{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
I probably missed it, but. If i only have two spectres to use for now, until i get the boots, what specter target should I choose? Two solar guards, two frost sentinels or One frost one solar?
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" Two Sentinels :) " " Okay, that's a bummer then. Listed on my BL: 5-100 Lightning Damage Just found this but since it's not flat damage I guess it has no effect. I'll link Lesser Poison for now. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Alerean#4228 เมื่อ 9 ธ.ค. 2018 21:11:04
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@ Dapop:
" Two Frost Sentinels. You want freezes more than ignites. With two the freezes are more reliable than leaning on a single Frost Sentinel (Phantasms will freeze, too, but their range is shorter). @ krut0n: " Main post -> I Accept -> Second spoiler from the bottom, between Playstyle and More Video. @ Viktorious1: " 1. Raise Spectre 2. Summon Phantasm 3. Greater Multiple Projectiles 4. Elemental Proliferation 5. Faster Projectiles 6. Minion Damage You can see each gem in the chest armor by hovering your mouse over the sockets: All gem links are also displayed at the bottom of Overview and described in the Gem Links and Gear section. @ MathShiro22: " A jewel slot was more valuable to me. Grave Intentions is 17% minion life, 20% minion chaos resistance, +2 Zombies (+2% phys damage reduction & 79,704 DPS), and +1 Skeleton (260,311 DPS) = 340,015 DPS or 7.2% more damage. This jewel & socket is worth +20 DEX or STR, 6.1% more Skeleton damage, and 156 life for me. 2% Physical Damage Reduction at 7k life is worth 140 life against physical hits, but not against elemental/chaos damage or degens. So it's actually not too bad, and cheaper than a fancy jewel like that. @ Thrillhammer: " Neat! I look forward to hearing about your progress and tribulations! @ Alerean: " Nope, no effect. Normal jewels only offer percentage increases. You need Abyssal Jewels to get flat added damage. You'll start seeing Abysses in Act 6 and onward. You can craft the Physical/Chaos Damage yourself with Alteration Orbs. You'll want to use a Hypnotic Eye jewel, as that base has the most Spell affixes. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hercanic#3982 เมื่อ 18 ม.ค. 2019 19:15:20
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That's odd.. I've looked up and down the guide for a Overview or Gem Links and Gear section but don't see them. Even used Ctrl F to try to find them and couldn't. Are they maybe on a different page?
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@ Viktorious1:
" First page, first post. Click Show on the spoiler boxes to see more. Do you have Javascript disabled or something like that? ![]() แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hercanic#3982 เมื่อ 19 ธ.ค. 2018 22:36:25
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" Thanks! Do you have a good resource for that kind of crafting? I've been using https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vendor_recipe_system but it doesn't have anything on that. Edit: Never mind, I think I see what you mean, just keep changing a magic Abyssal until I get the right one. Gotcha. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Alerean#4228 เมื่อ 9 ธ.ค. 2018 21:49:59
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@ Alerean:
" Yeah. It shouldn't be too hard to hit when all you care about is one modifier. Eventually you can get one with life and other useful stats. You can also use Fossils. Check out how different ones will affect your chances at poeDB. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hercanic#3982 เมื่อ 19 ธ.ค. 2018 22:34:34
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When I was preparing for Betrayal's launch, I had to delay responding to many posts from pages 15 to 19. I will now get on that: @ Tklaebo: " Glad to be of help! Now that the guide has improved, are you still having the same problem finding gems? @ Karyoplasma: " Yeah, it's in the guide but might be overlooked. I'll have to go into more detail in Act 3's Gear section, so thank you for the suggestion! @ bluedood444: " You're welcome! And thank you! @ lostonpurpose: " An excellent idea. I was originally only lightly suggesting using an alt, but now I strongly recommend it. It has become part of the leveling guide, so thank you! @ kager: " " Thank you for putting time into alternative leveling ideas! Your tests helped confirm a few things for me, since I had been writing the leveling guide in retrospect from memory. Fresh eyes and direct experience are important! @ Alerean: " I've streamlined the old Zone Info section into Quest Route, the idea being to show what is the minimum