[3.9] Low life spark inquisitor [7k es] [Fast clear] [10-20ex] [All content]
VIDEO GAMEPLAY: (I will record better quality once i finish the build in 3.9)
t13 map Minotaur (and zana putrid cloister) Hydra Shaper 3.9 Pob link: https://pastebin.com/4rUCUueh Spark works surprisingly well on bosses now. You also leech a lot on this build so it has good sustain. This build is not only tanky but also has great damage and kills shaper guardians in just a few seconds. Info about the build:
What items do you need to make this build? You NEED a shavs for low life. Other than that maybe 1 ex for all your other gear and you'll be good. Of course you want to invest more than just that but that'll get you started and into maps easily. Here's the order i think u should buy things but it's just a rough guideline >5L shavs>A good wand>Presence of chayula>Abyss jewels>Upgrade your rare gear>6L Shavs>Spark enchant helm>bottled faith>21/20 vaal spark>Unnatural Instinct (put it next to harrier node)>Expensive watcher's eye (like 2 or 3 good mods 10+ ex) Vaal spark vs spark? Anyone who played in breach or legacy league will be surprised to hear this but vaal spark is honestly crap for clearing. When i hit it it never kills monsters in 1 hit and i end up just casting regular spark on them so it does basically nothing. The only time i really use vaal is either when i do something like open a strongbox and want the whole screen to be sparks or in a boss room. do not worry about getting a 21/20 vaal spark. 21/20 regular spark is more than good. Also if you dont use vaal you can use a different vaal skill like vaal rf or vaal haste Map mods:
Ele reflect - this is the only one you can't do Cannot leech - this will lower your survability but its still very easily doable Cannot regen - you need a mana flask or boot leech enchant for this. 60% less recovery rate - this is a little scary if you're around t15/16s. My current gear:
Gear explanation:
Shavs. this is essential for 99% of low life builds. Rare hubris circlet with as much es and res as possible. +3 spark projectiles or spark projectile speed enchants are a nice bonus. I bought this one white and crafted it myself This is a great example wand. crit chance to spells and projectile speed are huge. damage to spells and spell damage/lightning damage are good too. You can also get a shaped wand with 20% of elemental as extra chaos damage but it's hard to find one with projectile speed on it and my damage is already really good so i havent invested into one yet. Es and resist spell crit is a big bonus. you can also get spell damage and cast speed. This is a super good amulet for low life. +60 chaos res makes chaos damage not much of a problem. it also gives over 1k es and cannot be stunned which is really great because you cant be canceled mid cask (which you WILL die to without this ammy). Another option is this. it gives projectile speed and damage and charges on kill. use this until you can afford presence of chayula. Es, res and dex Another option is snakepit. if you use this swap fork/pierce for another damage support like crit damage. you can use both these unique rings if you can manage the resist. for sure put this in left slot chain is bad for spark. Es and resist on a stygian vise. put a jewel with 40 es in here. you could get even more es with a crystal belt but only by like 30 but with stygian vise you get the other stats on your jewel. es and resist. 25+ movement speed. 100+ es and as much resist as you need. rainbow stride give all that so i pick them but if you wanna spend 2ex + on some boots you can get some with more es and the same res/movement speed. The base flask type doesn't matter much but you NEED one diamond flask. You need bleed immune and curse immune. I put curse immune on stibnite since it only uses 7 charges per use so its super easy to have 24/7 uptime. There is no reason to have freeze/burn/shock immune since we have 100% uptime on the inquisitor buff. Poison immune we get on the pantheon. Atziri's promise is just some bonus damage its not really that important. Use this once you can afford it and replace vinktar. Jewels: Get hypnotic eye jewels with 40+ es on them and the rest is damage added to spells. you can either use hazardous research (spark nova gem) or not, that is totally up to preference. Unnatural instinct is really good on this build. put it next to harrier and take the attack speed nodes instead of spell dmg. Links:
Main: (vaal)Spark 20% quality>energy leech support>unleash support>arcane surge>crit chance/damage/controlled destruction> arcane surge support - (around lvl 14) if you get this too high you can't use enough mana to always have it up. Unleash is basically the new spell echo it's really nice. you could use spell echo or faster casting if you like that more though. Increased crits/increased crit damage/controlled destruction - depends on your crit chance. you want 85%+ crit chance in pob. i use increased crit damage and controlled destruction. Hearld of ice > curse on hit > assassins mark > onslaught This is how we get power charges. Zealotry > Lightning golem > Enlighten you can swap out zealotry with wrath but zealotry gives crit and makes conc ground on bosses so it's better. Blood magic > Discipline > Clarity This gets you to low life. level your blood magic as high as you can and your clarity as high as you can Orb of storms > Curse on hit > Power charge on crit > Assassins mark Use this on bosses. Flame dash/ blood rage / portal / Vaal rf/faster casting Flame dash needs to go somewhere and blood rage is optional if you want frenzy charges. you can put 2 other things here that you'd like. Use vaal rf for big damage on bosses. imo if you have vaal spark just put faster casting for flame dash instead Alternate spark links: Spark>Faster projectiles>Faster casting>arcane surge>energy shield leech>controlled destruction/crit damage(if you can't handle the -100% crit from controlled) This is fun for speedy lower maps Skill tree/leveling
https://pastebin.com/mSanvZfe Bandit is alira she's great for this build. Get sanctuary as soon as you can it will help leveling a lot. pious path->inevitable judgement. both of these nodes are super good. Inevitable judgement specifically allows us to completely ignore resists on crit. because of this there is no reason to invest anything into ele pen. pain attunement is the main reason to go low life. we only reserve discipline on life so we could ditch discipline and get ci and get a good vaal regalia and probably have higher es but we'd lose this. with low life you probably want arcane vision right next to pain attunement otherwise everything will be dark in indoor areas. If you're leveling with es basically just rush as much flat es as you can on the tree and es leech with ghost reaver. if you level with es expect to die though. Skill duration nodes are nice since spark is actually a duration skill so your sparks will live longer. Pantheon
Lunaris - upgrade as many as you can Soul of shakari - get the poison immunity it's nice. Reply to the topic or pm me in game if you have any questions :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Brinstar4#6216 เมื่อ 15 ธ.ค. 2019 17:08:01 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 23 ธ.ค. 2019 19:20:40
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Interested in this build.
What are your thoughts? is it endgame build? What about surrvivability and dmg? Iso some vids :D Also can u add as fast as possible leveling skill points in PoB? Would help a lot. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SushiYoda#2360 เมื่อ 18 มี.ค. 2019 20:44:01
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" The damage seems solid. not like some god tier boss killer divine ire type damage but enough to do all content. survivabiliy is also really good because we have a ton of leech. this build is good for farming maps (high reds even) but not so much for farming bosses (it's possible but not the smoothest build) https://youtu.be/xmAXWDdGRWw here's a map just for example. i also just did a t14 elder before this (im terrible at elder btw) i will make leveling trees but keep in mind leveing with es is rough if you wanna level the best you should take some life then regret them off the tree later. https://pastebin.com/Ut5cyZFW updated pob แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Brinstar4#6216 เมื่อ 19 มี.ค. 2019 03:25:35
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" Thanks for fast answer and update. I have last question. What armor after tabule and before 6link Shavrone? |
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And what about ascendant?
Norm,cruel,merc,uber |
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" You're basically required to use a shavs for low life so a 5 link shavs. the 6 th link isnt that big a deal " norm - sanctuary cruel - pious path merciless - righteous providence uber - inevitable judgement if thats what u mean? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Brinstar4#6216 เมื่อ 19 มี.ค. 2019 16:25:26
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" So Shav is the biggest invest on this build, a must be. Thanks than for info, doing well atm at leveling. Easy, very easy. And yes, i wanted to know the order of labs. Thanks again. |
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Any items for lvling?
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" lifespring axiom lochtonial caress nomics storm tabula bated breath |
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnJePTGxFQE Minotaur down and it was super easy
https://youtu.be/LTjJ8OiyYTk same with hydra แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Brinstar4#6216 เมื่อ 20 มี.ค. 2019 06:16:27
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