[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Solmyr77 เขียน:
Hi there, first of all thanks for the nice guide!

Couple questions/suggestions:

I don't have the funds for a Pandemonius yet, but I do have a Yoke of Suffering from my miner. Did anyone do damage calculations for that? Everything Shock related is too complex for me in PoB since the Shock changes.

Glove craft: I had an open prefix and went for 34% inc damage while leeching. Would +1 weapon range be better?

Your lvl97 trees: I would've liked a version for a lower level, around 90 maybe for that's a point when a char should be finished imo, with recommendations on how to spend extra points beyond that. Also, you have one redundant point for "10% inc aoe" just below Amplify in the Templar area. You can get to those Notables through Discipline and Training. That would reduce your trees to lvl 96 trees.


Yoke isnt a bad choice. If you have a source of fire damage and can ignite as well, it will offer about the same damage as pandemonius, but you miss on the blind. So Id sell the yoke and get pandemonius.

Either damage while leeching or hybrid Life if it's available. Id craft life, cause damage while leeching is active less than half of the time.

Also, the guide is getting a big update tomorrow (new trees and alao lvl90 tree included). That aoe point is removed in the newer version, although 10% aoe isnt bad for 1 point. Dont forget 98% of the time you are mapping.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย CheeQu#4316 เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2019 03:50:21
ErnieOG เขียน:
In the new build guide coming up could you add a section that gives help for uber elder. I have been able to clear everything except uber elder.

A video is planned for that.
LordAzuRa เขียน:
My current state:

Enlighten Level 4
Vitality Level 18 (level irrelevant because of Atziri's Acuity)
Discipline Level 23
Herald of Ice Level 23

I also have a 6/6/6 watcher's eye that gives:
30 ES on Hit when affected by Discipline
25 HP on Hit when affected by Vitality
74% Life Recovered from Flasks while affected by Vitality.

With the dual On Hit leech (?eHP Leech?) and Atziri's Acuity, I basically cannot die unless I get one shot (still happens :/).

But I somehow feel like my damage is lacking?
Despite my Warlord's Mark ring that gives me +23% Cold Damage and my level 23 Herald of Ice, I am still missing 15 000 average damage on my Ice Nova when compared to Chee's... Using the same passive tree.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong?

Also any way to improve the total eHP to a point where things don't systemically one shot?
I currently stand at 5150 HP + 1285 ES. I'm only level 85 though and missing lots of HP nodes. I should fetch 6600+ Life and 1285 ES by level 96.

Might be because I don't run Enfeeble anymore?
I run:
Herald of Ice
Aspect of Spider

I've just switched the Vortex setup to my boots with 4 Blues, including Arcane Surge now.

Since Vortex is an instant cast, I feel like it will be much easier and natural to keep Arcane Surge 100% on instead of having to stop spinning, dash and start spinning again every 4 seconds.

In my shield is now Shield Charge (To keep movement flask for fights), Faster Attack (cause that shield slam at the end is annoying) and Flame Dash (to cross gaps).

Regarding damage, dont forget vortex is super important, make sure it's always on against tough enemies. That along with flasks and arcane surge should delete all content. You could also replace fortify woth cold pen and add fortify to shield charge setup.

Enfeeble is pretty important, Id say replace vitality since you have ES on hit already.

Guide is getting a major update in 1-2 days, mainly focusing in survivability so check back by then!
CheeQu เขียน:

Enfeeble is pretty important.

Guide update tomorrow so stay tuned, survivability will improve.

Personally I feel that if you have something like 9K+ eHP, enfeeble is overkill for survivability. Or keep enfeeble and drop some eHP, unless you are playing hardcore.

One of the biggest benefits of CoC is subverting spell cooldowns and cast speeds allowing for absurd damage, making it a CoC builds' first line of defence, i.e. delete everything before they hit you (especially with the pretty much guaranteed freezes we have).

