[3.6] Worbster Trickster - CI, Cheap, Fast, Starter, End-Game, Delver, Tanky, 2+ mil DPS
![]() This build was heavily inspired by SOMAYD, so, please, feel free to watch all his videos, 'Like' them and subscribe on his channel. I'm playing this build for a week (approx) and enjoying it really much, so decided to share it here. Pros/Cons
+ Insane clear speed (natural Trickster movement speed + Shield charge + Flasks) and clear quality (Winter Orb would break monsters and destructibles at the entire screen)
+ Cheap - just ~2 ex to get started (til guardians) and ~10ex for more or less good (Uelder viable). Yes, no joke. + Very good survivability - 9k+ ES (7k without Discipline), 40%+ evade chance, 30% block, 1.5 k/sec ES leech + Safe and simple bossing + Chaos damage completely immune +- Ele reflect is possible if you can get prepared to it and not - if you can't - If you dislike Winter Orb or Trickster, or spells, or 'Russia Today' (dunno why it's here, tho) - If you want to make end-game bosses cry and call their moms - If you are RMT and wanna show to everyone how rich you are - Requires getting Str and Dex from gear. Video show-off and video-guide by original author https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c51jTwW0bE POB
This POB includes leveling trees - check dropdown list at the bottom of the "Tree" tab This POB includes example end-game gear, that has not cheesed or dreamly created in the any way. This is absolutely fair POB, unlike most, that you will able to find. Gear explanation
1. Main weapon Elemental Scepter. Period. I've tested a lot and Elemental Scepter has shown the best DPS results. 'Elemental' - means with "% increased elemental damage" implicit. 40% (Void or Opal) are best, but expensive (8+ ex). 32% (Carnal etc) - bit worse (2-3% lower DPS), but WAY cheaper (under 1 ex). For our ultimate end-game weapon we would need iLVL 85+ Shaper Scepter. Any mods - we would scour it anyway. Read about crafting below. Cheaper alternative - just a dagger with global crit rate implicit, and mods with spell damage and added cold damage to spells. That daggers are cheap AF. Cast speed wands or crit daggers are bad choices for end-game weapon. Wand is more or less OK, but Shield Charge can't be used with it. While daggers just bad overall. Sambar Scepter (elem penetration implicit) - surprisingly, worst possible choice, avoid it. Weapon crafting
1. Buy needed base: 40% (if rich) or 32% (if not) increased elemental damage implicit scepter. It must be Shaper's and item level 85+. 2. Scour it. 3. Start alting it (with Alteration Orbs, obv), until you'll get "16-20% of elemental damage added as extra chaos damage" prefix. 4. Drop Regal Orb on it. 5. Drop Orb of Annulment on it - you need to have only that "extra chaos damage added" left on the scepter! If Annul removed this exact mod - go back to point 2. 6. At crafting bench craft "Can have multiple crafted mods" suffix - 2 ex. 7. Craft "66% increased spell damage" (better) or "50% increased spell damage / 4% of non-chaos damage added as extra chaos" (worse) - 1 ex 8. If needed, divine this item, until your chaos damage mod would have 20% and your spell damage crafted mod would be pretty close to maxed value (60+% is fine tho). 9. Craft "Adds 33-58 cold damage to spells" - 4c 10. Craft "28% to global critical strike multiplier" - 4c 11. Craft "69% increased critical strike chance for spells" - 3c You may get one of the possible crafted mods as natural rolls - do not need to annul them, obviously. Natural mods are always better (higher) than crafted ones. Your perfect end-game weapon is done, congratulations! 2. Shield Just any ES shiled with 250+ ES on it and some additional stats, like +mana, +mana regen and some resist. Nothing special and expensive. 3. Helmet Any ES helmet with 300+ ES pool. Most likely, this would be Hubris Circlet. Seek for high ES, mana and mana regen, +Dexterity. This one could cost 1+ ex. 200+ ES helmets cost nothing. Lab enchant: Winter Orb has +2 Maximum Stages (best) or Winter Orb deals 40% increased Damage 4. Body Armor. Shroud of the Lightless. This is 5 link, that for us works as 6-link - in-built Elem Penetration gem. Not bad evasion and ES (converted via our ascendancy). Pretty cheap - 1+ ex 5. Belt Stygian Vise belt with ES, Str and 2 resists. Pretty cheap. 