[3.24] ðĄThe NightbladeðĄNightshade Tincture | Incorporeal | New demo video up
I try to play solo-self found until I finish the acts.
Then, with the money I've earned till Kitava act 10, I reward myself with some good gear to begin the Atlas. After that, there is a famous "wall" when you reach tier 14-15 maps, where the game becomes much more difficult. I think every player has met (or rather : crashed against :D ) this wall. At this point, the gear you need becomes very expensive. From then on, there is no more limits to the number of exalted you can sink into your stuff. Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
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Tabofren has published a build that is inspired by the Nightblade.
This is a ranged/melee Assassin that goes 100% poison : Cobra Lash and a melee skill like Viper Strike or Blade Flurry. It requires one of the coolest unique item of the game, the legendary Bino's Kitchen Butcher Knife. Prepare for some tasty mobs sushis, with A LOT of wasabi ;) His build relies on several layers of defenses to avoid damages : 75% Dodge, 75% Block with the Mistwall shield + Aspect of the Cat. Says Tabofren : "If you hate getting hit you've come to the right place." You can check it here. Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
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I don't understand the use of withering step. The Nightblade support skill states "Elusive from SUPPORTED SKILLS also grants +81% to critical strike multiplier for SKILLS SUPPORTED BY NIGHTBLADE".
Withering step removes any elusive buff, i.e. the one from the Nightblade supported skill which is giving the 85% crit buff, and replaces it with its own elusive buff which doesn't give an 85% buff. Furthermore, the description in PoB of the elusive buff (the game is VERY bad at describing these buffs) states that if you already have elusive you cannot gain elusive. So if you gain elusive from Nightblade+Blade Flurry and then cast Withering Step, you lose the 85% buff. If you do as the guide suggests and cast Withering Step and then Blade Flurry, the elusive from WS prevents you gaining elusive from BS+NB. Given that BF+NB is the very basis for this build, WS seems the one skill that you WOULDN'T want to take! Am I missing something? |
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" There are two things actually : 1- The Elusive buff decays over time. And WS removes any existing Elusive buff. = Using WS refreshes the buff to the max. 2- Using any skill ends WS. So you use a skill supported by Nightblade : lose Elusive and gain it again for longer. The circle is : - Pop WS. Gain Elusive and wither enemies in the area. - Skill + Nightblade : lose Elusive, gain it again immediately. - Elusive decays over time. When WS cooldown is finished, use WS to refresh Elusive. - Repeat Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
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hi can u remove all the old shit and seperate the pobs properly cause im am confused which it is i need to use to get started at least
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Im enjoying this build. Now somewhere around lvl50 in act 6. I have to make some decisions on what will be the next passives on my skill tree. I see that there are a lot of passives for poison and aliment damage. But i legit don't understand where would poison damage come from. None of the Blade Flurry supports are making poison damage on their own (Nightblade, Infused Channelling, Melee Physical Damage, Fortify, Vile Toxins). Also Vile toxins are increasing poison damage, but not inflicting it. Am I missing something? How do you stack poison on enemies? Thanks! |
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" Use this one : Basic version The Uber-PoB Several stages from levels 17 to 95. I have reviewed all the PoB links and put them at the top of the message. " You're not the first to ask this question. I'm not surprised, because this build does not use poison stacks to deal damage and I understand it's confusing. Here is what I explain in the Offense section : Poison does not do much damage with this build, but with the Ascendancy nodes, it gives us chaos dmg + life regen and crit chance : With Deadly Infusion : +5% inc duration of poison per poison applied recently (4sec). +0,1% crit chance for each poison on enemy, up to +2%. With Toxic Delivery : Gain 20% phys as extra chaos dmg on poisoned enemies 0,5% life regenerated / poison on enemy killed. Chances to poison On the Ascendancy, Noxious Strike : 40% chance to poison on any hit. On the tree, two small nodes "Dagger dmg and Poison chance" : 2*10% chance to poison on hit with attacks. So, on any attack hit, we got 60% chance to poison. With Adder's Touch : 40% chance to poison with crits. So, on crit we have 60+40 = 100% chance to poison. > A non-crit has 60% chance to poison. > A crit will always poison. > For full calculations, go to PoB, "Calcs" and see "Chance to Poison". This is why the Diamond flask is so good, as it greatly increases our chance to crit and poison. > With Vile Toxins support, we get up to 45% more dmg when there are 9 poisons on an enemy. I'll add your question in the FAQ. * Last week, I've shown an improved setup for farming, based on the sextant poison mod. Today, I want to show you an improved setup for bossing. We're gonna use a Lethal Pride of Akoya, to get the Chainbreaker keystone : " Just standing in your hideout will make you gain your 50 stacks of Rage ! On top on that, we'll add the Bersek skill to gain 20% more atk dmg and 20% more atk speed = 40% more DPS. Usually when you dodge, you are kinda wasting your time since you're dealing 0 dmg. The great thing with Chainbreaker is that when you are not hitting, you are actually regenerating your Rage. This comes very handy against bosses that have several phases, like the Elder guardians or the Shaper : you can take your time dodging their attacks, knowing your next hits will be even stronger ! The loss of mana regen is actually not a issue, since we rely on leech. I don't ever feel it. All in all, Chainbreaker is much better for bossing than The Traitor, which I have tested at the beginning of 3.11, in particular against Sirus. Having only one or two flasks was too much of a sacrifice, while Chainbreaker will boost your DPS through the roof, without any inconvenience ! With the power of this Akoya, I decided to face Sirus A8 once again. Last time, I was using Dash to get through his lasers. I was ready to do use it, but just before the fight, as Zana was opening the portals, I thought : hey, why not use Charged Dash ? I didn't even know if you can phase through the lasers with it (answer : you can) and I feared it would feel absolutely clunky. But on the contrary, Charged Dash allowed me to turn smoothly around Sirus and dodge the meteors of his projection. Sometimes, you need a little touch of improvisation ;-) So today, I'm happy to present my first (true !) deathless Sirus A8 fight. Raise your power over 9000, Exiles, and grow your hair like Songoku, we are going : #9 : Super Saiyan Hope you like it :) PoB : https://pastebin.com/nAJ8jTic Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443 āđāļāđāđāļāļĨāđāļēāļŠāļļāļāđāļāļĒ rahsaan#5526 āđāļĄāļ·āđāļ 6 āļ.āļ. 2020 11:01:03
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btw u should consider corpse walker boots and drop desercrate cause corpse walk can be used to proc generals cry
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" Yes, I have tested this General's Cry + BF setup in Harvest SSF. It was cool, but to be fully fonctional, it would require this more specific stuff you're talking about. Today, BF + General's Cry setup is used as a 6L by Warcry Berseker builds, with the Redblade shield and a 4L Cyclone CwC Desecrate. See this one for instance : https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/tolged555/HEIST_olo Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443
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