[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide

NopileosX2 เขียน:
aeri0r เขียน:

It is very playable - T16 Facerolling @ Awakening 8. Tho i must admit the original Guide is somewhat clustered and uncomplete for current League, there is very good informations the last 10 Pages. Definetly not recommended for New Players, but experienced ones can easily alter and make the bang of it.

Did you try Pyroclast Mine or Ice Spear for single target damage. If yes how does it compare to ball of lightning?

I am currently able to oneshot metamorphs up to T13, at T14 it get's quite tricky, also depending on the mods of course. Once I am not able to oneshot the fight evolves into spamming arc to kill the trash and try to hit the boss with Ice Spear. I tried Pyroclast Mine, but it felt weaker somehow, but this was at the start where I did not have my core.

I really like it, when I can just oneshot the metamorph with setting up Ice Spear mines, but if that doesn't work it feels really bad, because the dps becomes very unreliable with Ice Spears.

I tried all of them, i did not like Pyroclast. Arc is great and speedy for clear, so i took it to my helmet to make room for a dedicated Bosskiller. Ball lightning is great here and feels best for me. It oneshots t16 Metamorphs with my Setup for it. Try it - i think you will like it :)

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย aeri0r#1856 เมื่อ 26 ธ.ค. 2019 17:13:12
Hey there. I need help. This build is great, but i don't know if im doing everything correctly. My overall clear is great, but i need help to minmax my single target dps and survivability. I can't kill Drox on a t12 map. I feel like i need someone to point me what to change or add to my setup.
My pastebin: https://pastebin.com/TwPQF8DF
aeri0r เขียน:

I tried all of them, i did not like Pyroclast. Arc is great and speedy for clear, so i took it to my helmet to make room for a dedicated Bosskiller. Ball lightning is great here and feels best for me. It oneshots t16 Metamorphs with my Setup for it. Try it - i think you will like it :)

Ok tried now a similar setup and holy it feels so good compared to Ice Spear. DPS is way more consistent and also has enough AoE to kill the trash mobs in the metamorph fight. Can easily kill fully juiced metamorphs at T15 now and porbably T16 too.

Any suggestions to improve ?
I have like 15-20 EX to invest...

I mean everything feels pretty fine... but aside of that i could need some more HP probably, iam also sometimes getting OS by sth random / when a metamorph lives to long and so on.

Future improvement will be 100%:

Pyroclast mine 21/23 (which makes around 15-30k more dmg depending on how u config it - against bosses and so on)

Awakened Lightning Damage (which makes around 20k too if i get it to lvl 5/20)

But beside of that i really have no clue.

I mean ofc another helmet with %crit spell or added lightning dmg would be fine.

Another belt with lightning/spell damage/overall dmg would be nice to have

Also another amulet without spell dmg/lightning dmg and a free suffix to get another dmg mod on it ?

But i can barely see how to improve the surviveability ??

(Also there will be 1 more Jewel socket as soon as i hit level 95 ill respec one 5% max life node to int+Jewel)

Okay well and maybe could focus an Atzirys Flask but that also would only increase dmg since I had to change it for the basalt flask
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Streeetz#3230 เมื่อ 27 ธ.ค. 2019 08:48:58
Do you think this build could be ran using ball lightning mines instead of arc mines? I think that would be more damage and also you could use BL mines for both clearing and single target dmg.
Smerte เขียน:
Do you think this build could be ran using ball lightning mines instead of arc mines? I think that would be more damage and also you could use BL mines for both clearing and single target dmg.
for my setup Arc=160k Pyro=202k Ball Lighting=86k so no not for me but that's me
aeri0r เขียน:
NopileosX2 เขียน:
aeri0r เขียน:

It is very playable - T16 Facerolling @ Awakening 8. Tho i must admit the original Guide is somewhat clustered and uncomplete for current League, there is very good informations the last 10 Pages. Definetly not recommended for New Players, but experienced ones can easily alter and make the bang of it.

Did you try Pyroclast Mine or Ice Spear for single target damage. If yes how does it compare to ball of lightning?

I am currently able to oneshot metamorphs up to T13, at T14 it get's quite tricky, also depending on the mods of course. Once I am not able to oneshot the fight evolves into spamming arc to kill the trash and try to hit the boss with Ice Spear. I tried Pyroclast Mine, but it felt weaker somehow, but this was at the start where I did not have my core.

I really like it, when I can just oneshot the metamorph with setting up Ice Spear mines, but if that doesn't work it feels really bad, because the dps becomes very unreliable with Ice Spears.

I tried all of them, i did not like Pyroclast. Arc is great and speedy for clear, so i took it to my helmet to make room for a dedicated Bosskiller. Ball lightning is great here and feels best for me. It oneshots t16 Metamorphs with my Setup for it. Try it - i think you will like it :)

I'm following your tree and gem setup, got a question: how do you keep up skitterbots and precision aura while still having MoM? Don't they take up almost all mana?
so i try to use spell totem but it doesn't work somehow i place my mines then totem but they dont detonate automatically,what am i missing?
what type of maps is this build unable to play?
If im swapping pyroclast for ball lightning, and im following aerirors gem links, in what priority should i use? do you still use the totem for detonate mines?

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย AquariusLord#1813 เมื่อ 28 ธ.ค. 2019 03:59:50



