[3.5] Shadow Trickster. Mjolner Discharge. Life-EB-MoM. Cyclone\Molten Strike. (Marauder in 3.7)
Hey guys. Here is my another version of Mjolner discharge build based on trickster ascendancy and new helmet "Devouring Diadem"
You can find actually guide in Marauder section! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2549141 ![]() Deathless Uber Elder (Life-MoM MS Version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCJU7jtui-E Possible Damage Mitigation Demo. Vs Shaper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDOUG6IHsu8&feature=youtu.be Mino. Hard mods+Tormented Spirit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnm-Szv6Z1k&feature=youtu.be I got two versions of that build. Cyclone based and Molten Strike based. They have a similar mechanics, but some different in playstyle damage and defenses. Cyclone Version. Cyclone based build: -300k Shaper dps. -Fast and Safe map clearing. Mobility focused. -85-86% max res. -Up to 28% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Elemental. -MoM+Eb -Fortify -10% dodge Attacks and Spells -Onslaught ________________________________________________________________________________ PoB https://pastebin.com/e6ptpCCC Tree http://poeurl.com/cdxx Pantheon Upgraded Arakaali and Shakari Videos T14 twinned dark forest T16 Mino T16 Chimera ________________________________________________________________________________ Gear and Links ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Some explanation The Devouring diadem and some aura nodes allow us to use 3 purity's with empower, that gives us +6% to max resistances, also we have free EB, that works with MoM for additional survivability. And two most important, every few second, diadem will trigger Feast of Flesh. ![]() That' a very strong for mapping and also help us for bosses coz we have CwDT-Desecrate setup. And, the second, due to we have EB, we get all bonuses from the "Ghost dance" ascendancy. We always have ES, that gives us +10% ms and +10% dodge. And our es is all time on degen, cause we reflect bleed to us, that gives us a chance to trigger ES recharge every time when we use cyclone, (around 4 times\sec) then we have +40% AS. Since we inflict bleed with attacks and bosses without stages is arond 100% of time under bleed, the "Farrul's Pounce" gives us extra accuracy and some damage from hits. That allow us to keep "Saffell's" and "Withering Touch" support, that have a very good synergies with Trickster ascendancy. (Need more Tests) Precursor's Emblem is another way to increase charge generation, cause we play with cyclone and don't use Inya's boots. And, sure, Belt gives us Onslaught when we have fortify. Very easy to cap res for oak, just need "Perseverance" with cold roll 20-24, no more. And two rare jewels with "+to fire and lightning resistances" with amount same as cold res from belt. One of they must be Abyss jewel with Cold damage to attacks\Mace attacks, to trigger EE. ______________________________________________________________________________ Molten Strike Version. ______________________________________________________________________________ Molten Strike based build: -625k Shaper dps. -Fast and Safe map clearing. Damage Focused. -79-80% max res. -Up to 28% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Elemental. -Fortify -10% dodge Attacks and Spells -Additional 18% Phys damage reduction while stationary (Red trail\Pantheon) -Better outheal (due to we have more Discharges per second) -For the rich guys, also can add Arctic Armour! ______________________________________________________________________________ PoB https://pastebin.com/ULecQf42 LvL 93 Tree, with "CHance to bleed" support. https://pastebin.com/fWCxW4Ez That's a final tree for Molten strike setup. LvL 95, here we take two points for bleed chance near the glad area and swap "chance to bleed" for "Life gain on hit" it privodes a huge adtional life sustain, sure you can take it earlier, instead of life points. Plus, that is global "chance" so it very helpfull via mapping. Tree http://poeurl.com/cesS Pantheon Major: Take what you want. Minor: Tukohama. Videos T16 Chimera T16 Hydra T16 Phoenix T16 Mino DPS Check Mino have 12.5m hp, we killed him in 20s, in result, we have around 625k shaper dps. ______________________________________________________________________________ Gear and Links -Note: For pack clearing you can use Lightning Strike or Cyclone, LS have better synergy with redtrail, and, sure you must use LS, when you have AA. -Note: Sure, you must level you LS (here a mistake and in my gear lvl 1) it gives more projectiles at higher levels. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Sulphur flask flexible, you can take one what you want, instead of that, like basalt, for additional dmg mitigation or try the new silver flask from catarina, or any resistance if you need it for specific boss, but be carefull, it can break your oak. ______________________________________________________________________________ How to add arctic armour
