[3.5] Wretched Orb (Insane duration Winter orb) Shaper, Uber elder, end game

Hi i'd like to test the build on my assassin, but i have a question : does the build work with a 45% TC enchantment instead of 30% ?
christpoe เขียน:
Hi i'd like to test the build on my assassin, but i have a question : does the build work with a 45% TC enchantment instead of 30% ?

The 30% have to be Increased Curse Effect, not duration. Using a 45% increased duration you only extends the duration of the curse but not his effect so, the build should work but ur flasks, winter orb, blade vortex and vaal righteous fire, phase run etc will last long less than with the other enchant with curse effect. If winters orb last long about 30 sec, with the enchant with 45% curse duration should be like 20 sec aprox.

My advice is not worth trying it. Try to save some currency and buy 1 with the 30% incresed curse effect.
Ing: ExElite / Xilenze
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย HolyInferno#2776 เมื่อ 27 ม.ค. 2019 08:52:17
I don't know how to do all the fancy picture pasting, etc. I have included my POB, though.

My problem is this: I can't keep it up. As a man that's hard to admit. Is duration related to gem level? At best I can get 8-10 seconds of Winter Orb before I have to refresh. and by that point it's down to 4 or 5 stacks.

POB link: https://pastebin.com/vcAdGtKh

There's also a major damage discrepancy I can't figure out between the builder's link and my build.
HolyInferno เขียน:
Hey Wretched guys!

Leaving a Tri-curse version for who wants to try it. I've decided to change the original 1 Because I like more unique builds. So the core is the same as the original but added 2 more curses that works pretty fine.
This version is more expensive but i think it gains more defences and leech.

What curses we use?

1- Temp chains (obvious)
2- Enfeble on hit (corrupted shackles of the wretched)
3- Warlords Mark (elder ring)


I made some more changes except the tri-curse:
- Replaced Malachai's Artifice for Mark of the Shaper ring Because we using elder ring in the other slot and it adds a lot of dps.
- Replaced normal ring for Elder with Warlord's Mark.
- Replaced a normal amulet for a Shaped Amulet with better dps stats.
- Try to use a Helm based Armour, we use determination so escaling armour we will get more %phys mitigation.
- Get a Watcher's eye with +500-950 armour paired with immune to vulnerability while determination (it's not expensive and it give you almost 1.5-2k amour, about 8-10% phys reduction).
- Replaced Atziri's Promise for Wise Oak. We run warlod's mark and leech is covered, wise oak give us more dps and if you can balance your resistances we have 10% more elemental reduction.
- We can use to boots more our phys reduction adding a Quicksilver flask with duration + 100% increased armour.

You can play it with diferents setups:

1st(budget): Amulet +1 curse and Whispers of Doom on the tree.
There is plenty of +1 curse amulet with not bad stats between 20-70 chaos, just pick 1 that fills resistances, some life and crit multi.

2nd(more expensive): Body armor crafted +1 curse (3 ex) and Whispers of Doom (this was my choise).

Decided to go with this setup because amulets give too much dps and if we play with the corrupted +1 curse it's really hard to get a good 1 with good dps stats for under 5 ex.

3rd(mix): If u don't like the idea to go for Whispers of Doom in the tree, you can always play with +1 amulet and armor crafted +1 curses.

- More survability thanks to enfeble + 3 endurance charges.
- We got a lot more phys dmg reduction (armor on watcher's eye, helmet armor based and flask). I have 45% phys reduction + enfeble.
- Issues from leech solved thank's to warlord's mark. When you run out of charges from Atziri's Promise on hard bosses you are fucked :P
- You can play differents setups so it's flexible.
- You can play it dual-curse if you preffer, just pick a ring with warlord's mark and +1 curses werever you want (amulet, chest or tree)
- Damage it's almost the same.
- You can play with Atziri's Promise if you prefer instead of Wise Oak.

- We lost some HP because we have to cut most of the extra life nodes to get the Extra curse from tree. (you can always play it with +1 curse on chest and amulet if you don't like the idea of loosing hp).
- We lose our golem and his debuff.
- Maybe harder to balance our dext and resistances for a budged price.

My Stuff

Still missing a good helm -9 cold resis :(

Here is the pastebin. It's not the exact copy of my items but you can get and overall idea.


Hope you enjoy it.

Thanks alot for your updated version, I also decided (like others before me) to run the Harbinger Shield
for that extra defense (the summoned harbinger gives a very nice buff when channeling Winter Orb, wich ofc also gets prolonged by Temp Chains.)

Running a Warlord's mark on hit ring now aswell and a Wise Oak, considerable damage/defense increase.

Combined with a charge on crit life flask
I always have top tier regen in any situation.

Keeping the
for now since I think this is still higher dmg wise then the 70-80 spell damage, also I need it for resistance still.

Anway, thanks again for your contribution to this build, wich I just seem to go back to after leveling something else to 80+ x)

If other ppl got vids of their Uber Elder kills I'd love to see those!!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Thederpenator#7675 เมื่อ 31 ม.ค. 2019 07:43:23
Zab_Foh เขียน:
I don't know how to do all the fancy picture pasting, etc. I have included my POB, though.

My problem is this: I can't keep it up. As a man that's hard to admit. Is duration related to gem level? At best I can get 8-10 seconds of Winter Orb before I have to refresh. and by that point it's down to 4 or 5 stacks.

POB link: https://pastebin.com/vcAdGtKh

There's also a major damage discrepancy I can't figure out between the builder's link and my build.

1 Thing I can see is your jewels, you only run crit chance, this will not add much damage since you should be critting almost all the time anyway with your Diamond flask up.

The winter orb duration is not very long att max charge so it will never stay very long on the highest charge, just press your right mouse button every so often and with arcane surge being up 100% of the time you'll be on max again in a sec or 2. Should be fine right :D

You also don't have spell crit on your gloves and on your chest, this does alot to the sheet dps somehow if I remember correctly. There are also no dmg stats on your amulet.

The wands have fire dmg on them (if this would be cold that would add more dmg if combined with cold damage% increase on jewels) also you're using the Malachai EE ring wich even gives your targets +25% fire ress wich makes it even worse to have fire dmg as dmg stats on there.

And here is the biggest difference, your gem levels. getting level 20 gems is huge. Your Winter orb gem alone goes from 232 to 290 to 286 to 358 cold damage, 318 to 397 if you'd get a lvl 21 (22 with +1 gem chest)

Qualitying everything would give a nice dmg boost aswell.

So plenty of dmg still to get all around and I'm sure I missed some things :)


แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Thederpenator#7675 เมื่อ 31 ม.ค. 2019 07:41:31
u guys should try this build with Head Hunter , trust me , it's amazing
altdiablo เขียน:
u guys should try this build with Head Hunter , trust me , it's amazing

i did this build with zerphi's heart. It's incredibly fun and easy (except bosses, need more health). But i think some build are far cheaper and effective.
Fun build. I am no understanding all of i yet but so far it is fun. Only some of the curses from bosses hurt a bit 😊
Thanks for the build.
the glove and temporal chains combine to a fantastic mechnism, I have never had this idea before, excellent!
Thanks again for the build. Was a real joy to run it. I went all the way up to lvl100 and at the very end decided to glass cannon a bit with dual void batteries. I think more deeps can be reached if you use conversion to chaos but I didn't try. Here's my final gear at lvl100



