[3.6] Herald of Agony Mana Guardian [22k ES, 55k armour]

snowmittens เขียน:

Unfortunately I'm out of T16 maps and kinda not playing anymore but would be nice to know if this build could do Uber OK. My guess is that With the boss immunity switches you need to make sure the crawler is attacking the right target by attacking it yourself first

Your post combined that in standard it was easy to spawn Uber Elder triggered me to try it in my test toon just for fun, after 2 failed attempts i killed him in my 3rd try..here is the link if you are interested:

in the start i was testing storm brand and then in mid fight i switched to ball lightning.

In general in these attempts i reached in 3 conclusions:

1. for my level of skill(i suck) slow immunity that kaoms roots provide is crusial

2. when i tried to do the "correct way" i mean goin around in circles, killing the Propagators and doing damage as soon i can the DPS wasnt enouph, so i just focus killing shaper and elder and ignored all the rest, the ability of the build to facetank is amazing, i survived from things i couldnt imagine i could.

3. i am very sure it can be done deathless

I consider my items pretty budget.. the most expensive are 2 healthy mind jewels with corruption for reduced mana to fit war banner in.. nothing else isnt expensive.. overall this is the 3rd build i have managed to kill uber elder and it's by far far the most cheap.

P.S. the super expensive watcher's eye that i dont have would give me around 3.5k ES, frankly i don't think its needed except for minmax.

character name is Sototug if someone want to check him

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย stred_#1662 เมื่อ 5 พ.ค. 2019 01:56:41
Good job! Excellent run for a super budget build

Watching you move in slow motion was painful, definitely need to keep Roots as an option for that fight

You still have better playing skills than me

Uber is easier to span on standard? how come? Maybe I need to start playing standard

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย snowmittens#5923 เมื่อ 5 พ.ค. 2019 03:50:07
snowmittens เขียน:
Good job! Excellent run for a super budget build

Watching you move in slow motion was painful, definitely need to keep Roots as an option for that fight

You still have better playing skills than me

Uber is easier to span on standard? how come? Maybe I need to start playing standard

Thanks, its easier in standard because i have gathered enough currency from temp leagues to spam t16s so when elder spawns he spawns straight in t15s and t16s.

Now i am testing a full offensive setup with a 3link herald of purity instead of discipline and respeccing ascendancy points towards Unwavering crusade for the accuracy and the intimidate..

In theory it gives my HOA around 100k shaper dps more and cull with the purity's heralds..


I finally found some exas to buy

and fit aspect of the spider in new boots

Next step: empower 4 (can't vaal it this league..) if i can fit it.I Will have to change chest for this too.

As this this a reroll, I'm pretty slow to buy things ^^

edit :
empower done o//
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Dezosseur#0505 เมื่อ 6 พ.ค. 2019 11:44:39
stred_ I like your setup, cost less than mine, and looks well balanced

gratz for your uber kill!

Edit : If you ask yourself "will I play this build or not?", I think the only reason not to play this is clearspeed meta. Incursions and synthesis are a pain because of the timer. You will still succeed sometimes, but not all the time,like with a Worb build. Beside this you can do all boss (ubers with investment), delve 300+ is easy (sure you can go as deep as best builds).
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Dezosseur#0505 เมื่อ 6 พ.ค. 2019 10:55:48
Other solution to trust dps is dual curse with setup like that:

Amulet can be expensive, had the chance to get one at 3ex but it is a good way to have more damage.

Fly safe
Dezosseur เขียน:
stred_ I like your setup, cost less than mine, and looks well balanced

gratz for your uber kill!

Edit : If you ask yourself "will I play this build or not?", I think the only reason not to play this is clearspeed meta. Incursions and synthesis are a pain because of the timer. You will still succeed sometimes, but not all the time,like with a Worb build. Beside this you can do all boss (ubers with investment), delve 300+ is easy (sure you can go as deep as best builds).

thnks a lot, nice gear yourself there :)

as far as progress goes with the more dps setup i managed a uber elder kill deathless and without kaom roots! pitty i dont have a video because it was a test run for volley or gmp in ball lightning and didnt expect to kill him! lolz! (battle went much faster, dps increase helped a lot).

as far as poison setup my final setup is:

ball lightning-poison-GMP-unleash!!

for this setup you need a source of chaos dmg to spells(i used an abyss jewel)

even with 80% chance to poison gmp with unleash spit so many lightning balls that virulence stacks are instant 40 at packs and pretty high at bosses!
this also setup solved my targeting issues in uber elder fight (volley instead of GMP works also well).

also in this setup with so many hits endurance charge generation is instant so i used lvl20s cwdt-incr.duration-immortal call-proj.weakness in uber elder fight and it worked very well.

as far as the question "will I play this build or not?" its yes and no.

my personal suggestion is to have two characters in the league because frankly that level of tankiness isn't needed in regular mapping, speed isn't bad but simply there are so many builds that clear so fast that a regular mapper and a boss killer makes more sense.

i would probable use a tri herald elementalist for clear and if boss is hard i would switch to this character..

it's so nice to see syndicate encounters in hard rolled t16s and just laugh because they simple wont't kill you.. i will miss this when i stop playing this build.
I got bored playing occultist agony so have been working on a guardian agony/spider build instead. Figured y'all would like my take on it, so here's the details:


I am still pretty early on leveling but it's a fun build so far. Can also use the whakawahka shield for about 3k more ES but aegis aurora is really good, makes me stay at capped ES all the time pretty much. I kinda should get a shield charge setup in here as well so that I can attack and proc more block chance but so far it's going well, no deaths either
allana เขียน:
I got bored playing occultist agony so have been working on a guardian agony/spider build instead. Figured y'all would like my take on it, so here's the details:


I am still pretty early on leveling but it's a fun build so far. Can also use the whakawahka shield for about 3k more ES but aegis aurora is really good, makes me stay at capped ES all the time pretty much. I kinda should get a shield charge setup in here as well so that I can attack and proc more block chance but so far it's going well, no deaths either

Look interesting i guess it trust clear speed and help boss dps nicely, how do you generate the spider? i don't see desecret self cast or shieldcharge+culling strike setup?

Fly safe
I am running a HoAg Guardian as well, but in a more extreme version of it, having more damage, armour and more auras, you can check out my POB and see if you got any inspiration.

I make use of Grelwood so I will have iron reflex while stationary, and 2 Nostalgia ring for huge mana reduction in HoAg, allow me using many other auras.

Current stat: 14.6k ES, 100k/177k/330k armour (Moving/Stationary/Flasked), 900k shaper DPS



