[3.7 ready??] Diabloyd's Incinerate Trickster / 70~80% ALL damage avoidance/ 3~5M Shaper DPS
Is it 3.7 ready?
NO, IT'S NOT. Warlord's Mark is dead, and that's the major sustain method we've got. Plus, Ghost Shroud has also received a heavy nerf, MoM in general also got nerfed. I'd have to basically revamp all the mechanics of this build if I want this viable in Legion....... so yeah, this specific build is officially dead. However, I DO have some ideas about it. Since Wicked Ward has transferred into the general passive tree, Trickster can also have the benefits of uninterrupted ES recharge. So basically you take Wicked Ward, build ES (you can still keep the Carcass Jack due to Escape Artist), get some ES leech and make sure the mana can sustain itself. aannnnd.....BOOM, "3.7 ready" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The ship of Theseus is completed. 2 sec Hydra ![]() Clearing ![]() I've been playing this build since the start of the league and I have already shared the build on NGA (National Geographic of Azeroth) as soon as the league started (9-March). Since my character is basically completed, I've decided to share it here as well. Because it's hella fun to play! The basic concept of the build is playing around the new ascendancies of Trickster, building up a tanky caster with decent clear coverage and damage. With my current Synthesis character (level 95), I have: - 3.6M burst dps to shaper/guardians/elder - 6.6K eHP - 82% estimated attack damage avoidance (dodge + evasion) - 74% spell hit damage avoidance (dodge) Yeah, you face-tank most things in this game with decent dps, and not even close to min-maxed. Hell it can even be a Uber Lab farmer, I'm literally swimming in the traps. Contents I've done: -All guardians -Shaper -T15 Elder -Uber Elder -Lvl 83 Mastermind -Lvl 83 Cortex (with Extra.Light/Inc.Accuracy/Unlucky Dodge/Ignite mods) All with ease! Videos of my First Encounters in Synthesis :
Uber Elder: https://youtu.be/E8GDP1qKcB0
T15 Elder: https://youtu.be/VhXBNnk9_DI Shaper: https://youtu.be/YeNmFtgCUKU Chimera: https://youtu.be/5DYi8hWcUhg Minotaur: https://youtu.be/n2-5SoMYwFo Hydra: https://youtu.be/iUUyT20ErrY Phoenix: https://youtu.be/HiAmRX02BMQ Yeah I know, my PC sucks :( Defensive Mechanics explained:
Before we start, I'd like to clarify the title "ALL damage avoidance" does NOT include DoT damage. So it would be nice to get some chaos res.
1, Ghost Shroud Like I said, the core mechanics of this build is playing around the new buff of Trickster's ascendancy: "Ghost Shroud" You gain a Ghost Shroud every second, at maximum 3 stacks, it can give you: - 10% all damage reduction - 36% attack and cast speed - Stun immunity - 5% of evasion rate recovered as ES when hit 2, Damage avoidance New Ghost Shroud looking OP eh? But the downside is, you lose a stack of Ghost Shroud when hit. How to solve it? It's simple, just DON'T GET HIT. That means we need lots of damage avoidance. Note that, although "block" can negate damage, it still counts as a hit, so "block" is not considered damage avoidance. Here are the methods to build 70-80% all hit damage avoidance: -Perma blind -Evasion -Attack & Spell Dodge -Pantheons In general, you get 70% evasion chance, 40% dodge chance, 74% spell dodge chance. 3, Effective HP Besides the damage avoidance mechanics, you can also have a decent eHP pool with 6k-7K, or even more. I'm using Mind Over Matter, and my current character has 4k life, 1.7k mana and almost 1k energy shield. Note that, we can leech energy shield as well (less efficient than life/mana leech), and gain ES when hit. 4, Double Curse & Vortex You can apply Warlord's mark on using skills (not the elder ring mod), and Temporal Chains with CWDT. Warlord's allows you to leech life/mana and generate endurance charges on kill. Temporal Chains can slow the enemies significantly, thus giving more time and space to regenerate your Ghost Shroud stacks. Vortex can chill the enemies with a fixed effect of 10%, and since it's an instant skill, you can cast it while channeling Incinerate, triggering your Arcane Surge, warlord's mark, and combustion. Offensive Mechanics explained:
The first thing we need is lots of cast speed on the tree.
