[3.11] Divine Ire Hierophant (Self cast)

Evixious เขียน:
Maybe a dumb question:

How do I sustain my ES while BR is active?
Should I get some energy leech nodes like these three?

Ethereal Feast

Or am I missing something here?

Btw I got this sceptre from Atziri (from my very first kill :P):

Is this viable for the build (almost perfect rolls)?

Thanks in advance. Loving the build! :)

The build actually does take the first of those nodes! It’s rather late in the tree and it’s hard to see a single tiny node, but it’s there.

The scepter is pretty good, but not quite as good as a well rolled Tacati weapon (poison room in temple) or a shaped scepter.
shinylikeyou เขียน:
Your build feels amazing, i've capped res pretty easy since i'm on softcore question is now any unique chest that i could use? or just straight better to go with your recommendation life+es?

It’s straight up better to get a good life + ES rare. 100+ life, 200+ ES, the higher the better.
blacksoul178 เขียน:
I'm planning on making a build similar to this as my 2nd character this season. EB/mom life. I was thinking about using a devouring diadem. 3 aura helmet. Zealotry. HOA and hatred. Also planning on a Cerberus limb/magna eclipses shield ( not optimal but looks like good QOL).

Im wondering why do you skip most channel damage nodes and no jewel slots ? Also why the holy flame totem ? Is it because of the curse immunity ? What do you think of purifying flames it seems it would synergize pretty well with most of our gear and would work well with unleash. Or cascade if you want to spread consecrated ground

I actually recommend against EB. The slight damage increase isn’t worth it. Might work a slight bit better with devouring diadem, but still.

The build does pick up channeling nodes, not sure which ones you’re specifically wondering about.

Jewel nodes are potent, but rely on good jewels. A lot of the passive points that we get are really potent and valuable to the build, jewels to beat them would be a bit of a challenge in SSF.

Holy flame totem is there as a distraction for enemies and a god damage source we don’t have to babysit. An unleash on purifying flame sounds good, but we can’t charge divine ire at the same time. Holy flame totem also synergises very well with our gear.
Hi Lily.

I'm a new player and excited to try your build. I do have a huge favour to ask. Would it be possible for you add a screenshot or image of the completed skill tree and your passives? I don't use a computer which makes seeing the passive skilltree on mobile impossible, as you're not able to move the map and see your entire passive allocations and route(s).

This would be greatly appreciated.
I changed 30 passive tree nodes. I have 700 more hp and tons of dmg rn more ele res with trees more cast speed more armour but still have staff i will change the staff to shield and gonna write this again thanks again mate gj.
rhonie33 เขียน:
I changed 30 passive tree nodes. I have 700 more hp and tons of dmg rn more ele res with trees more cast speed more armour but still have staff i will change the staff to shield and gonna write this again thanks again mate gj.

I caution against thinking that armor does much for you. The effect is tiny unless you stack it really high.
What do you think about dagger? I love daggers tho :D
rhonie33 เขียน:
What do you think about dagger? I love daggers tho :D

Daggers are viable, but I think a good scepter might beat it.
rhonie33 เขียน:
I changed 30 passive tree nodes. I have 700 more hp and tons of dmg rn more ele res with trees more cast speed more armour but still have staff i will change the staff to shield and gonna write this again thanks again mate gj.

Took a look and your tree and messed around a bit with POB. For reference I'm running a staff build for this guide too. You're not taking enigmatic force, so you're wasting more points to take enigmatic reach. You're also not taking the force shaper or crit nodes on the right side of the tree. You're also missing lucidity for the extra channeling damage, but this could be because you're running EB. I can run t16 maps comfortably with 3500 Life, 2k ES, and 1400 mana with MOM.
Even though this is HC and SSF, can I still use this on just the basic synthesis?



