[3.7] Cyclone CwC Blade Vortex CI Trickster

thedeathbeam เขียน:

The movement speed is still pretty decent, I was also considering Phase Run to move to packs that are further away, current movement setup is definitely not final.

Could we get perma Phase Run thanks to all the Frenzy Charge stacks?
And what about using a Devoto helmet?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย elek006#3256 เมื่อ 5 มิ.ย. 2019 18:34:59
thedeathbeam เขียน:

Just priotizing the big clusters without minor nodes behind them is probably the best thing to do. When leveling, focus on Shadow area, e.g Resourcefulness, Lethal Assault, Void Barrier and Soul Thief. Then you can probably start pathing to Elemental Overload, taking Melding and Written in Blood on the way. After taking some more big ES clusters, like Arcane Focus, Unnatural Claim, Arcane Will you can start slowly migrating to crit, CI and Ghost Reaver. For crit prioritize Serpent Stance as that is the best node on tree for us (if you are using staff at this point). After that it should be pretty straightforward.

For now, this is at least what I am going to do, the steps might change after I will actually play the character in 3.7.

Gotcha, makes sense.

And is the plan to level with a staff right from the start? Or did you have a specific leveling unique weapon in mind?
"just for try, for see and for know"
jdilly23 เขียน:
Curious how I would go about leveling this at league start?

Been away for a few leagues and never played blade vortex so any help would be appreciated!

I have added an additional leveling section to the notes in the PoB pastebin below. Also added 3 extra trees:

Level 40
Level 40 for Essence Drain/Contagion
Level 70

Link: https://pastebin.com/hvBSjizF
thedeathbeam เขียน:
moumout เขียน:
isn't it better to use Infused channeling as support gem for your setup ?
(looked on the commentaries, didn't find one talking about it)

The main damage source is Blade Vortex, Cyclone is used just to auto-cast it so Infused Channeling will be pretty weak link as it applies only to main skill and not to supported ones.

moumout เขียน:
my bad, thought blade vortex had the "channeling" tag, dont konw why lol

You are correct that Cyclone will now have the channeling tag applied to it. But thedeathbeam is saying that the damage will be focused on coming from the Blade Vortexes and not Cyclone, so using infused channeling will be empowering your not-as-important skill. The build is using Cyclone as a source to be able to cast blade vortex while still moving, and that's really all we need it for in this build.
Sati_V เขียน:
jdilly23 เขียน:
Curious how I would go about leveling this at league start?

Been away for a few leagues and never played blade vortex so any help would be appreciated!

I have added an additional leveling section to the notes in the PoB pastebin below. Also added 3 extra trees:

Level 40
Level 40 for Essence Drain/Contagion
Level 70

Link: https://pastebin.com/hvBSjizF

The level 40 and 70 trees look pretty good, thanks! Not sure if I want to add ED/Contagion leveling setup though, because the tree is pretty different (or at least the scaling is) and it requires a lot of gem slots, e.g when league starting people will need even more sockets to level stuff on the side, also people generally prefer to level with something similar as their main setup will be.

Also, before both Sovereignty and Reduced mana reservation near CI, this build can't really use Hatred (well, with Enlighten it possibly can), and both Discipline and Herald of Ash are much more important than Hatred (Ash for clear, Discipline to counteract the shitty gear we will have at start).

I would probably make some adjustments to lvl 70 tree to take Utmost Intellect over some small ES nodes (as the value of that cluster is pretty damn high for ES), but otherwise it is pretty close to what I would use, I think. So if I can use your trees, I would probably like to update main post with the lvl 70 and 40 one (with slight changes).
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while the damage looks more than fine, my main concern is will the aoe radius for blade vortex be big enough to comfortly clear maps?
Arrensen เขียน:
while the damage looks more than fine, my main concern is will the aoe radius for blade vortex be big enough to comfortly clear maps?

Yeah, I think it will be fine, the current radius with Inc Aoe support is 27:

with Herald of Ash it will spread past that as well, so this should be clearing whole packs by just running through them.
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jdilly23 เขียน:
thedeathbeam เขียน:

Just priotizing the big clusters without minor nodes behind them is probably the best thing to do. When leveling, focus on Shadow area, e.g Resourcefulness, Lethal Assault, Void Barrier and Soul Thief. Then you can probably start pathing to Elemental Overload, taking Melding and Written in Blood on the way. After taking some more big ES clusters, like Arcane Focus, Unnatural Claim, Arcane Will you can start slowly migrating to crit, CI and Ghost Reaver. For crit prioritize Serpent Stance as that is the best node on tree for us (if you are using staff at this point). After that it should be pretty straightforward.

For now, this is at least what I am going to do, the steps might change after I will actually play the character in 3.7.

Gotcha, makes sense.

And is the plan to level with a staff right from the start? Or did you have a specific leveling unique weapon in mind?

Pretty much yeah, wand/sceptre and shield is also an option. Getting Xirgil's Clank early will be ideal, but as it drops only from lab, that might be tricky.
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Wait, can you do cyclone with a wand?

By the way, onslaught can be linked with herald of ice. Maybe in the first days even use it instead of the fire one.
Solitairepro เขียน:
Wait, can you do cyclone with a wand?

By the way, onslaught can be linked with herald of ice. Maybe in the first days even use it instead of the fire one.

Nope, but you can do Cyclone with sceptre, what should be fine (instead of wand). And yeah it can, but, at start we do not have enough cold damage or crit to reliably proc it, even though it is solid idea before abyss jewel and Hatred, definitely something that can be done.
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