[3.7] [Theorycraft] CI Cyclone-CwC-Soulrend Trickster

Hello exiles,

This is my attempt at making a nice build for 3.7 which can also be used as a league starter. Due to the nature of Soulrend it should also be a great choice for the legion content (tagging lots of monsters). Bear in mind that this the first build I have ever made. So it surely is optimizable and not perfect by any means

Pros and Cons
- Decent damage whilst focussing on defenses with most gear
- Stun/knockback immune due to the nature of cyclone
- Immune to frozen and chilled due to equipping Dream Fragments
- Relatively cheap to start with and SSF viable
- Adjustable to your own needs and preferences
- With my planned setup I get ~8k ES , 78 %evade chance , 20% Dodge chance against attacks and spells , 18 % block chance

- Switch to CI might be rough as a league starter
- Most likely isn't the fastest build

Gems and Links

Main Skill (Cyclone-Soulrend setup) in our weapon
Cyclone - Cast while Channeling - Soulrend - Controlled Destruction - Efficacy - GMP / Swift Affliction

GMP is used for mapping and is replaced with Swift Affliction for boss fights.
If you happen to craft/buy a staff with CwC on it then you replace the CwC with Void Manipulation.

Bane setup in the body armour
Bane - Despair - Efficacy - Controlled Destruction - Swift Affliction - Void Manipulation

Bane is used mostly for bosses and some tougher pack to debuff them with despair. You could also choose to go dual curses and fit in an Enfeeble in this setup.

Auras (will be put in our helmet)
Discipline - Malevolence - Enlighten(at least LVL 3) - Vaal Grace

Discipline and Malevolence are mandatory. Grace howere is a personal choice of mine and can be substitued in different ways. Either you use something like Zealotry to boost your damage and create Consecrated Ground on Hitting Rare/Unique enemies OR you simply ditch the third aura which means you don't need many reduced mana reservation nodes on the tree and can use them somewhere else.

Movement Skill
Flame Dash - Faster Casting - Arcane Surge(LVL7)

Flame Dash is used to get over ledges and to get the Arcane Surge buff.

Boss boost Dps setup
Wither - Spell Totem - Faster Casting

Each Wither stack increases the Chaos damage the enemy takes by 6% and it can stack up to 15 times. This is a huge boost in dps for boss fights.

Last gem slots

Summon Flame Golem



Make sure these skills are not linked with the flame dash/wither setups. Flame golem can be exchanged with another golem of your choice like Chaos golem.

Regarding steelskin and the other guard skill: I guess I will have to play around and see which one suits the best. I will update this when I find the best option.

Skill Tree

PoB link for a lvl 92 tree
I don't really have levelling trees but early on you want to spend some points into life nodes and specc out of them when you transition to CI

Ascendancy points order:
Patient Reaper -> Ghost Dance -> Excape Artist -> Prolonged Pain
Swift Killer might also be a valid options as your 4th choice due to having permanent frenzy and power charges for bosses then (power charges aren't particulalry useful but due to Swift Killer they boost our damage by a little bit). Might have to try it out and see how it feels


Kill all


- Use ED/Contagion until you have Bane. From then on use Bane until lvl 38 (then you can use Cyclone-CwC-Soulrend-GMP and swap GMP for Swift Affliction for bosses)
- Look out for helpful uniques early on (Goldwrim, Wanderlust, Tabula)
- Vendoring a blue wand + chaos gem results in a +1 to chaos gem wand
- Look out for staves when you want to transition to the Cyclone-CwC-Soulrend setup



Sire of Shards
Cane of the Unravelling

Sire of Shards can be a good option early on(especially for legion content) and the Cane of the Unravelling gives us a good dps boost.

The best option would be a self crafted shaper staff with CwC and + X level to Chaos gems

Body Armour

Hyrri's Ire
Queen of the Forest

Hyrri's Ire has amazingevasion rating and thus we get a high amount of ES from it. It also grants us 10% dodge chance for attacks and spells.
Queen of the Forest can be used for speed farming lower tier maps

You can also use a self crafted Evasion/ES body armour


The Vertex

The Vertex has good amount of Evasion and ES and gives +1 to our auras and enlighten

You could also use a self crafted ES helm with -x% chaos resistance to nearby enemies


Simply buy or craft some ES gloves with as much ES as possible and some resists plus stats if possible


Simply buy or craft some ES boots with as much ES as possible. Movement Speed is mandatory for cycloning faster. Some resist are nice here aswell


You can either choose a stygian vise with some ES and resists or go for a crystal/chain belt. I personally prefer a stygian vise


You will need some strength and dexterity for some of your gems/gear and thus a citrine amulet is a great choice. Try to get some more str/dex, ES and some resists aswell.


Dream Fragments

Dream Fragments grants us some cold resistance and on top of that gives us immunity to chills and freezes.