6. Gloves Fingerless Silk Gloves. Look for ES (150+), Dexterity, missing resist. Pretty cheap. Lab enchant - any on your choice. I can recommend: Commandment of Reflection (creates a clone for more enemy distraction) 7. Boots Sin Trek. Cheap AF, fast, +Dex and good ES pool. Can't suggest something better here, really. Lab enchant: 10% elem penetration if you not killed recently (best - helps on bosses) Other: 120% increased crit rate if you haven't crit recently or 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently (MS boost), or... just whatever 8. Ring Left Dream Fragments. Cheap AF, mana and mana regen, huge cold resist, immune to chill and frozen states. 9. Ring Right Malachai's Articifice. Huge lightning resist, elemental equilibrium for slotted gems (see 'FAQ' section). Do NOT try to find highest Lightning resistance! This ring cost nothing. 10. Amulet Just usual amulet with Str, Dex, ES, missing resist and some other possible mod, like: % increased global ES, % increased projectile damage and AOE etc. Pretty cheap. 11. Jewels You can go for usual Cobalt jewels and look for +% ES, % increased global critical multiplier, % critical strike multiplier with cold skills Or for abyss Hypnotic Eye jewels and look for + flat ES, added cold damage to spells, added cold damage to spells while holding a shield Watcher's Eye? Energy from Within? Unnatural Instinct? It's not really needed. Yes, for real - it's NOT really needed. That jewels gives not much for a build, but has a cost of airplane. Sure, it's nice to have, but far from being even semi-mandatory 12. Flasks Atziri's Promise - just damage boost. Pretty cheap. The Wise Oak - Damage boost, but make sure, that your uncapped (total) cold resistance is highest. Otherwise it wouldn't wise, lol. Cheap flask, anyway. Quicksilver - Speed boost. Selfcrafted. Diamond - Damage bosst. Selfcrafted. Silver - Damage boost. Selfcrafted. Prefixes: Your choice, but I prefer 'Increased duration' or 'Reduced charges used' Suffixes (all are mandatory!): of Dousing - Ignite immune of Warding - Curses immune of Staunching - Bleed immune Dying Sun? Bottled Faith? It's nice to have, but not mandatory at all. Gem links
All gems are lvl 20 by default, if not mentioned another. All gems are 20% quality by default. 1. Body Winter Orb + Infused Channeling Support + Arcane Surge Support (lvl 17-18) + Concentrated Effect Support + Greater Multiple Projectiles Support (+ Hypothermia Support, for 6-link armor) 2. Helmet Zealotry + Discipline + Herald of Ice + Enlighten Support (lvl 3-4) 3. Gloves Projectile Weakness (lvl depends on your Dex, usually 16-17) + Spell Totem Support + Multiple Totems Support + Increased Duration Support Increased Duration here to boost curse duration (from 15 to 23 sec) and not affects totem duration at all. So feel free to change it with any other (support) gem on your choice, if you want. 4. Boots Cast When Damage Taken Support (lvl 2) + Immortal Call (lvl 2) + Cold Snap (lvl 8) + Bonechill Support 5. Weapon Shield Charge + Faster Attacks Support + Fortify Support 6. Shield Phase Run (lvl depends on your Dex, usually 17-18) + Increased Duration Support + Vaal Righteous Fire Honestly, I never used Phase Run - Shield Charge works just fine, so you can put Flame Dash instead of Phase Run - to be able pass obstacles. 7. Ring Summon Lightning Golem FAQ
