meanwhile, Nightblade would give a burst of 40% movement speed and 20%/20% attack/spell dodge.

1. Cyclone
2. Onslaught
3. Culling Strike
4. Nightblade

More speed! Cull to trigger Onslaught and Power Charge mod on shield. Then I remembered I could just use a Flask for Onslaught.

1. Cyclone
2. Additional Accuracy
3. Nightblade
4. Withering Step

A better way to get Wither stacks, instead of Withering Touch! I mistakenly thought it was also a teleport, since the gem said it shared a cooldown with other Blink spells. It's not. It just gives you the movement buff of Elusive.

I could also use:

a. Vaal Grace - Great dodge, but it'll eat souls from the plate of Vaal Skeletons.

b. Vaal Haste - Basically Flesh Offering. Very nice, but again, it cuts into Vaal Skeletons.

c. Phase Run - Too short without having Frenzy Charges ourselves, and I don't want to invest in Necromantic Aegis.

d. Projectile Weakness - Only our clear skill uses projectiles, and I don't want to have to manually curse pack after pack. So pass.

e. Temporal Chains - Nice defense, but same deal as Projectile Weakness.

During Blight encounters, without the range of Ball Lightning I'd have to race around to maximize my damage. That wasn't very practical. Hm... What about... Storm Brand? That'd work great! I could place them in front of multiple portals to automatically apply EE and effortlessly generate Frenzy Charges. But the only slot I could make for Storm Brand was taken by Flame Dash (since Animated Guardian was intended where I had Holy Relic), and then I'd be out a teleport.

Smoke Mine to the rescue! It works pretty well as a teleport, and the bonus movement speed buff lasts longer than a Quicksilver Flask and never runs out.

Then Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks for dodging and long-distance traveling.

Finally, Cyclone again. Initially I tried Culling Strike, but I found I missed Cyclone too much. It simply works really well when mapping if you've got enough movement speed to back it up. It takes care of Frenzy Charges and EE while keeping on the go, and is smoother to steer around and phase through monsters, constantly dodging, than Whirling Blades is on its own.

Storm Brand = Blight and bosses
Cyclone = Clear
Whirling Blades = Dodge and travel
Smoke Mine = Teleport and travel

@ JRRaistlin, TonysGotBass, & IchiMorghulis:
JRRaistlin āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Is there a 3.8 skill tree picture somewhere? Pastebin is not working for me. Idk why? Just endgame not leveling. Love your build but this is proving to be an issue. Thanks :)
TonysGotBass āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:

First off thanks for the elaborate guide. I forgot how fun minion builds were. The POB link triggered a convert to 3.8 tree button. Just giving you a heads up because I am not sure if it changed anything.
IchiMorghulis āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Had there been recent changes to this build? I read some people is running Hatred plus Discipline, is this new or is the Agony crawler still recommended?

Did you follow the 3.8 link at the top of the very first post?

@ tomablues:
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tomablues āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Is Purifying Flame there for the ignite?

Just to clarify - I should only have lightning or fire elemental damage on my gear to not interfere with cold damage (EE) ?
Is Purifying Flame there for the ignite?

No. PF creates Consecrated Ground. This ground effect heals both you and your minions for 6% per second, a huge amount, and any enemies on it have 100% increased chance to receive a critical strike.

Just to clarify - I should only have lightning or fire elemental damage on my gear to not interfere with cold damage (EE) ?

Yes, you don't want to inflict any cold damage, since we're using Hatred. Fire OR Lightning will depend on what type of element your chosen Spectres deal, and if you have Added Fire Damage as an affix mod on your claw.

Cold = Frost Sentinel/Kitava's Herald (deals phys = Hatred cold)
Fire = Solar Guard/Goatman Fire-raiser/Kitava's Herald (leap slam deals extra fire)
Lightning = Slave Driver/Risen Vaal Advocate (Lightning version)

Dealing only Lightning Damage is our best bet, since Ball Lightning does everything we need. But it's not the only option if you instead want to use a Lightning Spectre.

@ Dreadknot:
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Dreadknot āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:

Poe trade macro says its worth 20-30 exa lel doubt that but yeah how good is it for our build?

