[3.10] Storm Brand Assassin | Crit based | In depth/PoB update | Deathless Uber Elder | All Content!
Hey Kev,
You can reach me on Delirium_kevic or on my twitch - twitch.tv/kevic. I am currently testing stuff right now for the build. I am currently using cinderswallow as our only way of getting life/mana regen. I plan on exploring new ways to get it if possible. Thanks! Twitch.tv/Kevic
Guide Forum posts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2461277 |
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i got a 1c ammy that leeches life from lightning damage and it helps quite a bit. My guy feels squishy still, but my budget is ZERO in this league. I'm thinking at some point down the road when I get currency or it reverts to standard that going all in on these cluster jewels will be the way to go, especially for my long term plan of deep delving.
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hey kevic, what do you think about this pob? not mine just found it
https://pastebin.com/us991Nvj |
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Hey Kevduf2000,
One thing to consider is the potential nerfs that may happen to clusters as a whole. I would keep a careful eye on if they release any info on what they plan on doing. I think in the extreme case they would restrict the amount of clusters you can use. That makes our use of skill points really inefficient but we dont know what they are planning on doing. I would personally look into badge of the brotherhood as it has provided the highest amount of "Defensives" from the gear I have tested with. The elusive buff alone warrants us to use it along with some other quality of life things that come with it. I think the way to go is to figure out what items we can change from uniques to rares in order to build up our life and resistances without stacking clusters that do it for us. Hey Samcisnow, This pob is really awesome. I think this is one of the best tree's you can have this league. These clusters in particular are super good and i believe the combination Grand Design + Brand loyalty is bugged where it gives alot more attachment range than intended. They also make it so we dont have to weave through the skilltree to get +1 brand nodes. They also use culling strike on cursed targets which is a super neat tech that people are using for alot of different builds right now. Since almost everyone is running at least 1 curse its a garauanteed cull for any class and in our case it saves us ascendency points! Another thing to mention is that the gear is insanely good and expensive which definitely shows that this particular pob is very well thought out and along its endgame path. One thing to pull from this is that hands of the high templar are an insane item to use for literally any build and it shows how useful and unique they actually are. I think this pob is a good way to look at what the endgame items/skill tree can look like. Thanks again for commenting and posting on this guide! It makes me happy that people like the build enough to help me improve it constantly! Dont be afraid of messaging me in game or on my stream/YT about the build as well! Twitch.tv/Kevic
Guide Forum posts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2461277 |
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Nice build how about going whit this as an energy shield build ? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MarkArne#3546 เมื่อ 26 พ.ค. 2020 11:31:35
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hi kevic, this build will be good for Harvest?
ty |
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