What to do with bandits? Help Alira - obvious choice for crit based builds. Order of ascendancy? Swift Killer - Ghost Dance - Escape Artist - Harness the Void Pantheon gods? Major: Lunaris - just a big boost to our already insane evasion. Solaris - may help on end-game bosses Minor: Garukhan - even more evasion and speed boost while no enemies around Ralakesh - helps with bleed Yugul - helps with reflection How all this stuff even work? At the start of the map you'll channel WOrb to get 10 stacks of WO, then start charging to monsters to get Fortify. Few charges - 1-2 sec of channel, rince and repeat until boss room. At boss / betrayal - drop totems and turn on Vaal RF with flasks. Recast golem if he died and totems when curse expired. Explain that strange right ring choice! Our lightning golem would have Elemental Equilibrium and he attacking with lightning element only. So, with every hit, he would increase lightning resist of monster by 25% (who cares?) and decrease fire and cold by insane 50%. This debuff lasts until monster death (or til new fight phase) and not reduced by end-game bosses curse immunities! Why boss in POB has -50% cold resist? Are you cheesing numbers? Not. Just POB doesn't supports that ring (yet?), so I has set it manually. Why totems and not Curse on hit setup with Orb of storms or Storm Brand? You can do it, for sure. But totems able to draw aggro from you with ease, while orb or brand - can't. Why Projectile Weakness and not Cold/Elemental weakness curse? Even 17 lvl Proj Weakness provides better DPS boost and knockback. But feel free to use any curse on your choice: Elem weakness, Assassin's Mark or Warlord's Mark etc. I don't see Warlord's Mark curse - how I would survive? We have more than enough ES leech nodes on the tree. How I can run Discipline, Zealotry and Herald at the same time? We have Enlighten, then we have several mana reservation nodes on the tree. To feel ourself comfortable we need to have ~150 unreserved mana. That's why we need mana and mana regen on gear. Btw, Discipline is not mandatory aura - you can not use it until very end-game. Just do not forget to level it up, lol. I didn't get - how I can be prepared to Elem reflect? Here is tricks - we are Tricksters, right? 1st, take "Ash, Frost and Storm" nodes on the tree (upper left area from Scion). This is generally good nodes, increasing our elemental damage. And also provides 20% reduced reflected damage taken. 2nd, for that cases switch minor god to Yugul - another 25% reduced reflected damage taken 3rd, for that cases, instead of Dream Fragments, equip Sybil's Lament ring (to left slot!) - another 40% reduced reflected damage taken. That ring cost nothing. Or better, but more expensive option - buy a Watcher's Eye with "40-50% reduced reflected damage taken while affected by Purity of Elements". And you will need to have Purity of Elements gem, obviously - it would take place of Zealotry aura. This 3 options (also resists, evasion, block and leech) would allow you to run elem reflect maps without any efforts at all. Trust me - I've tested. Does it Hardcore viable? Not tested, but most likely yes. But take care at closer to CI switch levels, where you would have lot of ES, but low Life, so any chaos damage would be able to easely kill you. Does it Solo-Self-Found viable? Not tested, but most likely yes - there is no extremely rare uniques. Does it possible to do as Occultist, Scion, Pathfinder, Teslamobile? No idea. Occultist is pretty much possible, but would have lower defense layers and lower DPS. Any others - pretty much not. Hey, I've seen all (part) of this in the ...'s build! Are you thief? Not, I'm trickster :D Somayd posted his video at 26th March. I've seen his guide and added improvement comment at 5th April. And all of that ideas just lays on the surface and pretty much obvious for anyone more or less experienced. Leveling tips
Start as Shadow, obviously. Take Freezing Pulse + Volley Support + any other supports, depends on number of links in your gear. Use it until 28, where you can take WOrb. Start as Life based (look at leveling trees in POB), middle game - as hybrid, switch to CI at ~70-80, right after completing Act 10. You would have up to 20 respec points, but maybe you'll need to buy several Orbs of Regret either. Leveling gear: Tabula Rasa (any 5-link would work just fine, they cost nothing), 2 Lifesprig wands, Asenath's Mark helmet, Wanderlust boots, Hrimsorrow/Lochtonial Caress gloves. This gear could easely carry you through acts and even fine for early mapping. Leveling gear example
I've heisted local bank so far, now I can... have lots of exalts - how I can spend it?