This is the rest of my gear atm "no idea wtf im doing"

I was using The Scourge claw till now i have no idea if i lost dps or gained it haha and i was using grip of the council.
I see you've been peeking at my Hegemon_of_the_Dead character. =o) Claw is great. I'll eventually be using a different sort of weapon, so keep a lookout for when I make that change. =oD

The other big piece of this puzzle will be the Animated Guardian and Hungry Loop, as detailed in the post I linked above.

@ robin_nerf:
robin_nerf āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Do we use any gem swap for shaper/u-elder/boss ? I guess GMP for frost sentinels could be switched out for better dps ? Any tips are appriciated.

You definitely can, but I don't find it necessary.

If you're using Skitterbots, the boss is guaranteed to be chilled, so we have the option to swap in Hypothermia for damage on any green sockets.

@ haitike:
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haitike āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Summon phantasm or echo spell for the Frost Sentinels?

About Victario's Charity, I guess we only get the frenzy charges with Ball Lightning. Because for the endurance charges, it requires to kill enemies and we are not killing enemies with our ball lightning, right?
Summon phantasm or echo spell for the Frost Sentinels?

If you want to focus on Frost Sentinel clear speed, use Pierce if not using Projectile Weakness.

3B3G Frost Sentinels + Minion Damage + GMP + Pierce + Spell Echo + Faster Projectiles. This setup should quickly cleanse trash mobs so your Zombies can gang up on anything tanky.

Because for the endurance charges, it requires to kill enemies and we are not killing enemies with our ball lightning, right?

Power Charges. But yes, those only come from Kills. Degen kills count as your own, even if the degen was inflicted by a minion, so that's one way around the limitation. Culling Strike (e.g. weapon corruption or Animated Guardian with Kingmaker) is another.

We don't worry too much about this, though, as it's only worth about 10% more damage (35% crit chance with 1.3 crit damage multiplier).

@ glocknine:
glocknine āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
can someone tell me if there is a specific type of frost sentinel that I should summon as spectre? I have 3 of them but 2 of them only fires 1 bolt at a time while the 3rd sentinel fires 5 bolts!

what type of sentinel is it that fire 5 bolts at a time?

Hold down the Corpse Targeting hotkey, default 'A', which will highlight the corpse your targeting and display its nameplate at the top of the screen. Rime Sentinels look a lot like Frost Sentinels but have a different horn shape and use an entirely different skill, so we don't want them. The original Leveling Guide talks about this distinction, too.

@ nathlar:
nathlar āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Would The Scourge be a noticeable dps increase, since it buffs all minions? Or a maim claw would be better ?

Although outdated now, the original FAQ goes over what the Scourge claw gives.

An influenced claw with 2-4 support gem affixes and 2-4 bonus levels (+1 w/ +2 support craft + Empower) can give us another 5-7L minion, or two 4-6L minions. It's pretty significant. But if you can't find or afford such a weapon, then the Scourge is a solid alternative until then.

@ KGF:
KGF āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Whats up with the 4 link in gloves? " if you check the PUBguide " it makes no sense?

the 4 link is: Charged Dash - Gmp - Cast while channeling - Ball Lightning


The unchecked gems are other options. You can CwC Ball Lightning, or alternatively use Raging Spirits for more minions. Because minions. =o) Just a fun option. The deactivated gems are there for your convenience, so you can switch them on/off to see the difference without much fuss.

@ FutureFear:
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FutureFear āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
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robin_nerf āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Also curious on this.
Dosent frost sentinel benefit from the unending hunger ? Or is there then better monster to use with unending hunger ?
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RegulusNorth āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
I'm still pretty curious about specter options. I tried out Frost Sentinels and while they certainly attack from a longer range than Fire-raisers, I don't think it actually felt like they were doing more damage or killing things faster. I'm also curious about Slave Drivers, because for whatever reason they're very popular right now but I can't seem to find any explanation behind that.

I've pretty much accepted that specters are for clear speed and skeletons are for bosses. I throw melee splash into my skeleton setup if/when I'm doing Blight encounters, and that's usually good enough to keep them involved.

I guess at this point I'd just like to know why Slave Drivers have suddenly become popular. It's a bit late for me to consider transitioning to a pure-specter build considering I bought a Grip of the Council, but more knowledge never hurt anyone.

To explain spectre choices & unending hunger:
Unending hunger:

- gives the soul eater buff, it buffs your spectres with both
5% attack & cast speed and makes them larger (1%) wich is pure cosmetic and has no effect what so ever...

