[3.7] SSDD's Soulrend Trickster LL - all content down DEATHLESS , 1 mil DPS UPDATED

azith28 เขียน:
I appriciate the guide, but i have to say its kinda confusing from a semi-noob. your four different PoB links have so many differences due to the life inclusion, that its hard to understand the best way to proceed from low level to endgame. Only the question about the CI build includes what appears to be the true PoB for this build.

Also, dont you find the complete lack of movement abilities a problem? especially when doing memories.

In section 4. Passive tree u wil find a pastebin , thats the final tree and how ur passives should look at lvl95 for the Low Life version, the pastebins in leveling section are to show how to make a transition from life/es hybrid to LL/CI , becouse thats my league starter and when u start new league u dont have any curency or ES items so u need to play as life/es hybrid for a while until u get what u need to transition.

In section 6. CI version is showed how make your passive tree if u wanna go CI instead of LL - https://pastebin.com/uHpGbQAS

So thats the two final trees, first one for LL second if u decide to go CI

And yea its kinda confusing if u are new to the game, when i started this league i had no idea what im doing becouse i never played LL before and the only times i played ES was later in the leagues where i had full items allready and i just had to level the character and equip it, if u have any more question feel free to ask, ill be glad to help

About your question for the movement speed i have no problems with that what so ever since one soulrend clears 2 screens and Flamedash got buffed so its fast enough for my standarts, maybe if u are used to play Zoom zoom QOTF builds may feel kinda slow but otherwise i dont have any issues with the memorys using only flamedash!
How are you dealing with mana on a single target encounter? Only at 78 currently, but hitting 0 mana on higher tier bosses. Character is Rza_Challenge if you care to check it out, doesn't look like I'm getting anything much more in the tree that's going to help with it. Have about the same mana regen as your PoB link.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Rzarazor49#6584 เมื่อ 22 มี.ค. 2019 23:52:18
Good build but expensive
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย meKacv#2718 เมื่อ 23 มี.ค. 2019 00:50:59
meKacv เขียน:
Good build but expensive

thats my league starter and i managed to grind and six link the shavrone as hybrid and then CI on +2 chaos gem wands , so it can get expensive but u defenetly can play it on budged early on, also the watchers eye is not mandatory i can just use another rare jewel there
Rzarazor49 เขียน:
How are you dealing with mana on a single target encounter? Only at 78 currently, but hitting 0 mana on higher tier bosses. Character is Rza_Challenge if you care to check it out, doesn't look like I'm getting anything much more in the tree that's going to help with it. Have about the same mana regen as your PoB link.

i looked at your character, everything looks correct,
so my soulrend have 1.2 sek duration and i have 88 mana regen per second, so for this 1.2 sek while debuff is active i regain back my mana, i dont know how ur fighting the boses but with this build its not requierd to spam the spell all the time, u gota keep the single target cursed with bane ( 1 curse on 3-4 seconds) and then cast 1 soulrend, take few steps and cast another soulrend just before the debuff of the first one expires, that way evade the incoming atacks/spells and u let ur mana regen
Thx for the guide. Was looking for a strong and cheap build to use up my old map pool on Standard while waiting for garbage Synthesis league to end.

Can highly recommend, without the watchers eye the build costs 8ex on standard which should be easily affordable to most players and Soulrend is just such a great skill.

Try it out guys before the nerfhammer strikes
Klosterfrau เขียน:
Thx for the guide. Was looking for a strong and cheap build to use up my old map pool on Standard while waiting for garbage Synthesis league to end.

Can highly recommend, without the watchers eye the build costs 8ex on standard which should be easily affordable to most players and Soulrend is just such a great skill.

Try it out guys before the nerfhammer strikes

yep the whole build without the watchers eye cost as much as one multicrafted CoC sword or something like that, but thank u for ur words!
Is there any reason you don't have Blight with the jewel that adds Wither to it instead of having both on their own?
Nice to play bane/soulrend, no need to aim like ED, just running around, pressing 2 buttons. So far killed shaper, but he is a way to easy to beat. Tried uber elder and didnt sucess, everything was nice, till the last phase, died few times to some sort of degen, guess it's a black mess on the floor, but not sure. So far really enjoying build. There is a lot improvements to do, if only I had currency xD

agustin166 เขียน:
Is there any reason you don't have Blight with the jewel that adds Wither to it instead of having both on their own?

im using wither + spell totem for that