If things are killing you with enfeeble + crazy amounts of life with all the other defences this build has available then I think more care needs to be given to stuff like character placement and manual dodging.

I dunno, just my two cents. I'm keen to see what your update will bring and see how you balanced to build. I just finished another two Uber Elder runs, this time with more HP + Disciple etc. Felt a little squishier and I'm definitely missing the Vitality Watchers Eye + acro/phase acro, died once on both, first time in 14 Uber Elders with this character.
CheeQu เขียน:


Yoke isnt a bad choice. If you have a source of fire damage and can ignite as well, it will offer about the same damage as pandemonius, but you miss on the blind. So Id sell the yoke and get pandemonius.

Either damage while leeching or hybrid Life if it's available. Id craft life, cause damage while leeching is active less than half of the time.

Also, the guide is getting a big update tomorrow (new trees and alao lvl90 tree included). That aoe point is removed in the newer version, although 10% aoe isnt bad for 1 point. Dont forget 98% of the time you are mapping.

Thanks for the fast reply. Butchering my miner is not an option, so I'll continue as-is for the time being ;)

If I remember correctly, life-hybrid wasn't available but I'll check tonight. Why don't we leech permanently? (edit: because we have no overleech.. ;))
So would the uptime on "during flask effect" be better?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Solmyr77#1930 เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2019 04:14:52
Would Hypothermia on Vortex give more damage over Unbound Ailments? Not too familiar with Bonechill or Unbound Ailments.
the hell happening with acuity price :D
I was going to buy one but then priority the Pandemus amulet, back then they are pretty much the same price. Now Acuity is like 15ex for one.
Bexcuno เขียน:
Would Hypothermia on Vortex give more damage over Unbound Ailments? Not too familiar with Bonechill or Unbound Ailments.

We dont really care about vortex damage, only about increasing its chill effect. Unbound ailments does a better job at that.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย CheeQu#4316 เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2019 05:14:34
CheeQu เขียน:
Bexcuno เขียน:
Would Hypothermia on Vortex give more damage over Unbound Ailments? Not too familiar with Bonechill or Unbound Ailments.

We dont really care about vortex damage, only about increasing its chill effect. Unbound ailments does a better job at that.

I see that didn't even cross my mind since a few links isn't going to make Vortex strong in the first place. Makes a lot of sense thanks!
Hohenheim_ เขียน:
CheeQu เขียน:

Enfeeble is pretty important.

Guide update tomorrow so stay tuned, survivability will improve.

Personally I feel that if you have something like 9K+ eHP, enfeeble is overkill for survivability. Or keep enfeeble and drop some eHP, unless you are playing hardcore.

One of the biggest benefits of CoC is subverting spell cooldowns and cast speeds allowing for absurd damage, making it a CoC builds' first line of defence, i.e. delete everything before they hit you (especially with the pretty much guaranteed freezes we have).

If things are killing you with enfeeble + crazy amounts of life with all the other defences this build has available then I think more care needs to be given to stuff like character placement and manual dodging.

I dunno, just my two cents. I'm keen to see what your update will bring and see how you balanced to build. I just finished another two Uber Elder runs, this time with more HP + Disciple etc. Felt a little squishier and I'm definitely missing the Vitality Watchers Eye + acro/phase acro, died once on both, first time in 14 Uber Elders with this character.

Ofc damage doesnt fall off.

Truth is if we imagine a scenario where you have
A) 100000 life or
B) 98000 life + 30% dodge chance

Then it's easy to see B is tankier. There is diminishing returns when you increase a single defense more and more. However finding that EHP point where dodge is more consistent that raw HP isnt easy, and I'd think 9k EHP is better than 7k + 30% dodge. Being able to survive a 8k hit and incresed leech (since HP is higher) are so good.

Anyways, As stated Ive made some changes to the build and so Ill have to experiment with acro again more when Im back tomorrow and form a more educated opinion.