To add arctic Armour we must have: One Enlighten LvL 4. One Enlighten, atleast LvL 3. One of our jewels with "1% reduced Mana Reserved" Easy to get it on Intuitive Leap. Shield with "veiled" mode: "+ to level of socketed support gems" +1 is enought. So, our links will be changed: Head: PoF-PoI-PoL-Enlighten (4) Shield: WB-AA-Enlighten (3) Boots\Gloves: CwDT-IC-FB-BV Pob https://pastebin.com/abhzSJuG Final version of the build LvL 95-100! Current tree for 100 lvl. http://poeurl.com/ce1A https://pastebin.com/Y4SN4WwM After we take four 6%hp points, we must go for "Bleed cahnce" near the glad. In this case, change "Chance to bleed Support" for "Life gain on hit". after that, we get all remaining 5% hp points. Gear
Shaper. Dmg Mitigation Demo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDOUG6IHsu8&feature=youtu.be ______________________________________________________________________________ Pure Endgame Molten Strike-Discharge. LIFE-MOM. Another viable version. Deathless Uber Elder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCJU7jtui-E Strongest version of the build, requires high level, but gives insane survivability and dps. Here we got: -5.4k Life. -3.6k Mana. (3k unreserved) -40% MoM. -130k+ Discharge DpU (Max charged) -Additional 6% damage reduction from Ascendancy. -RF! PoB https://pastebin.com/ReQr42pr
______________________________________________________________________________ Possible Corruptions,Encnants. -Head: +1Pc, 40%increased discharge damage, 90% mana multiplier, Ele leech. -Gloves: +1Fc, EleWeaknes\Enfeeble Curse. -Boots: +1Ec, 10% elePenetra, Regen. -Amulet: +1% max res, +to all ele res. -Ring: +to all ele res. -Shield: Max life, Phys convers. -Weap: IncAS,Fortify. ______________________________________________________________________________ Leveling Cyclone based, for example. Tree and Tips.
![]() ![]() -Take 3* after 1st lab, sure if you have "intuitive leap" Take Charges\Blood -Drinker\Nullification. -Don't take Yellow nodes: "EO" "EE" on lvling, you must take it adter switch to mjolner. Don't forget to get 'cold damage to attacks' after you get EE! -Blue nodes, you take after get "Diadem" -And green mana nodes take when you add "Empower" to auras. You can easy lvling with any crit spellcaster like: Firestorm, BladeVortex,FreezingPulse etc. Just put that in tabula, add increased crit and some dmg supports. After 1st lab, we start generating Power and Frenzy charges. IF you have troubles with str to equip mjolner, before you get enought str from tree, you sure can wear the rare item with high str values, like ring or heavy belt. Also, very helpfully at start is "Atziri's Foible" amulet, wich lowers the attribite requirements. -Added MS Version. -Updated Pob. MS version. Added videos -Added leveling example Still work in progress. And need more endgame tests, so if you have any things or ideas, please add a comment. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Doklol34#7619 เมื่อ 20 มิ.ย. 2019 15:08:44 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 20 มิ.ย. 2019 15:07:32
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Very impressive mix of the mechanics, thank you! Any leveling tips, mb?
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Which is the main difference? PoB https://pastebin.com/e6ptpCCC & https://pastebin.com/TqTdpyuk PS: nice build |
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Added leveling section and some base lvling tips. serjuca These pob's is for 2 different versions, 1st-cyclone based, 2nd-molten strike. I update guide and pob's now you can read about that. |
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Thank you! My leveling still in progress, and I found comfortable way to do it: Charged Dash + CWC + Storm Call/Arc + <supports>
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Added Final tree and changes. Added Shaper demo video.
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is this good for chaining maps and delving deep ? i love and miss discharge
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I'm not sure what you mean "chaining" , if you mean maps with "chain" mod, you, sure, can take Lunaris pantheon and dont worry adout it. I dont like deep delve so much, im currently on ~350, no troubles. Very good for fossil farm, so, we add "Phase run" (~15s duration with frenzy charges) and silver flask. |
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" I meant running maps real fast one after another, leveling a shadow for the build now. Are the + max resistance corruptions and + frenzy, power, endurance charges mandatory ? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย trigger31#5960 เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2019 04:56:13
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Ah, ok, so you can see clearspeed in videos. no, these corruptions not mandatory, he gives our good dps bonus, but anyway we have enought charges from tree and ascendancy. And same for precursosr's, you must have with P\F charges, but if you dont have currency for it, at start is enought only with Pcharges generation. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Doklol34#7619 เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2019 05:11:27
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