you need to progress, as well as highlighting useful options. Yeah, I should add crafting recipes/strategies to the gear section in addition to the Uniques you can buy. " Oh? Never knew that existed. Is it used much by people? Based on the upvotes it looks to be a fairly small community. Is x-post a special Reddit feature, or do you just mean to post it again there? @ saif3r: " Ha! Superb! May the love of undeath infect you! @ zackforbing: " Great! " Cool, that's not a bad idea. " By hard to get traction, what was the problem you were having? Not enough damage? Poor mobility? @ Tirkkonen: " I am honored. Thank you! =o) @ EinUchiha: " Thanks for the support, I needed it! I have quickly learned that Reddit has no aversion to liberal use of downvoting for the slightest reason. PoE's site was down and yet I was still getting downvotes on a guide they couldn't even read, as if I could control GGG's forum being up. Maybe it's just me and my antiquated sensibility, but I tend to save any kind of downvote for things I truly object to. Otherwise I just live and let live, since it'd be more effort to scoff at something than to move on when it doesn't interest me. Oh well, what can you do. I see, priorities on what to invest in. That's a good idea. Quick version: #1 is elemental resistances, so items with big resist values are important to get squared away. A solid budget belt, ring, and amulet will carry much of your resistance burden. Boots are also a good source of resists, though 30% movement speed takes precedence. This depends on market prices, but offhand I'd recommend items with two high 45-55% resists over an item with three low 20-30%. Triple resists usually cost more because of rarity and you don't have to balance so much. Victario's Charity has 30% Lightning Resistance, so you're ahead there right off the bat compared to Cold and Fire. #2 priority is Life. You can settle for less life if it gets you more resistances. You eventually want to upgrade to the best of both worlds, but in budget land we can only look at the cake. #3 is Minion Blind, Taunt, and Hinder on ~two Ghastly Jewels. You can settle for ~30 life to start, but eventually you want to upgrade to T1 50 life. For big items, I'd go 10-20c for 6L Tabula Rasa, upgrade to a 40-80c 6L rare with high life/resists, then finish off with Belly of the Beast. I haven't confirmed if we still have the Vorici coloring trick, though. We want a 6L so our main clear skill can do its job as well as protect us with reliable freezes. Once you have a 6L chest, you want a +1 w/ Minion Damage Support Elder helm, then a +2 w/ Minion Damage Support, and eventually a +3 w/ Minion Damage Support later into the league. Life and resists are important as well, but don't break the bank unless it's for a perfect helmet that won't come along very often. Gloves with just a Poison Support affix and high life should be super easy to get. That's all you need at first. You don't need a Chance to Bleed Support affix until you have your helmet situation finished, since Skeletons won't have a socket for Bloodlust until you do. A Shaper ring with any amount of +LoH from Spells that also has solid life and resists will go a long way toward protecting you while mapping. Ball Lightning hits an absurd amount of times, and with GMP it covers the whole screen. Your life will rarely appear to drop, as you can see from my videos, and part of that is because of freeze and minion body blocking, but the other part is the huge incoming recovery you're constantly getting. But you need to have your Gloves with Poison before you can use GMP and take full advantage of screen-wide LoH. A Shaper claw with Maim is a good starter. That gives you the protection of Maim's slow and boosts Skeleton DPS. The +1 to gems isn't as impactful until you can afford an Empower Support. Minion Damage Support can sub in for it until then. You can now start investing more into your jewels. T1 life, T1 minion attack/cast speed, T1 minion attack/cast speed on kill. You do not need any flat damage on jewels. That's just a bonus if it has one, or something you end up with after you try exalting your own T1 3-property jewels. All that's left are +1 Spectre boots. These are not a priority. Two Frost Sentinels are enough. But once you have a few exalts burning a hole in your Currency tab and everything else is on the higher end of your budget limit, then you can think about luxury boots. Don't compromise on life or resistances and especially not on movement speed. You're pretty much done, anything more is icing. Eventually you'll want a +1 curse amulet and a curse corruption on gloves. @ dokterr: " A big part of it is my own natural curiosity to figure out questions like "Which is better/stronger?" I then