- increased AOE (6-8%) to give the extra size "an effect"

Specte choices:

- frost sentinals: because they only deal cold damage (wich we buff with hatred) and they can shoot at a rather fast pace if you invest in minion cast/attack speed.

- Solar Gaurds: They only deal fire damage but their projectile attacks are ALOT faster then sentinals (i'm using 4 of them)

- Slave drivers: They deal lightning damage and are spellcasters and do not benefit from GMP but need spell echo instead. Keep in mind we have elemental equilibrium, for this to work our minions can't deal lighting damage unless we change ball lightning to any other of the 2 remaining elements.

Note that lightning is the best choice here.

Fire & lightning setup with slave drivers:
- change ball lightning with summon raging spirit + spell echo
- use slave drives as spectres
- change hatred to Wrath for extra lightning damage with slave drivers

Lighting & fire setup with solar gaurds:
- use solar gaurds as spectres
- change hatred to anger for extra Fire damage with solar gaurds

- optional: change ball lightning to arc & spell echo OR use any cold projectile/spell -> GMP for projectiles -> spell echo for spells!
FutureFear āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
This awesome belt has been tested and proven OP!!

What it does:
-it creates caustic ground when skeletons & phantasm (or any other minions) "die" or better yet disapear after their time is up. It's dealing ALOT of chaos damage because we've stacked so much life in minions!!

Example: 10K life = 2K damage + all damage multipliers that apply to it..??!!
especialy OP with vaal skeletons!!

on top of it all you get chance to taunt with all minions, chaos resistance & decent life and ES.

Note: chaos/poison damage doesn't and isn't affected by elemental equilibrium for those who don't know...
FutureFear āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Your thoughts needed?

I'm currently using this gear:

Now i'm wondering and testing if my choices of using arc & spell echo instead of ball lightning & gmp will do a better job. The same goes for some overlaping with the old gear (Mark of submission) to keep the projectile weakness curse for solar gaurds/ frost sentinals etc. alive.

With this combo i'm able to curse everything arc & cyclone hits it's quite fast since we gain all monion attack/cast speed nodes for ourselves, and does so before minions can kill.

Also testing the new belt siegebreaker; i'll keep everyone here posted!

Let me know what you think...
Unending hunger:

- gives the soul eater buff, it buffs your spectres with both
5% attack & cast speed and makes them larger (1%) wich is pure cosmetic and has no effect what so ever...

- increased AOE (6-8%) to give the extra size "an effect"

It doesn't affect AOE, unless you've got a source on that:
Grants 1% increased Character Size to aura owner on death (Hidden)
Grants 5% increased Attack Speed to aura owner on death (Hidden)
Grants 5% increased Cast Speed to aura owner on death (Hidden)
Grants 5% increased Damage Reduction to aura owner on death (Hidden)
Soul is consumed on death (Hidden)

- change hatred to anger for extra Fire damage with solar gaurds

The Solar Guard's fireball deals an average of over 2000 damage. Anger adds an average of 120 fire damage to spells. That's 6% more damage, or 8.3% with Generosity. Zealotry, on the other hand, is 21% more Spell Damage with Generosity. If you wanted to focus on Spectre damage, Anger is not ideal when the base damage is high.

This awesome belt has been tested and proven OP!!

...especialy OP with vaal skeletons!!

Bear in mind that Caustic Ground, like all other ground effects, cannot stack.

Now i'm wondering and testing if my choices of using arc & spell echo instead of ball lightning & gmp will do a better job.

Spell Echo always results in a longer total cast time. It forces you to cast twice but doesn't double your cast speed. This might be a bit better with animation canceling, but it's something to keep in mind. I would use Unleash instead of Spell Echo, personally.

Oh, looking at your gear you have Spell Echo linked with CwC? That won't work. Spell Echo does not support Triggered Skills, which is what Arc becomes through CwC.

I do like the idea of Arc, though. It means you don't have to aim at all. But it'll only be one hit per cast against bosses.

@ RegulusNorth:
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RegulusNorth āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
I'm still pretty curious about specter options. I tried out Frost Sentinels and while they certainly attack from a longer range than Fire-raisers, I don't think it actually felt like they were doing more damage or killing things faster. I'm also curious about Slave Drivers, because for whatever reason they're very popular right now but I can't seem to find any explanation behind that.