First, someone, call the Police, lol. Gems Winter Orb gem - double corrupt 21 lvl /23% qual (for single corrupt: 21/20 is much better than 20/23) Then same for WO support gems Then Herald of Ice and auras Enlighten lvl 4 Body armor Shaper armor, 6-link, hybrid Eva/ES (Carnal Armour or Sadist Garb) with 1600+ Evasion and 400+ ES, iLVL 86+, rolled mods "+1 to slotted active skill gems" and "+1.5% crit rate for spells", and maybe 1 resist or missing stat. Then, this (or Shroud of Lightless) armor, but double-corrupted for +2 to AOE gems / +2 to Projectile gems / +2 to Duration gems (choose any 2 from this 3) Amulet The Pandemonius - obviously, huge damage boost. 4+ ex Gloves + Amulet Amulet - corrupted for +1 curse. You can just craft it on the body armor too, btw Gloves - corrupted for Elemental Weakness lvl 10-12 on hit Jewels Unnatural Instinct - set it to the upper right slot from Scion. Watcher's Eye - set it to any free slot. Good rolls are (choose at least 1 for every aura): * % increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline * % increased Cast Speed while affected by Zealotry Critical Strikes Penetrate % of Enemy Elemental Resistances while affected by Zealotry * % reduced Reflected Elemental Damage taken while affected by Purity of Elements (optional) Usual jewels, corrupted for Immune to corrupted blood (1st priority!), Maim, Hinder, Silence, Bird Flu... Weapon Explained in the Gear and Craft sections Shield More DPS - Light of Lunaris. Has low ES pool, but, possible, best DPS shield in the game. Has 1+ ex cost. More tankyness - Apep's Supremacy. Pretty good ES pool, faster ES recharge start, converts bleed from phys to chaos damage. Pretty expensive - 2+ ex cost Both variants req better resists on rares, that also mean much more cost of them. Flasks Dying Sun (instead of Wise Oak) Bottled Faith (instead of Silver or Diamond) Gear example
Just my gear, faaaaar from being perfect, but capable to pull out 1,7 mil Shaper DPS (with 20/20 gems ofc) Auctioneer House - is a MUST! 'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SilverWF#6383 เมื่อ 20 เม.ย. 2019 22:55:13 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 9 มิ.ย. 2019 20:53:48
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Map mods explanation
Impossible This mods just can't be done, whatever magic you could use.
There is NO such mods for us, sorry.
Dangerous This mods are fine by themselves, but if combined with each other, especially at higher tier maps (14+) - can make your ass pain. Still doable, tho.
* Monsters reflect (any)% of Elemental Damage - must get prepared to it (see the FAQ section), otherwise it's impossible.
* Players have 60% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield - affects Leech rate too, so take care. * Area has patches of shocking ground - Dangerous if monsters can't be chilled or has higher chances to hit * Players are Cursed with Elemental Weakness - if you have at least +35% overcapped resists (110%+ total) it's fine. * Players are Cursed with Vulnerability - Dangerous if monsters can't be chilled or has higher chances to hit * - (any)% maximum Player Resistances - Dangerous if monsters can't be chilled or has higher chances to hit * Monsters have 90% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments - Very hard to chill and freeze monsters, means they has much more time to attack on us, so we would have harder time while cleaning. * Player chance to Dodge is Unlucky - especially dangerous, if paired with previous one. Unpleasant This mods just ruins our QoL.
* Players are Cursed with Temporal Chains - I'm dislike to be slow. Not really slow with Shield Charge, btw. Also, this curse helps us to easier maintain WO stacks while cleaning - they lasts longer.
