[3.10] Spidermancer | Arakaali's Fang Necromancer | Everything dead in 3ex | Level 100 reached

First of all, this is a nice build, thanks you a lot for it.
When I played with spiders this league I met some difficulties with killing bosse, Drox for example. Seems, there is not enough damage to kill flags and the boss.
Are there any ways to deal with it?
summonerein เขียน:
First of all, this is a nice build, thanks you a lot for it.
When I played with spiders this league I met some difficulties with killing bosse, Drox for example. Seems, there is not enough damage to kill flags and the boss.
Are there any ways to deal with it?

Swap out minion damage for death mark and mark the flags. If your single target is lacking you can also swap melee splash for melee physical, which is a huge dps increase.
I tried swapping melee splash, summoning skeletons and even herald of agony in 6L for extra dps. It didn't work at all :(

But didn't know that death mark also works with spiders.
Thank you a lot!
summonerein เขียน:
I tried swapping melee splash, summoning skeletons and even herald of agony in 6L for extra dps. It didn't work at all :(

But didn't know that death mark also works with spiders.
Thank you a lot!

Drox is a real pain and I find he takes time no matter what. If you bring him down one of the lanes you usually only need to deal with 1 or 2 flags at a time rather than in the center. Less room to dodge but you can actually get some damage in on him and wear him down over time.
skyscan เขียน:

You could always link faster casting to orb of storms, but I haven't had as much of an issue as others have had, maybe it just takes some practice to get it right?

Yeah, I think you are right. I set up my body armor with a 5L storm brand-curse on hit-temp chains-culling strike-faster casting. I only tested a few maps but it seems to work a better.

Also, I believe because of the culling strikes, if I have less than 20 spiders to start, I end up with 20 by the boss/metamorph. So I guess it is picking up some kills along the way. If I am understanding right I could go with desecrate without spell cascade and start with 10 spiders. With culling strike pick up the other 10 as the map progresses and replace spiders on a rolling basis.

That wont work well for bosses without adds obviously, but it feels smoother in other situations so far.
How can you craft the Aspect of the spider on iLvL higher than 77?
axeMaltesse เขียน:
How can you craft the Aspect of the spider on iLvL higher than 77?

I wasn't aware there was an ilvl limitation, as I've never encountered one.
Level 88 on this build. So far it has been a breeze leveling. People still sleep on spiders...

Even at this level I have to slow myself down and desecrate, storm brand, writing jar so that i can start a map. Carrion likes to eat them ;)

Otherwise - t16s no problem - conquerors are no problem. The defenses are great on this build for it to only have ~5k life. I am super impressed by how you worked it out. I really love the diadem's healing properties. I can get to safety - desecrate - and it will give me 2k life instantly.

Thanks for the build. It will be the one I finish the league on. I still have room for improvements.



แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย tru2dgame#7774 เมื่อ 31 ม.ค. 2020 17:37:47
Wouldn't wither touch and utilizing poison be better in this patch since bosses have higher hp? There is plenty of time to ramp up.

Amex build bro , can do all the content of the game , check mine