I've pretty much accepted that specters are for clear speed and skeletons are for bosses. I throw melee splash into my skeleton setup if/when I'm doing Blight encounters, and that's usually good enough to keep them involved.

I guess at this point I'd just like to know why Slave Drivers have suddenly become popular. It's a bit late for me to consider transitioning to a pure-specter build considering I bought a Grip of the Council, but more knowledge never hurt anyone.
I'm also curious about Slave Drivers, because for whatever reason they're very popular right now but I can't seem to find any explanation behind that.

They have very high base damage, about 50% more than Solar Guards.

Like Goatman Fire-raisers, they also have reduced cast speed, but at a heftier -65%, so this needs to be compensated for.

They don't need to use GMP, which is worth another 50% more damage. As a downside their coverage is limited to a rectangular AOE (it's a lightning version of Flame Surge), whereas GMP projectiles can hit two screens worth of enemies. Pledge of Hands, a staff that grants Greater Spell Echo, works really well to give them more AOE and damage.

If they inflict Shock, that's potentially another 50% more damage.

In short, Slave Drivers are great single-target, like Cannibal Fire-eaters and Tukohama Vanguards. Their clear is also decent, despite the limitations.

We don't worry about single-target Spectres because we use Skeletons for bosses. Instead, we specialize our Spectres for maximum clear speed, because of how well Unending Hunger synergizes with clear.

@ RTBardic:
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RTBardic āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
I love the build -- thanks!

I am mostly playing this season with a Lightning trapper friend, and am wondering what I should do if I don't want to run EE as a result. I am aware that the build is more efficient with it, but any advice on what to do is welcome.

Is it still worth running Cyclone + Ball Lightning, for instance, or is that primarily for EE?
I am mostly playing this season with a Lightning trapper friend, and am wondering what I should do if I don't want to run EE as a result.

You can either drop EE entirely, or change the element you deal so you benefit your friend as well.

You'd have to be careful of any auras he might want to use, too. Wrath would give your attacks Lightning Damage, for instance, but wouldn't affect your Spells. Whereas Anger would affect both, so no good there.

Avatar of Fire, assuming you aren't using Herald of Agony (otherwise you can't take it without losing the ability to poison), can be taken for 1 point, ensuring you can only ever deal Fire Damage, regardless of allied auras, allowing you to freely use Ball Lightning or even Winter Orb. Fire EE would then buff both your minion's Cold Damage and your friend's Lightning Damage.

Avatar of Fire would probably be your best bet to maximize everyone's damage. You just can't use any Fire Spectres, like Solar Guards or Goatman Fire-raisers.

Is it still worth running Cyclone + Ball Lightning, for instance, or is that primarily for EE?

We still need to hit fast to generate Frenzy Charges.

@ IFollowYou:
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IFollowYou āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
A few questions related to Herald of Agony.

1. I'm currently using
to add poison to my ball lightning and cyclone skills. However, since Herald of Agony naturally provides 20% poison on attacks, would GMP be able to proc Virulence stacks at a higher rate? I'm also planning on getting Grips soon so this will free up my gloves slot for more dmg.

2. Is Herald of Agony even worth it in the current setup? I'm current using it with a +2 ring so it can eventually reach level 22. However, I can rarely sustain it for long since ball lightning takes a while to build up and I need to constantly resummon skeletons. However, it seems like a free slot for now, since I haven't needed Discipline to survive yet.

3. Would a Hungry Loop set-up work for anything? We get a ton of resists from the Bone Barrier ascendancy keystone so likely can forgo resists on at least 1 ring slot. Would a 5 link HoA or even animate guardian be worthwhile?
since Herald of Agony naturally provides 20% poison on attacks, would GMP be able to proc Virulence stacks at a higher rate?

GMP just increases coverage and makes aiming much easier. A target can only be hit by one ball from the same cast.

20% chance will work fine against large packs, but against a boss it's not enough. You can think of HoA as part of your clear setup and just not worry about it. But if you want max DPS from all your minions, you'll need more poison chance.

You could sacrifice a jewel slot for Golden Rule, which causes your poisons to be reflected onto you and count as you inflicting another poison, thus doubling your Virulence. You could also get poison chance on jewels. For 3 passive points, you can get another 20% from the Fatal Toxins cluster, near Acrobatics.

