(Retired Thread) Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems

Hey guys,

If you want to make leveling this much much easier, then all you do is level with Holy Flame totems and Zombies. The holy flame totems create consecrated ground any time their active and it keeps the zombies out-regenerating any damage they take. The playstyle is real easy - just drop the totems in the middle of an enemy group as you are approaching them, then your zombies will rush in to kill off the pack as you run past them. When the zombies rush in, they step on the consecrated ground from the totems and basically become invincible. You just keep rushing through the map and never stop - the totems and zombies kill almost everything before you can pass by the groups of enemies, if they don't, the totem will kill them even if you are off-screen, so you'll keep your flask charges up constantly.

Follow the skill tree as per the build guide, but you don't need to worry about taking any of the cold damage nodes or putting in the jewels until you have all the gear to transition across to the proper build once your starting out at maps, after finishing Act 10.

Order to obtain the skills and link them:

4-Link Holy Flame Totems:
Holy Flame Totem (Red - Level 4)
Added Fire Damage (Red - Level 8)
Elemental Focus (Blue - Level 18)
Fire Penetration Support (Red - Level 31)

Raise Zombie (Blue - Level 5)
Minion Damage (Blue - Level 8)
Minion Life (Blue - Level 18)
Meat Shield Support (Blue - Level 31)

Sounds a bit tin-foil-hat to say, but I often find when leveling that the most commonly linked RRRB items are white helm & glove bases, while the most commonly linked BBBB items are white body armour bases - so it may be worth adding these to your the leveling part of your preferred lootfilter, to help get the 4-linked skill setups equipped and running.

I used this method today and it took me 5 hours to finish act 10, although obviously that time will be slower for less experienced players reading this. I had the holy flame totem in a 2-link right through until Act 6 and Zombies in a 3-link until act 7. I grabbed the 4-linked white bases from poe.trade for 1 alchemy orb each and then used essences I'd collected to make sure each item had at least a life roll on it when I started Act 10.
I leveled just fine, go self-cast FP with a Totem FP until you get Ancestral Bond.

My Day 1 Progress

Next I'm going to focus on getting Jeweller's Touch, Soul Mantle and Self-Flagellation.

So far it's been a breeze.
When should I drop Faster Casting on Freezing Pulse? When I get a 6 link?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย NLe#7248 เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2019 14:54:02
Hey, I decided to start this league with this build and so far it's been going ok. I'm reaching the point where I'll soon have 20-30c, and I was wondering about Tabula vs Soul Mantle. Specifically, how many sockets would a Soul Mantle need to have before it out-performs a Tabula?
Alamandaros เขียน:
Hey, I decided to start this league with this build and so far it's been going ok. I'm reaching the point where I'll soon have 20-30c, and I was wondering about Tabula vs Soul Mantle. Specifically, how many sockets would a Soul Mantle need to have before it out-performs a Tabula?

early on soul mantle + jewellers touch cost even bit less than tabula, then it is nobrainer
Alamandaros เขียน:
Hey, I decided to start this league with this build and so far it's been going ok. I'm reaching the point where I'll soon have 20-30c, and I was wondering about Tabula vs Soul Mantle. Specifically, how many sockets would a Soul Mantle need to have before it out-performs a Tabula?

At 4 it's about even in dps if you're using kikazaru's + a 10% self flag. At 5 and above it's better. Considering Soul Mantle itself is 4c and the 5l prophecy is 19c, this is cheaper then buying a tabula.

A 5L Soul mantle is basically a 6L and you get an extra totem. What you pay for that is 4 passive points and 2x Kikazaru.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Magisch#5461 เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2019 16:11:11
And ty for the guide, just got to act 8 and already have Soul Mantle 5l, linked myself, and 2 Kikazarus '--' The leveling was kinda hard tbh... Very little damage, especially for bosses, but now, after lvl 49, i'm just flying throughout the acts kk'
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย nogenem#3071 เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2019 17:48:14
NLe เขียน:
When should I drop Faster Casting on Freezing Pulse? When I get a 6 link?

I never used it myself.

Alamandaros เขียน:
Hey, I decided to start this league with this build and so far it's been going ok. I'm reaching the point where I'll soon have 20-30c, and I was wondering about Tabula vs Soul Mantle. Specifically, how many sockets would a Soul Mantle need to have before it out-performs a Tabula?

A 4 socket/5 socket Soul Mantle will outperform a Tabula and will be Cheaper as long as you have self-flag/kikizarus
I've been leveling this with totems, took AB before 1st lab and I've had 0 problems, the damage is ok (but I'm not a very fast player anyway). I bought both First Snow jewels for 1c each.
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
For anyone currently leveling with this build: Do NOT put off doing your labs. Once you finish cruel lab and get your 2 First Snow jewels, you'll start to cruise.