I'm currently having 13.5 casting rate at 3 stacks of Ghost Shroud. Cast speed does not only increase your dps, it also speeds up the stage stacking of Incinerate which is very important. The next ones are the damage buffs from skill gems: -Wave of Conviction lowers 25% fire res -Firestorm+Combustion lowers 19% fire res -Your fossil crafted helm lowers 9% fire res In total, you can lower the enemies' fire resistance by 53%, which is a huge damage buff. Swift Killer gives you perma power & frenzy charges. Gears and Items I'm using, with explanations:
1, Helmet
Estimated cost: less than 1.5 Ex I know this enchant is not theoretically the best for dps, the best one is the +2 stages for Incinerate. But I'm choosing this due to realistic in-game performances, since you'll need to build up 10 stages every time you move. Cost me 1 Ex to buy an iLvl 84 Hubris Circlet with the enchant on it, a few chaos for the fossils. 2, Unique Wand Estimated cost: 5 chaos This provides perma blind to nearby enemies, and gives you OK dps. The blind aura is very important to this build, it gives you roughly 20%+ attack damage avoidance. I'd say it's a must have of this build. 3, Rare wand (the "trigger wand") Estimated cost: 20c to 5ex, up to you. What we need on this wand is: -Cast speed -Spell/Fire % damage -Added Fire damage to spells -An empty suffix for the crafting mod "Trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill" With this setup, you can automatically cast Firestorm+Combustion and Warlord's mark on the enemies. The wand I'm using cost me 20c. The best you can get is a multicrafted Elder Profane Wand, or you can get a cheaper Base and craft it like this one: 4, Body Armour Estimated cost: 2-5 chaos (excluding the 6 link and chroma cost) Nothing special, the good'ol Carcass Jack it is. It is worth mentioning that this unique is very good with this build. -High Evasion + ES -Life and Res -A huge buff of AoE -Socket Color friendly (estimated Chroma usage: 120) 5, Unique Ring 1 Estimated cost: 5 chaos Mana and mana regen, res, immunity to chill and freeze. I just like it. 6, Unique Ring 2 Estimated cost: 1ex - ??? New unique in Synthesis, gives you a huge damage buff with Herald of Ash. This one cost me 1 Ex. The best mod is "Herald of Ash has xx% increased effect", you'll need this one. The other one is up to you, best you can get for damage is "#% increased Fire Damage while affected by Herald of Ash", but it can be very expensive. 7, Rare Amulet Estimated cost: 15+ chaos I'm using a cheap one, cost me 15c I think. You'll need these stats one your amulet: -Life/Mana/Res, and other random affixes like crits, spell damage, etc. -An empty prefix, to get the crafting mod "x% of damage taken gained as mana" With this master craft you'll now have no problems at all with your mana since it can regenerate really fast. 8, Rare Shaped Gloves Estimated cost: 30+ chaos Stats you'll need: -Life/mana and res. -Faster Casting Support This one cost me 35 chaos. 9, Unique Boots Estimated cost: 1 chaos (excluding the enchant cost) Evasion, movement speed, life, and spell dodge. I got this enchant myself after 5 uber-lab runs. 10, Rare belt Estimated cost: I have no idea, you can get a 5c rare belt, or you can get a mirrored stygian vise, dunno. The one i'm using cost me like 20 chaos. Just get any belt you can. 11, Flasks These are merely some examples, the flasks' combination is totally up to you. The only expensive one is the Bottled Faith, cost me 3 Ex (and it's totally worth the price). My personal preference is: Diamond Flask + Bottled Faith + Wise Oak + QuickSilver + Hallowed Hybrid. Estimated Cost: Wise Oak: 15-30 chaos Bottled Faith: 3-4 ex (excluding the normal flasks since you basically craft them yourself) Note: you don't really NEED the Bottled Faith, just get it when you have the currency. 12, Jewels Estimated cost per jewel: 10-40 chaos I'll just list the stats you need on the jewels: -Life -Mana (if you need) -Critical strike multiplier (Global, or other types of Crit multiplier. I'd recommond Crit multiplier with fire skills, they're the cheapiest.) -Res (if you need) 13, Unique boots for special use (optional) Only use it before elder or uber-elder encounters so you can get easy charges. Here's an overall view of my gears:
Gems & Explanations:
Body Armour:
6L: Incinerate - Faster Casting - Immolate - Infused Channelling - Controlled Destruction - Con.Effect/Inc.AoE If 5L: Incinerate - Faster Casting - Immolate - Infused Channelling - Con.Effect/Inc.AoE If you have the "trigger wand":
1, Helm/Gloves 4L:
Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 1) - Wave of Conviction (under level 7) - Increased Duration (max lvl & quality) - Vaal.Righteous Fire (max lvl) Explanation: You use lvl 1 CWDT to trigger the Wave of Conviction for easy -25% fire res. But why Inc.Duration? -Inc.Duration can let the Wave exist a longer time, thus increasing the length and AoE of the Wave. -"Increased AoE" however does not increase the AoE of the Wave, it increases the travelling speed of the Wave. -Vaal.Righteous Fire is here just to get supported by the Inc.Duration. 2, Helm/Gloves 4L: Arcane Surge (lvl 8) - Flame Dash (max lvl & quality) - Increased Duration (max lvl & quality) - Vortex (high level) Explanation: Using Flame Dash to trigger Arcane Surge for more spell damage, faster casting speed and mana regen. Vortex serves 2 purposes: -It allows you to trigger the spells in the "trigger wand" even while channelling -It gives the enemies a fixed 10% chill effect, combined with Temporal Chains, you can slow Unique enemies by 23%. 3, Boots 3L + Herald: Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 10) - Immortal Call (lvl 12) - Temporal Chains (lvl 13) , Herald of Ash (max lvl & quality) Explanation: -A classic combination of Cwdt & IC. The reason why we're using these specific gem levels is that we can (although not that reliable) generate endurance charges through Warlord's Mark, with a higher level of IC, it can give you a much longer phy.immunity buff. -Since one of our core mechanics is "not getting hit" to maintain the stacks of Ghost Shroud, Temporal Chains' slowing effect can be very effective. -Herald of Ash, for a huge damage boost and a chance to show your herald MTX. -The reason to put this specific combination in the boots is due to the socket colors. (use the crafting bench "2 sockets & 3 sockets" method to get the right color) 4, "Trigger wand" 3L: Combustion (max level) - Firestorm (any level) - Warlord's Mark (any level) Explanation: Using Firestorm to trigger the -19% Fire res provided by Combustion, and Warlord's Mark for easy life/mana leech. You might wanna ask, why not simply use Wave of Conviction in the trigger wand instead of Firestorm? Here's the reason:
Well theoretically this is the best solution, but when it comes to realistic game plays, Wave of Conviction can be very tricky to use. Wave always casts from where you stand, and has a very slow travelling time. Without the Inc.Duration support, the length of the Wave is short too. Let's say, you cast Flame Dash to get closer to the enemy, meanwhile you triggered Wave of Convction. But the Wave starts from your original position and travels very slow, sometimes, you can't even hit the enemies with the Wave. 5, Unique wand 3L: Cast When Damage Taken (max lvl) - Summon Chaos Golem (max lvl) - Culling Strike (any level) Explanation: A defensive layer with culling strike. Chaos Golem gives you 4% phy dmg reduction (5% if lvl 21, but you'll then need a lvl 21 CWDT as well) If you DO NOT have the "trigger wand":
1, Helm/Gloves 4L:
Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 1) - Wave of Conviction (under level 7) - Firestorm (under lvl 8) - Combustion (max lvl) Explanation: Wave of Conviction for -25% fire res, and Firestorm+Combustion for -19% fire res. 2, Helm/Gloves 4L: Arcane Surge (lvl 8) - Flame Dash (max lvl & quality) - Increased Duration (max lvl & quality) - Vaal.Righteous Fire (max lvl) Explanation: Nothing special. But if you do not have "Faster Casting Support" on your gloves, replace Vaal.RF with Faster Casting. 3, Boots 4L: Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 10) - Immortal Call (lvl 12) - Temporal Chains (lvl 13) , Warlord's Mark (any level) Explanation: Since you can't cast Warlord's Mark "automatically", you'll need to CWDT it. 4, Wand 3L: Cast When Damage Taken (max lvl) - Summon Chaos Golem (max lvl) - Culling Strike (any level) Explanation: A defensive layer with culling strike. Chaos Golem gives you 4% phy dmg reduction (5% if lvl 21, but you'll then need a lvl 21 CWDT as well) 5, Others: -Herald of Ash -Vaal.RF - Inc.Duration (if you don't have Faster Casting Support on your gloves) Passives & Ascendancy:
Here's my passive tree at lvl 95:
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.6.0/AAAABAYCABzcEFiboZctHRQqCxZv-aTxbI9Gjxr79frSdIH4l7yqakONv_fX96YYavQa8o6nCGKsbAvQ9WyMjmQpD8t_VYW2-vGKwwnw1VXGOkIPxCL0LJzjhOxVuZPyHTlSL50wce_ridPhkiBo42rdqKyY2jsOSNQjVUs22Iw2TLNJT9terrMFQkGWkUea4MLshTK-irzqlS6io4_66_UW8wcef8adqrTFtDjP3aaZbRmly7jKoS_ImySqlPFYB5MnJjz-szY9h2VQMCBucFJh4kt4M6M6WFF0cNRJGxGWGoFTUtAfahsFtSqNXfII9OUZRZ0byDt8SVERD0yD6-6Asw== For the ascendancy: The order is: Swift Killer --> Ghost Dance --> Escape Artist --> Patient Reaper Some leveling tips:
I do not recommend using Incinerate until you complete at least three labs with three notable ascendancy passives (Swift Killer, Ghost Dance & Escape Artist)
I used Bane for my leveling skill gem. Get a Doedre's Damnation ring for double curse, link Bane with: Temporal Chains, Despair, Void Manipulation. (Swift Affliction & Efficacy if you have more links to use) Here's an example of the leveling tree of Bane: Here are some cheap but very useful items I used when I started mapping with Incinerate: -Gorgon's Gaze, I've been using this helm until I got the Fossil enchanted one. -Apep's Rage, gives you the cast speed you need, and the damage is not bad at all! That's basically all of it, feel free to give it a shot and do not hesitate if you have any problems! Peace [Trivia] -Another build I played and felt satisfied, Ice Crash Jugg from last season.I'll just list the gears and a GIF here.
![]() -Leveling route example for Bane and Incinerate.
-Gears & items I'm using right now, will continue to update.(31-March-2019)
-Say NO to Chimera with these mods, got fully countered, cost me frikin 3 portals.
-Much easier than expected, Hall of Grandmasters.
-Character link & PoB & Ninja
This is my current gear: https://pastebin.com/Z7rTpQbm
This is the gear I had when I wrote this guide: https://pastebin.com/05j85pTP This is my Ninja build link: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/diabloyd/PoisonousFarm?i=7&search=class%3DTrickster%26skill%3DIncinerate This is my character link: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/diabloyd/characters?characterName=PoisonousFarm แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย diabloyd#2167 เมื่อ 6 มิ.ย. 2019 21:23:14 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 12 มิ.ย. 2019 13:44:14
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Build guide looks great mate.
Is there any chance you could give some brief tip's on levelling, or a basic levelling guide? Thanks for the time and effort you put into the guide for us. |
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" Thank you. I've added some tips for leveling |
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Pretty good guide, reasonable budget. Cinderswallow urn might be nice as well, and as slight budget dps upgrade stibnite flask and real dps wand would be an option.
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" Thank you. Cinderswallow is indeed a good choice, the only problem of Cinderswallow is the high consumption of flask charges. Maybe it can be solved by using Devouring Diadem for the automatic corpse consuming? but then it'll have to build around EB... |
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Can you give Link the pastebin Please
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" Sure, here's my character's PoB: https://pastebin.com/05j85pTP |
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Can you post the Link for the Leveling Tree for Bane ? In your Post the Link is broken. Thx |
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" Yeah sure, done. |
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Sorry for spam: added GIF
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