Or, just get a pair of Elder-influenced boots with Fortify as an affix. Then you'd have room for Poison Support and free up your glove slot for Grip.

Is Herald of Agony even worth it in the current setup?

Honestly, Zombies have gained SIGNIFICANT tankiness, speed, and damage in 3.8, and Feeding Frenzy does wonders for their responsiveness. They're actually worth their salt for damage now, without going full Baron or somesuch. Opening up the mana reservation lets us use Skitterbots, for 20% more damage from Shock. These two combined make up for the DPS loss of the Agony Crawler.

Would a Hungry Loop set-up work for anything?

Minion life and defenses are so much better in 3.8 that, yes, Animated Guardian is looking really good now. If you read above then you can already see I'm working on a Triad Grip build that will incorporate Animate Guardian.

You could also use Hungry Loop to fully support Carrion Golems instead.

@ SparkHawk666:
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SparkHawk666 āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Hi, great guide, it has been a very easy leveling, now i want to make a noob question off topic because i dont understand this, just yesterday i hit maps, i began mappig and when i killed boses i was geting cumulation of dayly missions, i got 9 niko misions, and as the say that mission are cumulative i just went to sleep, today i found i only have 2 niko missions, what happened, thin they say that you can acumulate then all the league? thanks and sorry for the off topic

No idea. Missions are divided into White, Yellow, and Red Tier, based on the map you received the mission from.

Did you perhaps overlook, misread, misremember, or play some of those missions?

It could also be a bug, since this is a new system and all. Make a report in the bug forum if so.

@ Horswag:
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Hercanic āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Your choice. I prefer the double range of Frost Sentinels, but will give Fire-raisers another shake when I progress further. Or I'll just go onto my Standard character, but I'd like to check Blight viability as well.

Summon one of each and compare how the two behave in competition. Pick the one you like.
IchiMorghulis āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
I been using 2 Frost Sentinels plus 1 Fire-raiser and tbh I rarely see the Fire-raiser attacking while running thru maps. Blight encounters they do attack more often but its still not the continuous barrage we get from the Frost Sentinels. I'm currently testing 2 FS plus 1 Solar Guard.
Horswag āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
+1 Fire raiser not attacking nearly as often. I do have the jewel.

By the way herc, are you gonna use the grip of the council gloves in endgame or something else? I know theres no way to know for sure but i dont know if i should buy them knowing theres a chance you might replace them for something better(?)
are you gonna use the grip of the council gloves in endgame or something else?

Grip of the Council is a solid choice, worth ~15% more damage.

Right now I'm working on a Triad Grip variant (1c right now), as mentioned at the start of this post. This has potential to be extremely powerful, since we can totally focus on buffing Cold Damage, can use the powerful Elemental Damage with Attacks Support, and can entirely ignore phys reflect.
āđāļāđ‰āđ„āļ‚āļĨāđˆāļēāļŠāļļāļ”āđ‚āļ”āļĒ Hercanic#3982 āđ€āļĄāļ·āđˆāļ­ 10 āļ.āļĒ. 2019 19:12:19
Amazing Guide btw :)

I was just wondering what passive you would recommend to get with oils.
I'm in act 10 now and stopped following the guide at https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2284653/page/1 EPILOG section.

I have totally lost track on where is what as the guide is split in so many sections and different threads and partly relies on reading the whole 160 page thread so I know what has been changed in which league until up to date's blight league.

Thanks for writing this comprehensive guide but I think it is getting out of hand. Especially for new players, for whom this guide was intended in the very first post. (Also for intermediate players).

I like to follow guides and your guide really goes indepth. But at some point it also contains lots of information (different league stuff, recipes, tips&tricks, etc.) so that it is almost too much.

My question:
- Is this now ginuine an ES or Life build?
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/17hQX6PpO4LmpsMuR4htlZpzoVB1BiWqFqAxePsk2PQc/preview# @ lvl 38 shows more gems than could possible fit on all slots combined
- lot of thread discussion went into the guide section. What is obsolete? What is legit?

I am confused.
Thank you that you took the time you put into this guide.
āđāļāđ‰āđ„āļ‚āļĨāđˆāļēāļŠāļļāļ”āđ‚āļ”āļĒ Kiddow#3267 āđ€āļĄāļ·āđˆāļ­ 10 āļ.āļĒ. 2019 14:58:46
Kiddow āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
I'm in act 10 now and stopped following the guide at https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2284653/page/1 EPILOG section.