The other ring should be a rare ring with some ES, as much resist as possible and some str/dex if needed


1. Alchemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline
2. Jade Flask
3. Quartz Flask
4. Granite Flask
5. Stibnite Flask

Chose prefixes depending on your own preferences.
For suffixes make sure you have the following:
- of staunching
- of warding
- of grounding
- of dousing


Energy from Within

We use one energy from within to transform 15% inc max life to 15%inc max ES

For the other jewel slots we will be using rare jewels (also on abyss jewel if you chose a stygian vise) which will increase our ES and damage. Fill out resistances if needed

Due to the huge amount of possible affixes on jewels I advise you to take a look at poeaffix and check for affixes which will benefit this build and setup a live search for them


Major gods:
I personally prefer Soul of Lunaris (inc. movement speed, phys reduction, chance to avoid projectiles, some chance to avoid attacks and spells if you have been hit) but Soul of Solaris is also a viable option

Minor gods:
Take one of these based of what you personally prefer.
Sould of Garukhan, Sould of Gruthkul, Soul of Ralakesh


Due to this being my first self-created build I expect some improvements happening over the course of the league. If you see any room for improvement or some mistakes, let me know.

Feel free to comment and ask questions. I will gladly answer them if possible

Thanks for reading!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Rebazinho187#0753 เมื่อ 7 มิ.ย. 2019 09:26:41
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2019 08:51:04

I was planning on doing a CWC cyclone soulrend build also but in a slightly different way.

My idea so far is dual wielding beltimber blades. giving us 160% increased evasion and +4 projectiles as we should always be moving using a movement skill.
also let's us use things like queen of the forest the be a super speedy boy or go with a more defensive option.

Really think this will be a bit of a sucky boss killer but will be decent for speed clearing maps (i hope)
cagz เขียน:

I was planning on doing a CWC cyclone soulrend build also but in a slightly different way.

My idea so far is dual wielding beltimber blades. giving us 160% increased evasion and +4 projectiles as we should always be moving using a movement skill.
also let's us use things like queen of the forest the be a super speedy boy or go with a more defensive option.

Really think this will be a bit of a sucky boss killer but will be decent for speed clearing maps (i hope)

I think starting with dual beltimber blades might be a valid strategy (you won't need gmp then but your damage will be really low against bosses as you mentioned yourself).

Queen of the forest can also be used in my setup and will give the +50 % movement speed ;)

You can also switch to another weapon for bosses if you want

I am sure this will clear maps quite good and fast. especially the legion encounters!
How's the build been working out for you? I haven't had much time to play yet but doesn't seem to bad as a league starter, especially lvling with ED. When would you recommend switching to the cyclone setup though? As soon as you get at least a 5-link?
Shwiishwartu เขียน:
How's the build been working out for you? I haven't had much time to play yet but doesn't seem to bad as a league starter, especially lvling with ED. When would you recommend switching to the cyclone setup though? As soon as you get at least a 5-link?

The leveling is really smooth so far. Haven't played that much yet tbh but I used ED and Contagin on +1 to chaos gem wands in 3 link setups and had no problems. Switched to Bane recently in a 3 link setup in a +1 chaos wand and still use ED for bosses. Things melt

Regarding the switch to Cyclone: I will try it out soon in a 4 link setup. Not sure if it will feel smooth though tbh. Maybe it will need a 5 link setup. Another option will be to level with bane all the way until blood aqueduct and then switch once you farm a tabula. Will let you know if a 4-link will feel smooth
Shwiishwartu เขียน:
How's the build been working out for you? I haven't had much time to play yet but doesn't seem to bad as a league starter, especially lvling with ED. When would you recommend switching to the cyclone setup though? As soon as you get at least a 5-link?

SO I just switched to Cyclone-CwC-Soulrend-GMP and whilst the damage does feel a bit low against rares or bosses, the playstyle feels really smooth (lots of es leech and constant movement). It also aloows you to use Discipline and Malevolence immediately due to barely using your mana. You should totally still use Bane and ED for tougher rares and bosses to boost the dps.
Dunno if i'm blind, idiot or something but "Hyrri's Ire has amazingevasion rating and thus we get a high amount of ES from it" where's the ES on Hyrri's ire? i only see evasion and dodge, not ES.
Thx for anwser.
Terter83 เขียน:
Dunno if i'm blind, idiot or something but "Hyrri's Ire has amazingevasion rating and thus we get a high amount of ES from it" where's the ES on Hyrri's ire? i only see evasion and dodge, not ES.
Thx for anwser.

We get ES from Hyrri's Ire due to our ascendancy notable Escape Artist, which grants us "+1 to maximum Energy Shield per 6 Evasion Rating on Body Armour"

A 20 quality Hyrri's Ire can get up to ~2900 evasion rating which results in 483 ES, which isn't too bad if you count in the Evastion rating (and thus evade chance) and the dodge chance.
Oh, ok, thx you very much :)