* Can not regenerate Life, Mana and ES - No Mana regen means we can't attack. Can be fixed with turning off Zealotry and slotting some mana flask. I recommend to use Surgeon prefix - 20% chance to get a charge on crit. * Monsters are Hexproof - More time to kill bosses on higher tier maps, because we can't curse them with Proj Weakness * +40% Monster Elemental Resistance - More time to kill bosses on higher tier maps, because they are reducing our damage on them much better That's it. All other mods are fine in the any possible variations and combinations. Auctioneer House - is a MUST! 'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SilverWF#6383 เมื่อ 20 เม.ย. 2019 18:12:13
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Defeated elder guardians (t13-t14), red Elder (t15) and Shaper, everything deathless and I can say, pretty easy.
Not a big deal, I know, but still - I'm not experienced in this fights at all :) Snapshot of the character Lvl 93, 8k ES, 490k shaper DPS (x5), total budget - ~15-20 ex Auctioneer House - is a MUST! 'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SilverWF#6383 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2019 11:45:31
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you can use two beltimbers and drop GMP for more dps and cheaper build
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" Well, it's still less DPS (not much tho - maybe 5%), also as loose of 25% block chance and ~800 ES for my current gear. Auctioneer House - is a MUST! 'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SilverWF#6383 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2019 14:12:45
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" but loosing ES and survibality?... Im thinking of trying this build... |
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I did it and it seems working really good, thanks for the build...
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I've decided to try this build for my end of league fun build. I've never tried a Worb build before.
I'd like to switch to wOrb at 28 and just use it all the way through. Slapped a tabula on along with the recommended leveling uniques. Going past 28 what would be the gear I'm looking for? For weapon is it just pure Ele damage as I'm leveling>? should I go double weapon or weapon and shield? Am using double Axioms right now cause I have no clue :) I'm assuming rest of gear is just hybid life+es and what else? I get the end game build, I'm just trying to figure out what to keep my eyes open for to make the leveling process as painless as possible. Thanks! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ElectroHarmonix#2087 เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2019 12:24:12
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" This build is already painless as it only possible You get leveling uniques - use it till maps. You can equip shield, if you want start using shield charge earlier. I've used Tabula till 71, where I switched it to the Shroud. If you still wanna buy some rares, then look for missing stats, resists and for Spell dmg, Spell crit, Ele damg, Cold dmg - nothing special -------------- Tested: We are NOT affected by "cannot leech life/mana from monsters" map mods. Auctioneer House - is a MUST! 'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SilverWF#6383 เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2019 13:24:23
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So, did Uelder today
Guardians T16 all easy and deathless Uelder T17 - 2 deaths, but this was my first EVER Uber Elder, and I did some dumb mistakes, like missed some Elder AOE strikes. Also, as usual, I completely forgot to use flasks >< Other than this - fight was pretty smooth and fast: just charge around, cast WO, catch vortexes at the corners. We can get caught by Shaper's beam, but not tank it, obv. We can catch 1 Shaper's ball, but not 2nd We can completely ignore Elder's Ice spears. But do not miss his AOE slam, that has loooong preparation, so long, that you can forgot about it, lol Snapshot: https://pastebin.com/0AL6ytJ6 95 lvl, 504k DPS (x5, it will be 645k with Vaal RF, but I didn't used it in the Uelder fight), 8.7k ES, 2.8k ES leech, 43% evade chance, 23% block chance Gods: Lunaris and Gruthkul Since last snapshot: bought Pandemonius (3 ex) crafted body armor (~2 ex) bought shield (~40 c) bought belt (~30 c) /age: character was created 14 days ago /played: 7 days, 7 hours /deaths: 18 times Auctioneer House - is a MUST! 'POE2' is not 'POE1 2.0'! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3614313 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SilverWF#6383 เมื่อ 20 เม.ย. 2019 20:43:54
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