Would Atziri's Reflection work on this build?
โพสต์โดยRyuApricot#1331เมื่อ 19 ธ.ค. 2019 17:03:04
Apoc8 เขียน:
3.9 UPDATE!: The guide has yet to be updated for 3.9, so a lot of the information in the Calculations and Shock page is incorrect due to shock's changes. Most of the information here is still very helpful. Yes I've messed around with the Kikazaru variant and I don't like how squishy the build tends to get, due to all the uniques you need to have. I will be getting around to doing a full 3.9 update on this guide soon so bare with me.
Can't wait for an update on this build
โพสต์โดยtotek93#5998เมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2019 04:35:50
Hi im newbie. please forgive me but when i use all 6 gems on armor this is casting as a spell, not as totem, and with ancestral bond im doing 0 dmg. Can you explain me how to make cast it as a totem
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย castillo20#2284 เมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2019 15:31:02
โพสต์โดยcastillo20#2284เมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2019 15:29:50
castillo20 เขียน:
Hi im newbie. please forgive me but when i use all 6 gems on armor this is casting as a spell, not as totem, and with ancestral bond im doing 0 dmg. Can you explain me how to make cast it as a totem
You have to use soul mantle or use spell totem support
โพสต์โดยtotek93#5998เมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2019 15:48:31
pls tell what shield u use??haven't been mentioned in the guide
โพสต์โดยglorioza#3396เมื่อ 27 ธ.ค. 2019 11:19:55
glorioza เขียน:
pls tell what shield u use??haven't been mentioned in the guide
A +1 to totem shaper shield or if you can afford it, an Atziri's Reflection.
โพสต์โดยApoc8#0634เมื่อ 30 ธ.ค. 2019 22:57:19
I had intended to use this build as my 3.9 starter but got a bit sidetracked :)
Coming back to it now and researching on poe ninja, there are not many people going with divine ire totem but those that are, have some interesting variations. I see one person is using a thread of hope to allocate Divine wrath/judgment/fury & arcane capacitor + singular focus without the connecting nodes. Thread of hope is pretty cheap so that might be a good trick.
but for this build, my main concern is survivability which is 3.9 is a much bigger issue. For those of you trying this how is it feeling?
โพสต์โดยredmalloc#1568เมื่อ 31 ธ.ค. 2019 18:46:37
Well to answer my own question. I'm at level 79 and around 3600 life, 500 ES and mom. The only expensive item I have currently is the 6L soul mantle. Everything else is self-found or purchased for ~10c or less. Trolltimber spire shield.
I can run random alc'ed T11-12 maps. Damage is ok. With defensive totem playstyle it is fairly survivable. Random one-shots here and there but not too bad. Multiple totems certainly feels better than without. I can kill the metamorphs but its risky especially some of the crazier ones.
With more health or ES I am sure this league will still offer me plenty of one-shots but should be ok. I'm interested in trying hypothermia and some cold damage to see if more chill/freeze might be safer yet. More aoe as well. Also interested in going the arcane surge route on the ascendancy. Sustain/regen/leech is pretty good already but more and better arcane surge should help when the hits have stolen mana - at least that is my theory :)
โพสต์โดยredmalloc#1568เมื่อ 2 ม.ค. 2020 13:57:29
redmalloc เขียน:
Well to answer my own question. I'm at level 79 and around 3600 life, 500 ES and mom. The only expensive item I have currently is the 6L soul mantle. Everything else is self-found or purchased for ~10c or less. Trolltimber spire shield.
I can run random alc'ed T11-12 maps. Damage is ok. With defensive totem playstyle it is fairly survivable. Random one-shots here and there but not too bad. Multiple totems certainly feels better than without. I can kill the metamorphs but its risky especially some of the crazier ones.
With more health or ES I am sure this league will still offer me plenty of one-shots but should be ok. I'm interested in trying hypothermia and some cold damage to see if more chill/freeze might be safer yet. More aoe as well. Also interested in going the arcane surge route on the ascendancy. Sustain/regen/leech is pretty good already but more and better arcane surge should help when the hits have stolen mana - at least that is my theory :)
I'm currently level 89, mostly cheap gear aside from my 6L Soul Mantle and a very nice wand I picked up. Sitting at 4311 life, 876 ES, and 2855 mana. And because I have the extra 10% MoM my EHP right now is just over 8000. Still get 1 shot occasionally but it's not that frequent.
As far as damage goes. I was able to push Sirus to phase 2 with only 3 chaos storms (even though he killed me afterwards) so that felt pretty good.
Interested in trying out that Thread of Hope jewel placement you mentioned but PoB doesn't support it yet and I don't want to do all the raw math to determine if it's actually worth it or not. It would save 5 points, 2 of which are needed for another jewel slot for Self Flagellation, 2 would go into Arcane Capacitor and Singular Focus, and 1 left for more life or something. I'd buy one to try out but I'm low on regrets right now...
โพสต์โดยPhyreburn#7939เมื่อ 3 ม.ค. 2020 07:46:42
Phyreburn เขียน:
redmalloc เขียน:
Well to answer my own question. I'm at level 79 and around 3600 life, 500 ES and mom. The only expensive item I have currently is the 6L soul mantle. Everything else is self-found or purchased for ~10c or less. Trolltimber spire shield.
I can run random alc'ed T11-12 maps. Damage is ok. With defensive totem playstyle it is fairly survivable. Random one-shots here and there but not too bad. Multiple totems certainly feels better than without. I can kill the metamorphs but its risky especially some of the crazier ones.
With more health or ES I am sure this league will still offer me plenty of one-shots but should be ok. I'm interested in trying hypothermia and some cold damage to see if more chill/freeze might be safer yet. More aoe as well. Also interested in going the arcane surge route on the ascendancy. Sustain/regen/leech is pretty good already but more and better arcane surge should help when the hits have stolen mana - at least that is my theory :)
I'm currently level 89, mostly cheap gear aside from my 6L Soul Mantle and a very nice wand I picked up. Sitting at 4311 life, 876 ES, and 2855 mana. And because I have the extra 10% MoM my EHP right now is just over 8000. Still get 1 shot occasionally but it's not that frequent.
As far as damage goes. I was able to push Sirus to phase 2 with only 3 chaos storms (even though he killed me afterwards) so that felt pretty good.
Interested in trying out that Thread of Hope jewel placement you mentioned but PoB doesn't support it yet and I don't want to do all the raw math to determine if it's actually worth it or not. It would save 5 points, 2 of which are needed for another jewel slot for Self Flagellation, 2 would go into Arcane Capacitor and Singular Focus, and 1 left for more life or something. I'd buy one to try out but I'm low on regrets right now...
You should be able to just add them as annointments and it'll simulate the same thing
โพสต์โดยValimus#6774เมื่อ 3 ม.ค. 2020 13:07:24