I have totally lost track on where is what as the guide is split in so many sections and different threads and partly relies on reading the whole 160 page thread so I know what has been changed in which league until up to date's blight league.

Thanks for writing this comprehensive guide but I think it is getting out of hand. Especially for new players, for whom this guide was intended in the very first post. (Also for intermediate players).

I like to follow guides and your guide really goes indepth. But at some point it also contains lots of information (different league stuff, recipes, tips&tricks, etc.) so that it is almost too much.

My question:
- Is this now ginuine an ES or Life build?
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/17hQX6PpO4LmpsMuR4htlZpzoVB1BiWqFqAxePsk2PQc/preview# @ lvl 38 shows more gems than could possible fit on all slots combined
- lot of thread discussion went into the guide section. What is obsolete? What is legit?

I am confused.
Thank you that you took the time you put into this guide.

Only read page 123, it's updated to 3.8.

The items on page 123 are not updated to 3.8, but the text is.

The POB on page 123 is updated to 3.8.

To solve this, we use the Mistress of Sacrifice ascendancy combined with L1 CWDT (Level 1 Cast When Damage Taken Support) to trigger a L1 Desecrate and a L8 Spirit Offering

Why lvl 1 desecrate? It can support lvl 7 desecrate.

Also you say we change to ES nodes, but your POB guide still has life nodes. It's a mix you mean, right?
Take a look guys
What do you think? What should i change?
scorpion1771 āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Take a look guys
What do you think? What should i change?

Grab a cheap Maim claw, it's an easy way to improve your zombies. Take Carrion Golem out of your gloves and throw it in with your Zombies, replacing Minion Damage--Empower is incredible for Carrion Golem and neither Zombies nor the golem are really there to do damage so much as they're utility.

With Carrion Golem out of your gloves, drop a properly-leveled Purifying Flame in there to take advantage of the CWDT, it'll help keep your minions topped off as well as improve their ability to kill things.

Replace Wraithlord with virtually any other +2 Minion Gems helmet, at this point. Your spectres shouldn't be having trouble staying alive outside of ele reflect maps.

Boots are looking good, can't really be improved much without significant investment.

Your Sapphire Ring is a weak link, replace that as soon as you can. The life is good but you should have more than enough cold res between Grip, your boots, Victario's implicit, and Bone Barrier.

Other than that, everything looks solid. Some of your pieces are even better than mine, and I'm in T15 right now. Maybe I should be worrying about my own gear lol
Hello my eng is very bad im sorry not my 1st leanguage nor 2nd
this is my 1st ever necro build
what scared me the most is how long written this buidl is

can a good soul make a tldr in a nutshel for me please?
like skill gem links
at this point idk if im suppose to use cyc or not or use Herald of agony
am isummoning skelies nonstop or just using only vaal skleels ?
can this build go full necro and drop cyclone?and fit a animated guardian if so how much would i need to change the skilltree
RegulusNorth āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
scorpion1771 āđ€āļ‚āļĩāļĒāļ™:
Take a look guys
What do you think? What should i change?

Grab a cheap Maim claw, it's an easy way to improve your zombies. Take Carrion Golem out of your gloves and throw it in with your Zombies, replacing Minion Damage--Empower is incredible for Carrion Golem and neither Zombies nor the golem are really there to do damage so much as they're utility.

With Carrion Golem out of your gloves, drop a properly-leveled Purifying Flame in there to take advantage of the CWDT, it'll help keep your minions topped off as well as improve their ability to kill things.

Replace Wraithlord with virtually any other +2 Minion Gems helmet, at this point. Your spectres shouldn't be having trouble staying alive outside of ele reflect maps.

Boots are looking good, can't really be improved much without significant investment.

Your Sapphire Ring is a weak link, replace that as soon as you can. The life is good but you should have more than enough cold res between Grip, your boots, Victario's implicit, and Bone Barrier.

Other than that, everything looks solid. Some of your pieces are even better than mine, and I'm in T15 right now. Maybe I should be worrying about my own gear lol

I absolutely love you, thank you <3
This build looks really fun, going to need to try it soon. Has anyone whose been running it had any problems with minions dying? With only 2% minion regen and 2% of leech and cwdt healing seems a bit low.



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