just adapt my notes and boom, guide content! Ha! =o) @ DieKao: " Avatar of Fire won't work. You can't poison with it. Risen Vaal Advocates do have phenomenal life, but it's not quite so much higher as it seems: Frost Sentinels have 1.8 life multiplier, 40% of base Life gained as ES, and no reduction to armor. Solar Guards have 1.98 life multiplier, 10% of base life gained as ES, and a 0.25 armor reducing multiplier. Risen Vaal Advocates have 5.4 life multiplier, no ES, and a 0.20 armor reducing multiplier. When I tested Advocates, I had really wanted them to work, because it meant I could drop Soul Weaver. But they are noticeably slower on clear due to their slower base cast speed (1.84 vs 2.60 cast rate). " This comment means a lot to me. I was feeling a little bummed out about all the Reddit downvotes, but this cheered me back up. Thank you. " Nice! Thank you for your contribution! @ Yloss: " Glad to see you back, Yloss! I'm looking forward to that Uber Elder video you are totally going to do this league, am I right? =oD Whew, all caught up! I didn't miss anyone, I hope! If I did, please buzz me again. It's been pretty hectic lately! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hercanic#3982 เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2018 21:13:20
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How do I share my build and how it is progressing so people can have a look at it to help me?
I am struggling to activate the crawler and get that going. Need help on how to do that. I've had it for a few levels and it's basically not doing anything :/ As i understand it, i need to attack with my weapon to activate it with poison? Or can i activate it with some other minion? So confused about how to get it to work. The other problem i'm having is that phantasms weren't activating off of specters so changed to zombies and it works again, so I don't know what is wrong there. If anyone can look at my build and maybe give me some pointers it would be very appreciated. This is by far the most complex build i've attempted. It's really cool but very challenging. Really love what you did with the "show" links in the guide Hercanic. Such a big help and improvement without sacrificing too much that awesome artwork. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ArmedCiv#5560 เมื่อ 10 ธ.ค. 2018 01:00:40
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@ ArmedCiv:
" A public profile is enough, which you have. You can also check out your character on poe-profile.info. First, you've taken Elemental Equilibrium but do not have Hatred on Generosity. This means Hatred is affecting you, adding Cold Damage to your attacks, and thus causing EE to increase monsters' Cold Resistance rather than lower it. You're losing damage on both fronts. Choose one or the other until you can slot Generosity. I'd remove EE, since you don't have to do anything special for Hatred to deal damage. Second, you only have a 20% chance to poison, from Herald of Agony itself. You need to link Static Strike with Poison Support (+60% chance) or Lesser Poison Support (+40% chance). Otherwise you'll have a hard time gaining any Virulence, which is why the Agony Crawler seems so weak. Yes, you have to be the one to attack and poison to get Virulence, since you're the only one under the effects of a herald (it's not an aura, it just reserves mana). So no, minions cannot poison for you. Agony Crawler DPS at Differing Virulence 789,681 (40 Virulence = 100% damage) 618,559 (35 Virulence = 78% damage) 473,438 (30 Virulence = 60% damage) 352,254 (25 Virulence = 45% damage) 252,966 (20 Virulence = 32% damage) 173,511 (15 Virulence = 22% damage) 111,838 (10 Virulence = 14% damage) 65,896 (5 Virulence = 8% damage) If you only have 5-10 Virulence, for instance, he's only dealing 8-14% of his true damage. If Spectres were not getting kills because they are too weak, then that may be why you were not getting Phantasms. What Spectres are you using? What was the monster level of the last zone you raised them in? Your Desecrate can make up to level 44 corpses, and your Spectre gem can make up to level 44 Spectres. You are level 42. What level zone are you in right now? Another possibility is if Ignites are getting the kills. That would mean you are getting credit, not the Spectres, and thus no Phantasms. Try replacing Elemental Proliferation with Phantasms and see if that works better. If so, this would be a pretty funny oversight on my part, heh. You'll then save Prolif until you can use Frost Sentinels. Let me know if this was the problem so I can update the guide with a warning! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hercanic#3982 เมื่อ 19 ธ.ค. 2018 21:16:37
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