[3.9] Nickonasty's Modular CoCpri Ice Nova Assassin - Shaper/UElder Viable

Simsons2 เขียน:
Made some quality of life changes/change chest/re-made tree a bit. Using unnatural instinct and depth perception cluster now. Since i have 3400 accuracy i dropped golem for frostbomb in cwdt now. Anointed Heart of Ice

Life/Amount of Auras.

Different chest since with assasins mark proc we hit pretty much 100% crit on both Spells and Cyclone due to my watchers. Leo slam on boots was +10% dodge which is nice. Strength node in glorious vanity range gives 12% Aura Effect , other +30 node i'm about to pick up there is 4% Phys Reduction/40% armor.

Managed to perfectly balance Wise Oak too.
Reminder if you have 14% CDR and want to use Mistwalker - you want your Cyclone APS to be 6.39-41 in hideout.

Here's POB if anyone is interested - https://pastebin.com/eW1wfwAQ

That's a pretty crazy min-max. I'm just about done fine tuning an AoF Dodge variant inspired by SpiritKid's guide. No shatters, decent survivability, looking at just under 6m DPS with 20 gems and no VRF.

noot noot
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ralign#2480 เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2019 16:32:17
rehababa เขียน:
how does poacher's mark and enfeeble work at the same time? doesn't poacher's mark overwrite enfeeble since we have only 1 curse application?

I have the same question as rehababa regarding Poachers Mark & Enfeeble. Thank you in advance for any insight!
L0NG BCHGestapo เขียน:
rehababa เขียน:
how does poacher's mark and enfeeble work at the same time? doesn't poacher's mark overwrite enfeeble since we have only 1 curse application?

I have the same question as rehababa regarding Poachers Mark & Enfeeble. Thank you in advance for any insight!

Your CWDT enfeeble doesn't proc all the time, only when you take a big hit and it overwrites poacher's mark. Most of the time poacher's mark is active.
noot noot
I might be blind, i cant seem to find what pantheon this build uses. I cant seem to avoid random one shots anyone have any suggestions?
XenJerec เขียน:
I might be blind, i cant seem to find what pantheon this build uses. I cant seem to avoid random one shots anyone have any suggestions?

You can use Solaris/Lunaris and Ralakesh/Yugul(for Elder/Shaper)
noot noot
Ralign เขียน:
XenJerec เขียน:
I might be blind, i cant seem to find what pantheon this build uses. I cant seem to avoid random one shots anyone have any suggestions?

You can use Solaris/Lunaris and Ralakesh/Yugul(for Elder/Shaper)

thank you. im trying to calculate my dps. where do i take damage etc from and what modifiers do i have enabled for the most accurate dps?
Anyone have ES version of build with similar damage output?
Shoulda have around 10k ES and a lot of leech.
Also, pastebin is outdated and for 1.3.7, someone can share newer version of this build?

After some flicking in POB I got +40k more average hit damage for ice nova with 8.7k EHP from original build.
Here it is:
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ZbHDOFGUoZ#3322 เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2019 06:44:04
XenJerec เขียน:
Ralign เขียน:
XenJerec เขียน:
I might be blind, i cant seem to find what pantheon this build uses. I cant seem to avoid random one shots anyone have any suggestions?

You can use Solaris/Lunaris and Ralakesh/Yugul(for Elder/Shaper)

thank you. im trying to calculate my dps. where do i take damage etc from and what modifiers do i have enabled for the most accurate dps?

If you're using yoke and have a source of fire and chaos/phys damage tick Burning, Poisoned, and Chilled. I don't like ticking shock most of the time unless you have it running. Tick flasks and power charges, frenzies if present.
noot noot
kovarniypidor เขียน:
Anyone have ES version of build with similar damage output?
Shoulda have around 10k ES and a lot of leech.
Also, pastebin is outdated and for 1.3.7, someone can share newer version of this build?

After some flicking in POB I got +40k more average hit damage for ice nova with 8.7k EHP from original build.
Here it is:

Here's a few issues with your version:

Missing a keystone pickup for Glorious Vanity

It's level 100. Obviously it has more DMG output. Just take the original tree and pick up Heart of Ice wheel and it literally has more DMG than the tree you linked (245k vs 235k).

Less utility (less AoE, no hypnotic jewel with source of fire/phys damage for spells which means you aren't poisoning or igniting so your DMG is actually lower than 235k more like 216k)

And you also have to purchase a MoM and UI jewel. Where the original one doesn't.

In summary, not worth.
noot noot
Hey guys - I am playing HC and I see a ton of builds and PObs here. I have solid currency what would you guys suggest for a solid POB and I don’t care about min/max.



