[3.10] Ice Golem Golemancer Build -DELIRIUM-BALANCED- ALL CONTENT -Everything Dies-Huge Damage
couple questions after doing yellows maps for a day:
1.) it's really clunky to proc our jewel "Primordial Might" since we have to summon a golem every 8sec to get the bonuses. i constantly have to resummon multiple golems because summoning the ice golem overrides the chaos/stone/lightning....if that makes sense. it's really clunky. i don't even bother using that jewel anymore. 2.) I feel a bit squishy. i changed the build a bit to get a shield charge/fortify set up. i lost cwdt+steelskin but i feel the flat 20% reduced dmg is too big. any other ways to get tankier? maybe dropping some of the harmony jewels for Marauder area health nodes? |
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primordial might is not for any of the buffs, its for the aggresive minions
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ryan your flasks are also a bit of a mess...get the OP flasks and you'll feel much much better. Also, with primordial might jewel, you don't need to run feeding frenzy
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" flasks are fine, tankiness is this builds main issue and those flasks are cheap, easy phys mitigation. at least you figured out im running feeding frenzy to compensate the lack of aggressive minions from jewel, but until i get an empower 4, this is what ill run. when i get empower 4, ill switch things back around. |
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well you were talking about lack of tankiness: the jade and granite flasks will nearly cap your phys mitigation and give you a huge amount of evasion. You use taste of hate which isn't doing anything for you. With phase run and a good movement skill like flame dash, you also don't need quicksilver.
You took out phase run and your entire defensive cwdt set up and you are complaining about tankiness...not to mention the ability to juke all attacks with flame dash. Fortify does not compare to losing all of that แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย jsuslak313#7615 เมื่อ 22 มี.ค. 2020 21:20:38
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" man. i can tell you are new so let's take this opportunity to learn. a few quick things: - taste of hate. "20% of phys dmg taken as cold." aka, 20% of phys dmg is reduced by 75% (Our cold resis reduction). decent mitigation. - jade flask. real bad. evasion is a really, really shit stat. don't ever rely on it for tankiness. trust me. - granite flask. ok-ish. i feel like armor isn't a very good stat unless you have massive amounts of it for huge vaal molten shells. i guess it's ok, no way does it reduce more than taste of hate. - basalt flask. a straight up flat reduction of phys damage. pretty good for a flask slot. - phase run isn't needed for me. phasing is meh, 50% visibility is covered by ghastly eye blind jewels (it's uptime is pretty high since minions move so fast and attack so fast). don't need to move faster than i already am. - fortify is massive brother. its a flat damage reduction. notice it isn't labeled to one thing, like phys, or ele. it's a straight flat damage reduction to everything. massive. can not go without imo. - you are correct about the cwdt set up. it is hurting not having one, but you have to see too that it wont save you from 1 shots or sustained heavy damage intervals since cwdt has an internal cd and won't be up 24/7. so i have my reasons so my set up. i chose to go the tankiest path possible (imo) and it feels like i still take too much damage sometimes. like any map mod with damage i notice, unless im 100% on top of my game and i dont like being engaged like that 24/7. i like to turn my brain off sometimes. i was just wondering if im missing some way to get some more life, mana, maybe invest into es somehow? idk. i do thank you for trying to help tho. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย RyanTheNinja#7444 เมื่อ 23 มี.ค. 2020 01:37:32
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" Dude, after this text you really should not lecture and patronize guys who are just trying to help I mean his account is from 2012, damn. As for the answer to your other question, it's all in the build gearing section. Skin of the loyal doubles your defenses. Armor granite and jade evasion values are doubled. Hunter orb on an stygian belt. This is not a tanky build, you rely on 5k life and 1.5k mana tops, then pray that cwdt and flasks (perma up btw) keep you alive. Maybe it's just not a build for you. As a personal note, as I did not really invest in the build so far, it helps changing brand with arc in the coh setup and stay behind while casting arc to send golems in front. Running into packs while convocating can only get you so far without ripping especially in red maps with delirium stuff. Second-class poe gamer
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yep im new, only been playing since the beta. also further into this particular build than you are
I don't have time for people who ask a question and are immediately hostile on the answer. Why bother asking? should have known it'd be pointless when you were casting golems to proc might... thank you pr13st. ryan, you do what you want. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย jsuslak313#7615 เมื่อ 23 มี.ค. 2020 08:21:22
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" You emotionally retarded bro? No one's gonna listen to you when you start with that. |
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I'm going to answer, but you can take it or leave it:
-Your comment about taste of hate is not wrong, but the granite flask is still better. Even without Skin doubling the flask, a granite flask with 90+% extra armor gives you more than 20% flat physical reduction. It increased my phys reduction from 42% base to 79% (w/0 skin) which is a gain of 37% phys reduction compared to the 20% x .75 taste is giving you -evasion is not really really bad, its an extra layer of defense on top of our absurd phys reduction. yes its not as reliable as armor but it only helps with survivability (a lot). Since we are nearly capped at phys reduction with basalt, golems, and armor this is the only extra layer of defense we can add. (there is no need for molten shell when we have golem buff giving us phys reduction) -basalt flask you should absolutely keep running, never said you shouldn't -phase run is key to this build. Yes movement speed is great, yes untargetable is great, but phasing through mobs especially in upper level deliriums is absolutely a must. You phase through while your minions kill everything. I have it hooked to my cwdt set up for laziness, but its effective if i take a huge hit and don't have flask charges, I can run out of the way immediately and regen. this is also what makes flame charge the best choice of movement skill because you can juke right through all the danger. -i agree fortify is fantastic, but it just is NOT worth losing everything above. Shield charge will stop you right BEFORE mobs leading to them smacking the fuck outta you once you land. Also you cant go around obstacles which again traps you in the middle of packs -one shotting is always going to be a problem, there are very few builds that don't get 1 shot every now and then. Being able to avoid getting one shot is therefore all the more important. You are thinking and treating this build like a melee build which it is not. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย jsuslak313#7615 เมื่อ 23 มี.ค. 2020 16:22:03
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