[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide
" Okay so I’ve been gone a while and there is a lot that has changed as far as consensus best options. I find it hard to believe that tremor rod can really carry you that far in addition to allowing us to drop a single target altogether? When I was using 5L tremor in the early stages I kinda hated it so that also might be a factor but it just seems odd to me that we would choose that over multimodded sceptres w a stacking conversion of chaos damage? Could you provide some more info on that decision? Also you speak of the freeze not being at its full capacity with CoB rings, but wouldn’t we lose a lot of shock effectiveness from using The Three Dragons? Wouldn’t our only source of shock be from the skitterbots? Why do I need to freeze a metamorph if I kill it instantly? I only have 3.7k life (gasp) and I only tend to die from random sources of chaos damage, but I would like to see what it’s like to have a little more survivability, especially if you’re saying the dps output would be better? Just curious what to do from here as I just multimodded some intermediate scepters. Thanks! |
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" Thank you! What do you have setup for you arc 6L? Is it the same as he has, swapping out arc for ice spear? |
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" Chaos Conversion was nerfed to the ground this league, the guide doesn't reflect that and is outdated. It's not worth it anymore. Even with multimodding you'r now spending 2-4Ex on getting a measly 10% as extra chaos per weapon. That's weak for a weapon slot. Compare to our cheap-as-fuck Tremor: The seventh link from Tremor alone is 30-40% more DPS. The +2 lvl is another +15% more. Yeah, we miss out on generic +%dmg. But we can get plenty of that from other sources now too, to make up for it. Both of these "more damage" scale perfectly with the +% dmg options we have now from catalyst ring/amulet/belt. (With Tremor your base damage before +dmg% calculation will be Higher, and your %more multiplicator will be higher too.) " True, but don't worry about that, you won't be shocking with Ball Lighnting anyway. It does tremondeus damage..but its per-hit damage is pathetic, so the hit's won't exceed the 18% Shock from Skitterbots anyway. " You don't literally one shot it. It might get a hit off beforce Ball Lightning does it magic. With Freeze the very first Tick of your first Arc already freezes it, preventing it from doing any damage. " Well that's kinda impressive. With 3,7k HP and -45%chaos res you are basically getting one shot from anything. But if you manage to pull that off. More power too you. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Schejian#7203 เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2020 16:36:22
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" I'm doing low life Arc mines, so my set-up is a bit different than regular Arc mines. Current using Arc with Blastchain, Minefield, Trap and Mine, Controlled Destruction, and Hypothermia (chill source from flat cold to spells on gear and Skitterbots). Set-ups can vary, just depends on your gear and how you want to play. |
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" Damn didn’t realize chaos conversion had gotten nerfed. I just started last league so it’s hard to learn while also applying current updates to what I already know lol. & I play on Xbox so my options are slim sometimes but I’ll start working towards phasing out Ball Lightning. I just kind of have to make the decision to sell my loreweave before I do anything and I want to be sure that is the best option. I’ve never felt like it was doing me much good anyway I just had to have my single target ability. Do you think I shouldn’t really notice a difference if I slapped arc in a 6L tremor and dropped ball lightning completely pretty much immediately? Since I already have arc chain helm enchant and a lv 21 arc? (Is quality on arc nullified by three dragons) Or would I need different rings first also? Trust me the 3.7k life wasn’t be design it’s just where I’ve ended up lol. I haven’t attempted Elder, Shaper or Sirus but I have done Chimera and a few elder guardians and the like with no real issue. But I do want a little more cushion for sure. |
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Can someone check my gear and tell me what can I do? I'm getting 1 shot in t16 and my damage is lacking. my tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYDAAQHBLMFQgW1BncHHgjUCPQOSA_EES0RlhHCE98aOBzcH1si9CNfJP0mlScvKgssnC3EMHEw-DLRNxc31DpCOlg62Dt8QZZCLEVHRZ1HBklRS3hMs1FHUzFTUlVLVcZd8mHiYk9irGpDbAhsC2yMbRlwUXBSc212b3yDfrB_xoKbg9uD8YnTjDaNv48aj_qQVZMnlPGVLprgnaqd2aBDoHmiAKKjpvius67_sii0OLTFt3W4yrmTvOrAZsHFwuzDCckGzSrQ0ND11CPVpthU2-fdqOUZ51Tr7uv17hXwH_DV8PnxivId9p_4l_v1_Ur_3g==?accountName=ftw2255&characterName=DockerImage |
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" 21 Vaal Arc, doesn't need to be quality, Vaal is nice for Legion. 15c Personally, I'm not a fan of Charged Mines. 30% mine speed and 12% MORE from Frenzy vs just a beefy 50% MORE from Trap & Mine or Hypothermia for freezing. Replace Essence Worm + Zealotry for damage, life, and resists ring. No damage on right ring. You can get a similar ring with lightning damage and empty prefix to craft flat cold/lightning which adds overall decent damage. Remove extra crit chance in Successful Detonations wheel, complete 3rd jewel slot near Heartseeker. At 92 or if you sacrifice a HP node for now, you can move the path through Deep Wisdom to across Throatseeker and up to Prodigal Premonition for more mana/damage. 3 (4 after 1 point move) empty jewel sockets. A 2-3 dmg mod and life abyss jewel runs like 5-30c each and will add up quite a bit overall. I would use a max ele Atziri's Promise over Wise Oak. You have enough penetration using lightning pen and the extra chaos res is nice with Metamorphs. I'd go as far as stacking a bit more chaos res on other slots if you can afford it (why I wanted to try LL/CI this league). Silk Gloves or modded gloves like extra damage against chilled enemies with flat life and res. Lab enchant on boots. Flat lightning over damage pen since you have lightning pen support. Can get better non-enchanted boots if you want to farm it yourself (took me like 4 runs with Twice Enchanted, could take a dozen). Eventually a better amulet. Some people in this guide are running Three Dragons instead of rare helmet for freezing, up to you. You would need STR on the new rings to switch out and damage/HP/res loss from losing the enchanted helm. Add Vaal RF for boss nuke. All of that together should be something like double damage, plus a bit more life/chaos res. Not much help on the tankiness department, but normal problem with end game mines.. kill or be killed. I'm at 9.6k ES and still get nuked from time to time with certain map rolls like 200% extra ele plus crit. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย blackdeath101#5742 เมื่อ 16 ม.ค. 2020 17:52:43
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So if scepters arę nerfed, what is the best weapon to use? I saw 2x wands on PoB and tried to buy some simmilar. Tremor Rod is still better option.
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With Kaom, should I use normal jewels with %hp or abyss with flat? Can't check rn.
Also, am I doing something wrong, but PoB showing me much higher damage with lightning pene than even empower 4. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DamianTaps#4998 เมื่อ 17 ม.ค. 2020 08:45:43
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" Thank you so much for the tips. Removing the ring and Zealotry, what auras should I run? |
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